Peoples of Rojava Condemned Turkish Occupation
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Many cities in Rojava have organised rallies and demos for the Global Action Day against Turkish occupation.


The demonstration is a follow-up of the signature campaign launched by various parties, intellectuals and civil society organizations a while ago calling on international institutions and world governments to take a stand against Turkish invasion and support the Kurdistan freedom struggle.
Demonstration started at the Free Women's Square with thousands marching towards Martyr Egid Square with carrying posters of Kurdish People's Leader Abdullah Öcalan and banners condemning the Turkish state's policies against Kurdistan and invasion operation against Afrin. Democratic Union Party (PYD) Assembly member Dilber Yusuf held a speech in Martyr Egid Square and said; "Today is a historic day. Today is the beginning of a new process when we will enhance our struggle against Turkish fascism. Every inch of Kurdistan is an area of resistance. Free individuals will never accept Turkish invasion. Afrin and other parts of Kurdistan must be cleared of Turkish invasion."


Thousands of people gathered in Hesekê with their banners and slogans saying "No to Turkish occupation". Hesekê Canton Council co-chair, Ebdulxeni Oso spoke at the rally and said that the Turkish state wanted to revive the Ottoman Empire.


The peoples of Til Temir marched through the busy streets chanting slogans against the occupation of Afrin and South Kurdistan carried out by the Turkish state. Hesekê Canton Council deputy co-chair, Hemze Tolhildan who gave a speech at the demonstration stated that "the occupying Turkish state wants to seize the region because it cannot tolerate that here we are practicing co-existence and freedom. We say no to the occupation".


Citizens of Serekaniye also condemned the attacks of the invading Turkish state against Kurdistan.
The people gathered in Mala Gel (People's House) and walked to Freedom Square. Speaking here on behalf of TEV-DEM (Democratic Society Movement), Osman Xelil said that the people would resist together to the invading Turkish state. The people would resist the attacks against Afrin and Kurdistan, he said and added that the Turkish state actually plans to occupy the Middle East general.


The people of Dirbesiye met at the Youth Center in the center of the city chanting slogans against the occupation. Dirbesiye Council co-chair, Ebdullah Şêxka delivered the final speech saying the people together will defeat the Turkish occupation.


Kurds, Arabs and Syriacs in Dêrik gathered in the Azadî Square to protest the Turkish state's continued invasion attacks in various centers in Kurdistan. Shops were closed in the district during the march that continued up to Martyrs' Square. A minute's silence was held there for the martyrs of the freedom struggle, and a statement was read in the name of the Preparation Committee. The statement stressed that the invading Turkish state trampled all legal and humane values in their attacks against the Kurdish people.


The crowd gathered by the entrance of the district in Girkê Legê to protest the invading Turkish state's attacks, and started to march from there. Protesters chanted their fury against the inhuman practices and the invasion attacks by the Turkish state against Afrin during the march that continued up to the district center.
Democratic Union Party (PYD) Co-chair Ayşê Hiso spoke in the district center after a minute's silence, and stated that the resistance of Northern Syrian peoples has voided all plans. Kongreya Star administrator Menîfe Hisên protested the silence of the international community in the face of Turkish state invasions.