Turkey's government crisis is the deepening crisis of the fascist regime
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Recently, Turkey appeared on the world stage because of football. But this time government's crisis, chaos and political conflicts are on the agenda when talking about Turkey. The fact that Turkey came third at the World Cup had an intoxicating effect on the wide working population, but it has not lasted. The bourgeoisie and rulers have tried to make use of the victory mood for themselves, to hide their own aims in the great rejoicing and to gloss over the problems of daily life of the masses, but they failed. The effect has not lasted, because the real problems, the daily worries and demands of the working class, the Kurdish nation and the suppressed are burning and pressing. The bourgeois Turkish government who have had no solution for these questions could not keep up its appearances of a stable and harmonic government. This government still suffering from the difficulties of the economic and political crisis, which it has not yet overcome, and obedient serving imperialism, the oligarchy of collaborating monopoly capital and the Turkish bourgeois army is in a process of disintegration, its end is imminent.

The old and ill Prime Minister B. Ecevit's "national left" DSP (Democratic Left-wing Party) dissolved and splitted, also because of the pressure from outside. DSP`s "internal" crisis caused government's crisis which on the other hand deepened regime's crisis. The "adaptation laws" for joining the EU, the demands on Turkey made by the USA within the scope of preparation of an attack on Iraq, the economic and political demands of the working class, the political and democratic demands of the Kurdish people, the discussions about early elections and so on are the main internal and external factors preparing and speeding up the crisis process.

US-Imperialism, the organization of the big business TÜSIAD (Turkish Industry and Businessman's Association) and the fascist Turkish army have organized and provoked military coups under circumstances of internal political conflicts and of political instability as it could be seen in the past again and again. In 1979 TÜSIAD brought down Bulent Ecevit`s government with a political campaign and propaganda campaigns in newspapers. During a meeting of the MGK (National Security Council), the USA, TÜSIAD and the Turkish bourgeois army have forced the DYP -RP-government (True Path Party - Welfare Party) to give up and prepare the way for a new government. Nowadays coalition government consisting of DSP, MHP (National Move Party) and ANAP (Patriotic Party) is facing the same destiny.

The almost non-working government's end was caused early by this way. The government of the coalition trio that passed laws in economic, political and administrative area/field for three years in the interest of the collaborating big business, the IMF, the imperialism and especially US-imperialism, today this government is failing to meet the politics and wishes of imperialism and the collaborating capital, it has no longer an authority among the working class.

The chief enemy of the world's nations/peoples, the biggest terrorist, US-imperialism, will make use of the opportunities created by the present situation of the crisis and the new formation of government by standing up for a future government that it will use for his plans such like an attack on Iraq. The planned visits of the vice defence minister of the USA, Paul Wolfwitz, and of the vice foreign minister Marc Grossmann, aims to participation of Turkey into the USA's imperialist war campaign.

The EU imperialists would try to surmount the obstruction, instability and resisting points that they have been facing over the talks on Cyprus and adaptation laws for European Union. Imperialism, the oligarchy of capital and the military of Turkish bourgeoisie would also evaluate from the government's crisis as political and constitutional reorganising move to reconstruct the political arena and management inline with the reconstruction policies. Together with the governmental crises and discussions on early elections, there are new splitting and rankings occurred in between the reactionary and fascist regime parties. There are many parties being founded and new faces being introduced into political arena through encouragement and support of the imperialism, bourgeoisie army and the TUSIAD , organisation of capital. Search for alliances, splits and rankings for establishment of a new government and early elections are still continuing. The formal distinctions like right/left in between the regime parties have been disappeared.

The "new establishment", which is led by Kemal Dervis who is an officer of the IMF and responsible state minister on economy, by Ismail Cem who was an ex-foreign minister, resigned and were the hope of the EU imperialists, and also by the aborted son of B. Ecevit, Husamettin Ozkan who was considered as second man of the DSP and particular man of the "deep state", introduced to working and toiling masses as a stability, hope and solution by the bourgeoisie media. Yet, this is a crisis of the regime. Early elections, also, can not take them out of the bog of crisis.

The economic crisis, the economic programme that supported by the IMF and neoliberal policies have driven wide working and toiling population to poverty and unemployment by the social destruction and devastation, and to disorganisation and dispolicies by the political violence and repressions. The bribe and gangship has deepened the social rot by irregularity and wickedness of character. Huge social anger and reaction has been collected against the capital and fascism in between the proletariat and our people. The distrust on the fascist state, state institutions, government and regime parties have reached its highest level. The masses are unhappy and with this social tention, they want transformations.

Political power relations and balances are open to new changes via inside and outside dynamics and other variations. Through government's crises, the opportunities and conditions to develop revolutionary struggle has been grown.

This situation and process is also giving duties to revolutionary movement to conduct much more organised, prepared and united anti-fascist and anti-imperialist struggle. In this new situation and process, the MLCP (Marxist Leninist Communist Party) will intervene to political and social developments much more effectively with the strength and the slogan of "to the leader party", where he took from his 3rd Congress, and will go forward with a perspective of developing the revolutionary combat.