Preparations for the hearing on 13 April
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 Within the framework of the campaign "Freedom to the 10 September Prisoners!", Socialist Platform of the Oppressed ( ESP ) continue the preparations for the hearing on 13 April against the journalists, trade union leaders and ESP activists who were imprisoned at the state's attacks in September.
ESP started the preparation campaign through an action at Ozgurluk Square in Bakirköy/Istanbul on 25 March. They announced that they will carry out a series of actions and meetings until 13 April, including solidarity actions with DTP (Party of Democratic Society). On 13 April, a massive action will be organised in front of the Heavy Penal Court of Besiktas where many delegates from different organisations and international delegations will also attend.
In the statement made at the action in Bakirkoy, activists said the following: "Those who will be judged on 13 April are those who want equality, fraternity and  freedom to the Kurdish people. They are those who stand against the imperialist occupation and plunder in Iraq, Afghanistan and Palestine. Those who will be judged on 13 April are the trade union leaders who call upon the workers and labourers to take their place in the struggle against the working conditions of slavery without any insurance and without the right to be organised. Those who will be judged on 13 April are the labouring women who stand at the front line of the struggle for freedom and for the emancipation of women..."
Spokesperson of the Solidarity Platform with the Journalists in Prison ( TGDP ) also spoke at the action. He said that this hearing will be determinant for the future of the Anti-terror Law (TMY) and he demanded the immediate release of the imprisoned journalists.
Gulizar Dinc, mother of Halil Dinc, News Coordinator of Radio Ozgur and of Cem Dinc, General Secretary of the dockyard workers' union Limter-Is who are among the 10 September Prisoners, made a speech and she emphasised that she is proud of her sons.
On 25 March, the demand "Freedom to 10 September Prisoners!" was raised also in Adana, Eskisehir, Antep, Bursa and Izmir through simultaneous actions.
On 27 March, a press meeting was hold at the Istanbul Branch of IHD (Human Rights Association) under the slogan "We are in Besiktas on 13 April and in Taksim on May Day, on the 30th anniversary of the massacre on 1 May 1977!" Here, the representatives of some of the organisations which had been exposed to police raids and imprisonment terror in September called for participation at the hearing. The representatives of the following organisations attended to the press meeting: ESP (Socialist Platform of the Oppressed), the newspaper Atilim, the culture centre BEKSAV , Radio Ozgur, the newspaper Dayanisma, the trade unions Limter-Is and Tekstil-Sen , EKD (Labouring Women's Association), SGD (Socialist Youth Association), the youth magazine Ozgur Genclik and neighbourhood associations of Gulsuyu and Mustafa Kemal.