The district Sifa in Tutla is resisting against the demolitions
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 In the district Sifa in Istanbul/Tuzla the people resisted with barricades against the police, who wanted to demolish houses there.
Last week, the demolition troops had already been stopped by the resistance in the district Mimar Sinan, also in Tuzla, and now, in the morning of 12 September at 5 am, they came to the district Sifa accompanied by the police. Without any warning they demolished 8 houses. But when the people noticed what happened, they immediately took to the streets and defended their right of housing.
The police attacked the people while they were sleeping, used tear gas against the labourers defending their right of housing and opened fire against them. The worker Kerem Ozturk was severely wounded by a tear gas bomb hitting its breast  and many other labourers were wounded through the police bullets. The people built barricades allover the district and offered resistance. They took the highway E5 more than one hour and stopped the traffic there. The people set on fire a stock with constructing materials for the TOKI Apartments being in construction and also a fire engine. Furthermore, they wrecked a building belonging to the municipality. During the confrontations lasting for nine hours, 58 labourers were detained.
The state terror of the demolition attack continued also before the court against the prisoners. On 14 September,  8 of the detained were sent to prison being accused of „harming things by setting fire and using explosive materials and endangering the public security".