The leaders of the `68 revolutionary youth movement are more alive than ever
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The `68 movement that was a period of break-up and renewal of the revolutionary movement in Turkey, too, was brutally oppressed and their leaders were murdered. After the military coup of 12 March 1971, the young leaders of the `68 movement Mahir Cayan and his comrades were killed through a bloody massacre, Ibrahim Kaypakkaya was killed with torture and on May 6, 36 years ago, Deniz Gezmis, Yusuf Aslan and Huseyin Inan were executed by the dictatorship, but they all are more alive today than ever.
In the 40th year of the `68 movement commemoration events for them take place all over Turkey and Northern Kurdistan and their ideals have been acknowledged by more and more people.
In Ankara, 8.000 people joined a commemoration on the cemetery Karsiyaka on May 6 and renewed their promise to Deniz and his comrades by shouting the slogans "Long live the people's brotherhood" and "The putschists will be demanded an account by the people." The last words that the three said when they were standing in front of the gallows were repeated by old and young at the same time and they swore to strengthen the struggle. Besides the deputies of the DTP Emine Ayna and Halit Celenk, the lawyer of Deniz Gezmis, the following organisations participated in the rally: ESP , SGD , DTP, EMEP , SDP , ODP , the Initiative for a Socialist Party, TKP, Halkevleri , Partizan, EHP , Odak, Kaldirac, PSAKD, the ´68 and the Federation of the revolution ´78.
The Socialist Youth Association (SGD) joined the events with more than 100 members who carried posters of Deniz, Mahir, Ibrahim and Erkut Direkci. They shouted many different slogans such as "The revolutionary martyrs are immortal", „Shoulder to shoulder against fascism" and „Long live the people's brotherhood" (in Kurdish).
In Istanbul, the ESP commemorated the leaders of the revolutionary youth movement of 1968 and their leaders on the anniversary of the killing of Deniz, Yusuf and Huseyin by organising an action at Dolmabahce under the slogan "On the way of Deniz and his comrades to the revolution and socialism."
In Sivas the SGD organised a discussion meeting on May 4 due to the 40th anniversary of the `68 movement, where the inheritance left by Mahir, Ibo and Deniz was united with the youth of today. Chair of BEKSAV Haci Orman said in a speech that a revolutionary break had happened in 1971 which had been the result of Deniz, Mahir and Ibo. At that time the revolutionary forces gave up their parliamentary and reformist expectations. He also stressed that often Deniz and Mahir were put more in the foreground whilst Ibrahim had also played an important role, and especially because of his stance concerning the Kurdish question.
In Antakya, the ESP and SGD organised a demonstration finishing at Ulus Square with a rally where it was said that the young leaders of `68 have become symbols of the fight against imperialism and capitalism. The representative of the ESP reminded the people of the last words of Deniz: "Long live Marxism-Leninism, long live the struggle for independence of the Kurdish and Turkish people", and he called to strengthen the revolutionary struggle following the way of Deniz and his comrades.
At the same time the activists of ESP were protesting against an event of the rights wings on May 4 as well as exposed in a speech the efforts to integrate the revolutionary fight of Deniz Gezmis into the system and to make the revolutionary break of 1971 undone. They called on the participants to leave the event.
Other commemorations, actions, marches with torches and discussion meetings for Deniz, Yusuf and Inan took place in Malatya, Izmir, Antep, Bursa and in Cyprus concerning the 36th anniversary of their execution.