Police Attacks On The Memorials Of Suruç In Ankara And Istanbul
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In order to commemorate the 33 "dream followers" who lost their lives during the Suruç massacre actions were organized in Turkey and Kurdistan. The police attacked actions in Ankara and Istanbul.

In Ankara police ttacked the commemoration on the grounds that the Governor's ban on Sakarya Street in Ankara. Many people were detained in torture. During the attacks, the police tried to confiscate the phones of those who tried to record the attacks.

In Istanbul, the police attacked the crowd after a sit-in on the 20th of every month in Kadıköy Halitağa. Following the sit-in of the Suruç families, the crowd marched for a rally in front of the Kadıköy Süreyya Opera House. Meanwhile, the police barricaded the crowd.

Police attacked not only those who participated in the action, but also people in the restaurants and cafes around Chalcedon Square In spite of the attacks, the mass marched to the streets by shouting slogans: "Justice for Suruç is justice for all", "Do not forget Suruç", "Youth will ask the account of the murderers".