Second warning on SSGSS to the government on April 1
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Ten thousand workers in Turkey and Northern Kurdistan stopped work on April 1 at 2am to protest against the draft law Social Insurances and General Health Insurance (SSGSS) that is wanted to be launched by the government. The first big action against SSGSS draft law that is against the workers and labourers and lasts from the rise of pension age to a financial contribution to medicine and treatment had been organised on March 14.
When the government declared not to cancel the draft law but only change some of its paragraphs and continued with the negotiations at parliament on April 1, the workers and labourers went on the streets on April 1 and realised their second big warning strike. Besides the unions DISK , KESK , TMMOB , TTB and many unions affiliated to Turk-Is , the ESP , HOC , B DSP , Partizan, Alinteri, Kaldirac, Halkevleri , Marksist Bakis, ODP and TKP joined the actions, too.
In Istanbul the Platform Health and a Safe Future to Everyone organised some actions at Okmeydani, Kadikoy and Kartal. The workers who demanded the cancellation of SSGSS marched to the AKP head office. The main slogan raised at the action was "General strike, general resistance."
In Ankara the police put barricades in front of the workers and labourers who wanted to walk to parliament to protest against the draft law. The mass was brutally attacked by the police but managed to overcome the barricades. The mass clashed with the police and reached finally Kizilay Square which had been banned to them. 3000 workers shouted the slogans "By resisting we will win", "Long live our organised struggle", "GSS will be smashed on the streets" and "A single fist, a single barricade against fascism" continued determinedly with their action and forced the police to make a step backwards.
In Izmir 20.000 workes and labourers joined the action organised by KESK, DISK, TTB, TMMOB, TDB, TEB as well as the Platform Health and a Safe Future to Everyone. The labourers marched from Basmane Square until Konak Square and declared that they will not let their right on health and treatment taken away by shoting the slogan "General strike, general resistance."
Due to the action council services were mainly stopped from 2am on. The protest action for which tens of thousands of workers in the whole country stopped work to make a second warning to the government was also supported by students.