White Campaign by the doctors against the health policies of the capital
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 Doctors' Union of Turkey ( TTB -this is the federation of the Doctors' Chambers in different cities) organised a press conference on 14 February in Istanbul and announced that they will take the streets in March against the "Transformation Project of Health".
Gencay Gursoy, Head of the Central Council of TTB said the following at the conference: We have decided to take these actions in order to raise the voice of the doctors against these policies which will destruct the physical and social conditions of health and medical profession. We, as TTB, will organise "White Actions" from 1st to 14th of March."
The calendar of "White Actions" campaign was also announced at the conference. On 1 March, massive actions called "White Warning" will be organised by the Doctors' Chambers in front of the small local clinics in the neighbourhoods in order to defend them against the project of eliminating them. On 4-9 March, "White Referendum" will be organised in all health institutions in order to determine the approach of the doctors and health workers to the health policies. On 11 March, under name of "White Meeting", a big demonstration will be held in front of the Ministry of Health in Ankara. Doctors and health workers from all cities will participate at the demonstration, it will be supported by the Chambers of different professions and everybody who wants to defend the right of accessing healthcare is called to participate in the action. And 14 March, Medicine Day, "White Strike" will be made in all health unities.