The public employees were in the streets
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 Answering the call of KESK (Confederation of the Unions of Public Employees), the employees went to the streets in many parts of Turkey and Northern Kurdistan on 29 August, which was the last day of the collective bargaining where the salaries and the social rights of the employees for this one-year-period were discussed by the government and the unions of the employees.
While the collaboration of Kamu-Sen (a union of employees which is completely under the control of the state) with the government of AKP , KESK retired from the bargaining on 24 August because of the unilateral attitude of the government and its unacceptable suggestions.
In the manifestations in Ankara, Ordu, Bursa, Malatya and various cities, the attitude of the government and its suggestion of 4 % increase of the salaries as well as the decision of sending troops to Lebanon. The slogans "No to the unions controlled by the state!", "We don't want alms but we want collective agreement!" and "No to the budget for the war!" were shouted in the actions.