Journalist Hrant Dink assassinated
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 The Journalist Hrant Dink, of the Armenian people, has been assassinated at an armed attack on him on January 19 at the entrance of the newspaper Agos, whose chief editor he was.
Thus, a new link has been added to the chain of political assassinations in Turkey. Hrant Dink become a target of the Turkish State and the racist fascists because of its attitude towards the Armenian problem and he had be sentenced only recently on the basis of the paragraph 301 of the Turkish Penal Code for its opinion. The murder of Hrant Dink is a new dimension of the attacks increasing in the last  months by the state in order to intimidate and silence the social opposition.
After the assassination of Hrant Dink, revolutionary and progressive sections of the society protested the massacre. Democratic mass organizations, professional boards, intellectuals, political parties and platforms condemned the murder in Istanbul, Ankara and Izmir by shouting the slogans "We are all Hrant Dink, we are  all Kurdish, we are all Armenian".
The Socialist Platform of the Oppressed ( ESP ) participated actively in the protest actions and published a statement condemning the assassination of Hrant Dink: "In this country, the intellectuals, who stand and act outside the official ideology, have ever been exposed to repression. The fascist regime declared everybody to an enemy who thinks and acts different from itself. This country is converted to a cemetery of intellectuals."