MLKP Members Defend the Self-governance Resistances at the Court
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The ideological, political and organizational rejection of the oppressed has created also a social crisis for the state which is already in a governing crisis. And the fear barriers that it chose to put forth for the sake of overcoming this crisis are all vain. The growing rejection against all those suppression, cruelty, exploitation and torture put after the 15th of July is spreading day by day as a dynamic element of our oppressed peoples' struggle for equality, justice and freedom. And this shakes the basis of the state of emergency regime. There will definitely be a response for what has happened in the hearts and the consciousness of the oppressed millions. The equality, justice and freedom desire of the oppressed has become a burning demand. Just as how Karl Marx said, "every problem emerges along with solution possibilities in its bosom". Our peoples will overthrow these dictatorship regimes destroying the lands of Anatolia and Mesopotamia, and achieve to bring freedom. We have a full trust on this. This is a truth that cruelty fails to darken: the most intense moment of darkness is the closest one for the dawn. While ending this part of my speech with our slogan "we are the future, we are the hope!", I would like to continue my words by detailing our party's ideological, political and social paradigm.
The history of our party can be summarized as the history of resistance, freedom and humanity; from the comrades Şeyh Bedrettin to Mustafa Suphi , Deniz Gezmiş to Kemal Pir, Hasan Ocak to Sabahat, Kutsiye Bozoklar to Beritan, and from Eylem to Medine. With its programme foretelling the upcoming news of a humane life for all oppressed laborer classes, oppressed peoples and for the women in particular, our party MLKP claims a paradigm built upon a moral and political future. Embracing a variety of diverse cultures, identities, beliefs and languages in a socialist society free from any kind of nationalist, reactionary, sexist arguments, it defends our peoples' right to live together under equal rights and freedom; so as it defends their right of self-determination. Rather than monist, homogeneous, assimilationist, fascist and racist system closed to any kind of diversity, our party recognizes and claims a governing system in which equality, justice and freedom are all shared by everyone. We deny the understanding that drives people from one election to another without recognizing their free will. This is why we defend and struggle for a social reality in which peoples directly govern themselves with their own institutional will.(...)
We do believe in the legitimacy of the local self-governances that present peoples' own political and institutional will with the self-governance declarations. Our land has a multi-cultural, multi-literal structure including diverse beliefs and identities. I clearly state that the concept of nation state which develops hostile politics against all these diversities, has no legitimacy at all. (...)
Together with the the last words of the 68' movement leaders Hüseyin İnan, Yusuf Aslan on the execution stand, I strongly believe that the last slogan of Deniz Gezmiş, "Long live the fraternity of Turkish and Kurdish peoples!", is the right guide for the solution of the existing chronic social problems that we have been facing with. That's why I count it as an internationalist duty to express our ideas on the legitimacy of our peoples' just and libertarian struggle with the multi-cultural democratic nation perspective against this racist mentality.
It is an inevitable internationalist duty and responsibility to have a revolutionary stance against the monist politics of the fascist chauvinist mentality, which has already turned our lands into a graveyard of cultures and will result in only new tragedies of genocide, just as how it has been since 1915 with our Armenian people or the Assyrian, Alevi, Hebrew and other peoples following after. You can talk about democracy only if you recognize the existence of others than yourself, of minority within the majority, and if you defend the right of their self-expression and self-existence. Here we are being tried because we defend these rights as the socialists. Without a doubt, it is the history which will decide who is the guilty one.
With the abolishment of peace negotiations, the isolation of the PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan has been intensified. If you try to enter Cizre, Sur and Nusaybin with bombardments of tanks, then the people just defend themselves. AKP's politics on Kurds is dragging the country to a total destruction. AKP is now in fear and worry. AKP became mad because of its hostility against Kurds. The politics of "peoples shall die, as long as AKP lives" is on the course.
State is a killing machine itself. They say "We will bring peace to Afrin". Those who fail to bring peace to Turkey cannot bring any peace to Afrin.
This trial has nothing to do with being lawful at all. We will never forget our bodies massacred in the basements of Cizre. This trial which I am tried in the name of the oppressed is an honor for me.
If the prosecutor is looking for a terrorist organization, he should just look to AKP itself."


