YOK protested in the streets
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 On the 25th anniversary of its foundation, YOK (Higher Education Board), which was founded as a result of the military coup on 12 September 1980, was protested in İstanbul, Kadikoy Square by a meeting organized by different youth organizations on 4 November. 1000 people participated at the meeting, which is organized by the Socialist Youth Association ( SGD ), YÖGEH, SDG, Labour Youth, YDG, EHP , DGD, DGH, DPG, ÖGD, Tum-IGD, Ekim Youth, Kaldıraç, Sosyalist Gençlik, Antikapitalist and Odak. They shouted the slogans “free, scientific education in the mother tongue!”, “YOK will be abolished, the police will leave the universities, and the universities will be freed by us!”, “The youth is the future, the future is socialism!”, “No budget for the war, but for education!”.
At the meeting, which was supported by trade unions, parties and democratic mass organizations, the students expressed that they will struggle against the state terror based on the Anti-Terror Law which attacks on the rights of speech, action and organizing.