Solidarity With The People In Venezuela From Rojava
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The Institution for the Unity and Solidarity of the Peoples (SYPG) has organized a press release as part of the ICOR Solidarity Call against the US-planned military coup in Venezuela.

In front of the Mihemed Şexo Cultural Center in Qamishlo, members of the SYPG, JKŞ (Revolutionary Communist Women) and CKŞ (Revolutionary Communist Youth) gathered posters with the slogans "USA hands off Venezuela" and "The people of Venezuela are not alone!" upheld.
On behalf of the SYPG, Beritan Asya made a speech in which she drew attention to the role of the imperialist countries, such as the US or Russia: "For many years, the imperialists have been turning many countries and even the Middle East into a war area for their own interests. The war that the US wants to spark against Venezuela is a military, economic and political war. Imperialist and colonial countries like the US or Russia will never recognize the will of those who don't follow their imperialist interests.
In Venezuela, since the Hugo Chavez power, the people have been organizing themselves in their own communes and councils, thereby establishing a democratic system and allowing the people to act with their own will. The US wants to break the will of the Venezuelan people today and encircle Venezuela from all sides. For months now, the US, led by Trump, has been trying to launch a coup against the Venezuelan people. This concluded in  military coup attempt against Maduro.

The imperialist US and Russia are the enemies of the oppressed toiling people. Just as they have made the Middle East a war zone for their own interests, today they want to set Venezuela, Cuba and South America on fire. In the Middle East, the greatest desire of the oppressed peoples in the Arab popular uprisings was to build a new and free life. The imperialist countries are now trying to change the political balance in Rojava as well as in northern and eastern Syria to suit their own interests. Its real purpose is to prevent the building of the democratic system in this area.
As SYPG, we stand shoulder to shoulder with the oppressed toiling people of Venezuela. We resolutely oppose any occupation plans and support resistance to the coup.
The imperialist forces act together to form dirty alliances against the resistance of the toiling peoples, but as the working and oppressed peoples of this earth, we must increase the common struggle against them! "