The resistance against the work accidents at the shipyards continues
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 The shipyard workers continue with their resistance against the work accidents ending fatally. Nearly 1000 workers joined the action organised by the trade union Limter-Is in front of the train station Icmeler on the evening of September 15. The workers carried the banners "They did not die at war but at the shipyards" and "It's enough. 5 death within five days. Do no wait until it's your turn but organise yourself!" and posters on which it said "It is enough. Whose turn is it now?". The action was supported by representatives of different trade unions and organisations such as Tekstil-Sen , Basin-Is , Emekli-Sen, ESP , DTP , DHP, Partizan, EMEP , SDP , SGD , EKD and Halkevleri as well as Istanbul deputy Sabahat Tuncel. The Socialist Platform of the Oppressed (ESP) opened a banner on which it said: "United people's resistance against work accidents and demolition".
The action started with a minute of silence for the workers who had lost their life at their workplaces. Limter-Is president Cem Dinc hold a speech in which he described the working conditions at the shipyards and said that 30.000 workers must work illegally and without safety precautions. Dinc summarised the working conditions at the shipyards by saying: "The shipyards are a laboratory where the international capital applies the neo-liberal policies." Demands were raised for an end of the work accidents by taking the necessary precautions and an improvement of working conditions. At the same time Limter-Is demanded the foundation of a fact-finding and observation commission in which TTB and TMMOB will take part. At the action there was also a speech hold in the name of the people of the quarter Sifa in Tuzla where a great resistance against the demolitions of houses had been realised.
DTP Istanbul deputy Sabahat Tuncel hold a speech supporting the struggle of the workers and declaring that the question of living conditions will be discussed in parliament. A delegation of the German Confederation of Trade Unions (DGB) that had come to Istanbul to check the living conditions at the shipyards also joined the action. Staff council Brigitte Dittmann of the trade union Ver.di hold a speech supporting the action. Eusebio Martel Huacho, president of the International Association of Friendship and Solidarity of Peru who was present in Istanbul because of the Latin American Cultural Festival, declared that he supports the action, too.