All vehicles in Istanbul will be tracked
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 Kadir Topbas, Mayor of Istanbul, declared that all motor vehicles in the city, which is about 2 million, will be tracked electronically from a single centre.
After the cameras set on the streets and buses, it is now planned to track 2 million vehicles by an aerial which will be sticked at the front windows.
The project will first be applied to the council vehicles and later to all vehicles in Istanbul. The pretext for the project is the traffic in Istanbul. Topbas said: "By this project, I believe that we will organise the traffic in Istanbul in a much comfortable way using scientific methods. It first gives us the opportunity to control the vehicles. This gives us facilities such as knowing the vehicle information, whether the driver got tickets and other fines, whether the vehicle has been stolen, route habits and we could easily track the vehicle if we know it has been stolen."