Baran Serhat Was Commemorated In Rojava
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Baran Serhat (Bayram Namaz), who has been assassinated by the Turkish state and its gangs in Rojava's Serêkaniyê cityon 23 March 2019 was commemorated in Rojava's Kobanê, Dirbesiye, Serêkaniyê, Tıl Temir and Qamishlo cities.

Kurdish, Arab and Syriac peoples, as well as PYD, SYPG, JKŞ, CKŞ, Martyr Families Institution participated in the commemoration held in the town of Dirbesiye in Şehit Zefin Park.

Speaking on behalf of SYPG Dirbesiye at the dinner of the people of Dirbesiye, Omer O. talked about Baran Serhat's struggle and his life in the Rojava revolution. He stated that the blood of Baran Serhat watered the soil of Rojava, that he was a communist yeast in these lands and that he would ask the account of Baran Serhat with communist consciousness.

In a speech on behalf of PYD, it was said that "Baran Serhat is a martyr of this land. We will bring his struggle to victory in these lands. We hereby promise to our peoples once again, we will continue to grow his struggle".

After the speeches, those who knew Baran Serhat shared their memories. The event ended with reading poems.

In Kobanê people came together commemorating Baran Serhat on the 40th day of his death. Martyrs' Families, SYPG, JKŞ, CKŞ participated to the commemoration. In the speeches, it was said that Baran Serhat fought for the freedom of the peoples for 30 years.

In the city of Serêkaniyê a commemoration was organized by the Xalit Serêkaniyê and the Rojin Serêkaniyê family. In the commemoration of the cemetery of martyrs of Serêkaniyê, SYPG, JKŞ, CKŞ members took part. "Baran Serhat is both our comrade and our child. We promise that we will remain committed to his struggle as a family," said Xalit Serêkaniyê, who spoke at the beginning of the tomb of Baran Serhat.
In Qamishlo, Baran Serhat commemorated the Syriac peoples on the 40th day of his death. Commemoration of PYNA, Kurdistan Brotherhood Party, the delegation el Tensiq Movement, martyr families, SYPG, JKŞ, CKŞ'liler participated.

Butros Bashir, who commemorates the commencement of his stance, said, "I have been waiting for this moment with tears in my eyes. Baran Serhat was our fellow, teacher and son of all. We learned a lot from him. It is very important for us, as the Syriac people, to set up a condolence tent for a commander in the neighborhood where the Syriac people live. We, as Syriac peoples, struggle for the equality and freedom of peoples for us, such as Baran Serhat, we will not forget our children paying the price for this valuable people. As the Syriac people we will continue to walk in his path to commemorate Baran Serhat."

Baran Serhat was also commemorated in the city of Til Temir. The commemoration made by the people of Til Temir was held at the Martyr Families Institution. The Martyrs Families Institution, TEV-DEM, Til Temir Municipal Co-Presidents and their employees, Assyrians Defense Forces, Democratic Assyrian Party, Left Party, PYD, Congress Star, Mala Jin, PDKS, Revolutionary Youth Movement participated the ceremony.