The Resistance in Iraq will continue and the Peoples will win
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The USA's effort to show capture of S. Hussein as the regression or the disintegration of increasing resistance against the occupation and protectorate colonialism in Iraq is a typical method of psychological war that applied by the CIA. It carries the aim of showing USA as the only "absolute will" and "invincible power" in the world. It had to do this, because, the real power-relations, balances and the peoples just war-wills that occurred in the world have shown every time that the USA is not the only "absolute and invincible" power. The last example of this is Vietnam and the resistance of the peoples who don't bow their head to the imperialist domination.

The growing resistance of the people in Iraq can not be identified with S. Hussein. The USA is the one who made Saddam Hussein a trouble to the Iraqi people. S. Hussein has committed all of his crimes under the guidance of the USA. The USA and other imperialists are the ones who strengthened, supported and equipped the Saddam regime with the chemical and conventional weapons. The USA is the one who approved the Halepce massacre and led Iraq to attack Iran. If Saddam is going to be tried as a "dictator" or a "war criminal" than the one who encouraged him, the world's biggest terrorist and war criminal USA should be tried at first. It is so natural that this real trial will be realized only by the revolutionary willpower and fight of the peoples. And, as a matter of fact, the peoples of Iraq and Middle East and the international mass actions in the world have started doing this great trial.

The reason of the resistance in Iraq is the USA and British occupation. The reason is the creation of the protectorate colonial regime by the imperialist war and occupation. The reason is the plunder of Iraqi oil and natural resources; historical culture and values. The reason is imperialist massacres, torture and colonial repression. The reason is denigration of the Arab and Muslim peoples and showing them as criminals. Therefore, upon the basis of this imperialist aggression and occupation, the regional, common and united struggle of the peoples will develop not only in Iraq but in the whole Middle East also.

The Iraqi resistance is in a developing trend. In the attacks against the occupants, 65 USA soldier were killed between the date of 1 May 2003 and 30 August 2003 (in 4 months) and 574 of them were wounded. Between the 1 September and 26 December (4 months again) 145 soldier were killed and 1209 soldier were wounded. After the capture of Saddam, 15 soldiers have been killed and more than 100 of them are wounded in the month of December. As it can be seen, the level of the resistance is gradually spreading and deepening.

The efforts and works such as "National Resistance and Liberation Front" that would prepare and organise the united and strong action of the dispersed and torn apart forces of the resistance in Iraq seem to be almost finished. The Patriotic Alliance of Iraq is involving some groups such as the nationalist and Islamic groups, progressive organisations and the Patriotic Communist movement in these works to create an anti-imperialist and anti-occupation front. The logic, responsibilities and requirements of the fight against imperialist aggression and occupation will bring such tools of the struggle, fronts and alliance on to the agenda.

MLCP supports and salutes such searches and works of the resistance in Iraq. Because, the resistance in Iraq does not aim to throw of the imperialist occupants out of Iraq only, at the same time, it becomes a great source of morality and strength against the imperialist war will and aggression for all oppressed peoples of the Middle East and the world.

The peoples of Iraq will find their own real revolutionary and popular vanguards in the process of anti-imperialist and democratic fight and will establish the peoplesB4 democratic power in accordance with the will of the peoples of Iraq.

MLCP, as being one of the revolutionary vanguard parties of that region, considers the internationalist solidarity with the resistance of the people of Iraq, the struggle that is connected with the aim of creating a democratic Middle East Federation and, therefore, the development of the united struggle on regional level, as one of her historical and political tasks that cannot be neglected.

Long Live The Peoples International Solidarity and Brotherhood!





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The Resistance in Iraq will continue and the Peoples will win
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The USA's effort to show capture of S. Hussein as the regression or the disintegration of increasing resistance against the occupation and protectorate colonialism in Iraq is a typical method of psychological war that applied by the CIA. It carries the aim of showing USA as the only "absolute will" and "invincible power" in the world. It had to do this, because, the real power-relations, balances and the peoples just war-wills that occurred in the world have shown every time that the USA is not the only "absolute and invincible" power. The last example of this is Vietnam and the resistance of the peoples who don't bow their head to the imperialist domination.

The growing resistance of the people in Iraq can not be identified with S. Hussein. The USA is the one who made Saddam Hussein a trouble to the Iraqi people. S. Hussein has committed all of his crimes under the guidance of the USA. The USA and other imperialists are the ones who strengthened, supported and equipped the Saddam regime with the chemical and conventional weapons. The USA is the one who approved the Halepce massacre and led Iraq to attack Iran. If Saddam is going to be tried as a "dictator" or a "war criminal" than the one who encouraged him, the world's biggest terrorist and war criminal USA should be tried at first. It is so natural that this real trial will be realized only by the revolutionary willpower and fight of the peoples. And, as a matter of fact, the peoples of Iraq and Middle East and the international mass actions in the world have started doing this great trial.

The reason of the resistance in Iraq is the USA and British occupation. The reason is the creation of the protectorate colonial regime by the imperialist war and occupation. The reason is the plunder of Iraqi oil and natural resources; historical culture and values. The reason is imperialist massacres, torture and colonial repression. The reason is denigration of the Arab and Muslim peoples and showing them as criminals. Therefore, upon the basis of this imperialist aggression and occupation, the regional, common and united struggle of the peoples will develop not only in Iraq but in the whole Middle East also.

The Iraqi resistance is in a developing trend. In the attacks against the occupants, 65 USA soldier were killed between the date of 1 May 2003 and 30 August 2003 (in 4 months) and 574 of them were wounded. Between the 1 September and 26 December (4 months again) 145 soldier were killed and 1209 soldier were wounded. After the capture of Saddam, 15 soldiers have been killed and more than 100 of them are wounded in the month of December. As it can be seen, the level of the resistance is gradually spreading and deepening.

The efforts and works such as "National Resistance and Liberation Front" that would prepare and organise the united and strong action of the dispersed and torn apart forces of the resistance in Iraq seem to be almost finished. The Patriotic Alliance of Iraq is involving some groups such as the nationalist and Islamic groups, progressive organisations and the Patriotic Communist movement in these works to create an anti-imperialist and anti-occupation front. The logic, responsibilities and requirements of the fight against imperialist aggression and occupation will bring such tools of the struggle, fronts and alliance on to the agenda.

MLCP supports and salutes such searches and works of the resistance in Iraq. Because, the resistance in Iraq does not aim to throw of the imperialist occupants out of Iraq only, at the same time, it becomes a great source of morality and strength against the imperialist war will and aggression for all oppressed peoples of the Middle East and the world.

The peoples of Iraq will find their own real revolutionary and popular vanguards in the process of anti-imperialist and democratic fight and will establish the peoplesB4 democratic power in accordance with the will of the peoples of Iraq.

MLCP, as being one of the revolutionary vanguard parties of that region, considers the internationalist solidarity with the resistance of the people of Iraq, the struggle that is connected with the aim of creating a democratic Middle East Federation and, therefore, the development of the united struggle on regional level, as one of her historical and political tasks that cannot be neglected.

Long Live The Peoples International Solidarity and Brotherhood!