Baran Serhat commemorated in Kobane and Qamishlo
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On 23 March 2019 the Turkish state and his gangs assasinated MLKP CC member and the representative of Rojava Bayram Namaz (Baran Serhat) in the city of Serêkaniyê , who was commemorated in Kobanê.{divide}

In a speech on behalf of the MLKP, Baran Serhat's message sent by his family was read.

In the city of Qamislo the Peoples Union and Solidarity Institution (SYPG) commemorated Baran Serhat with an educational work on the topic "Becoming Baran".

In the meeting held at the SYPG Qamişlo building, the statement of MLKP MK was read. In a speech on behalf of SYPG, the development of the revolutionary movement in Turkey and Kurdistan was explained. Afterwards the participants shared their thoughts and feelings. It was expressed, that Baran Serhat as a leader had a deep relationship with the people, Baran Serhat's loss is a great loss for Rojava and the whole world revolution.