Lynching attempt on protests against Israel
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 Four young people, who were members of the Student Collective, were exposed to lynching attempts and called "terrorists" by members of the audience of a celebration in Istanbul about August 30, the Victory Day, which is the end date of the Liberation War lasting from 1920-1923, and as all other official public holidays, on which the fascist dictatorship throws up the poison of chauvinism
and threatens the fight of the working class, labourers and oppressed people as a tradition. The police who attacked the students pushed them into the mass by shouting that they were "traitors to their countries". When the people understood that the youth were protesting against Israel's aggression, they stopped the lynching attempt and the young people were arrested. After the attacks, Istanbul Police Chief Celaletin Cerrah made the statement "our citizens have performed well". On September 2, IHD (Human Rights Association)`s Istanbul Branch charged Celaletin Cerrah with "lauding crime and misuse of service". The trade union Egitim-Sen , Emek Partisi (Labour Party), Tunceli Association, ÖDP (Freedom and Solidarity Party) and ESP (Socialist Platform of the Oppressed) supported the charge. These attacks have shown once again that the psychology of lynching encouraged by the fascist dictatorship has created a strong social hysteria among the Turkish workers and labourers which could not even tolerate the reactions towards the Zionist aggression and how much it poisoned any fight of the workers and labourers. And the attacks did not last as such. On September 2, four students blocked the traffic in İzmir/Çankaya with banners saying "Imperialists, collaborators, do not forget March 1!" and "We do not want to become Israeli soldiers and servants of the USA!". They were attacked by civilian fascists, too, and were arrested by the police.