Young Kurd assassinated in racist fascist attacks
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 In Antakya, the racist members of the Association of Kemalist Thought (ADD) stabbed a young Kurd to the ground.
In the universities, the attacks of the racist fascist gangs, supported by the state, are going on also in this semester. During the last month, the attacks of the MHP -fascists against the progressive, revolutionary students went on at many universities with confrontations and also reprisals of the fascists. In Mersin, 12 students are still in prison because of having protested against the fascist attacks at their university.
Meanwhile fascist parties like the MHP and BBP and fascist organizations linked to them like for instance Ulku Ocaklari, Alperen Ocaklari and racist fascist gangs like ADD, the "Turkish Left", the Associations of "Kuvayi Milliye" ("Kuvayi Milliye" means "National Forces" and it is name of the forces of Turkish liberation struggle lead by M. Kemal Ataturk) are organizing innumerable attacks against the progressive and revolutionary forces, directly supported and initiated by the state, the Kurdish people, the revolutionaries, intellectuals and writers are sentenced because of theirs thoughts and exposed to the lynch attempts provoked by these gangs. It has been revealed that Ogun Samast, the pawn who assassinated Hrant Dink, is also linked to the fascist centre called Alperen Ocaklari.
 Last week again, a video of an oath ritual for membership, where people were armed, organized by the Associations of the National Forces has become public and caused a lot of protest among the democratic mass organisations.
Finally, the members of the ADD Antakya attacked the students of the Mustafa Kemal University Metin Kurt, Ferhat Demirtas and Ali Demirkiran with knives. The killed Metin Kurt and hurt the other two young people. In spite of the fact, that the place, where the author of the crimes fled to and hide themselves was shown to the police, the police did not intervene.
On February 13, Metin Kurd was buried by thousands of people accompanying him on his last way. The small store-holders in the town closed down their shops in order to express their protest against the massacre. Protests are also going on in many cities of Turkey and Northern Kurdistan.
In Antakya, the university students protested against the attack by making a street action at the entrance of the Ciftlikkoy campus.
In the University of Ankara, the Antifascist Union made an action by hanging up a banner saying "Long live the brotherhoods of the peoples" at the Cebeci campus on February 15 and stated that the author of the crime is the contra-guerrilla state and that they are crying out once more the slogan of the brotherhood of the peoples against the chauvinist wave.
In Adana, the members of the SGD (Socialist Youth Association) demanded at their street actions organised on February 17 "shutdown of the murderers' centres such as Ulku Ocaklari and Alperen Ocaklari, which spit their poison of chauvinism and are associations of fascist murders".
In Istanbul, the youth organisations gathered in the evening of February 17 in Taksim and made a sit-in carrying a banner saying "Long live the brotherhoods of the Turkish, Kurdish and Armenian, down with fascism". There, it was said "this attacks occur for years and not one of them is single and unorganised. The one, who stirs up these gangs against every action demanding a right and against every voice of opposition, is the state itself.