The Turkish state, the psychological war and the Kurds
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01 June 2008 / International Bulletin / No: 70  


The colonial fascist Turkish state contiues with its annihilation and denial policy and attacks on the Kurdish people. The Turkish state, that did not achieve anything from the land operations and air raids, has realised air raids throughout May on Southern Kurdistan and at the same time continued with land and air raids in Northern Kurdistan. In addition, the attacks on the Kurdish people and its representatives, as well as the arrests of many leaders of the DTP of different ranks continued, too.
Although DTP co-chair Nurettin Demirtas, who was imprisoned, was released due to a decision of the court, he was immediately decided to become a soldier and taken from the prison directly to the barracks.He still has not reached freedom. The process started to ban the DTP is continuing, too.
On May 19, the newspaper Alternatif was started to be published because of the bans on other daily Kurdish newspapers that are the voice of the Kurdish people. After 1 week, this newspaper faced an attack and was decided by the 10th Heavy Penalty Court to be closed down, too for one month. By this, it is tried to silence the Kurdish people.
Additionally to these attacks on the Kurdish people and the guerilla, the Turkish state extended its psychological war. The general staff has increased its dirty belligerency based on lies on manipulation by its own website as well as by the bourgeois media. This has reached such a point that even Mehmet Ali Birand, a famous figure of the bourgeois press, described the situation in an article for the newspaper Posta with the following words: "The Turkish Armed Forces have continously organised operations against the PKK for months...However, we sometimes exagerate in such a way that we use headlines making us lose the confidence of society...We use such slogans and such news that there is no seriousness anymore. Every week we in any case we tell the public that "the PKK split" and that there is an atmosphere of "panic". Leaders that ran away, commander units that were killed and exagerated death tolls...This approach of the media is presented as supporting the Turkish Armed Forces. But instead, we do the opposite and lose confidence of the public." These words show the situation of the Turkish bourgeois media.
Another point that must be considered as a change in the Turkish state`s policy are the relations developed with the Federative Administration Kurdistan of Southern Kurdistan. Parallel to its attacks on Southern Kurdistan, the Turkish state also met with the Kurdish Administration and made steps to acknowledge the Kurdish Administration of Southern Kurdistan through Talabani and Barzani. The aim is to liquidate the PKK in the way that the USA had planned already. The USA tries to calm down the relations with Turkey that were strained during this period starting with the meeting of Erdogan and Bush on November 5 as well as because of the formation of the Kurdish state in Southern Kurdistan. The USA also tries to reach a regional solution in favour of itself and that contains the liquidaton of the PKK.
While this is happening on the side of the fascist Turkish state on the one hand, the PKK is fighting off the attacks of the state with counter attacks and is continuing to get the support of the Kurdish people. On the one hand, the PKK strikes heavy blows to the army with its military actions, such as the raid of Aktut police station, in Northern Kurdistan, and in addition, on the other hand, the leadership of the PKK declares via Roj TV that they will continue to fulfil their duties and itensify the war. This exposes the state`s psychological belligerency. The leadership of the PKK called on new mass actions as a second step of the new "Edi Bese" policy based on mass mobilisation. By this, the Kurdish people are mobilised to join the struggle in masses.
The mass mobilisation that lasted from Newroz (March 21) to Mayday and served to gather the Turkish workers and labourers with the Kurdish people will give an answer to the state`s annihilation and denial policy with the rally "Enough, democratic solution to the Kurdish question!" organised in Istanbul on June 1. The rally is organised by the Peace Assembly of Turkey and supported by dozens of organisations and unions, among them KESK , DISK , TMMOB , DTP, 4+4+4 klink_52','444kelime_52');" onmouseover="xKelime('444klink_52','444kelime_52');" id=444klink_52>ESP , EMEP , SDP , EHP , ODP , SODAP .
The rally has also been supported by our party that called upon the masses to participate and has been a good example for the brotherhood of the people and the defence of the Kurdish question from the labourers` front.





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The Turkish state, the psychological war and the Kurds
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01 June 2008 / International Bulletin / No: 70  


The colonial fascist Turkish state contiues with its annihilation and denial policy and attacks on the Kurdish people. The Turkish state, that did not achieve anything from the land operations and air raids, has realised air raids throughout May on Southern Kurdistan and at the same time continued with land and air raids in Northern Kurdistan. In addition, the attacks on the Kurdish people and its representatives, as well as the arrests of many leaders of the DTP of different ranks continued, too.
Although DTP co-chair Nurettin Demirtas, who was imprisoned, was released due to a decision of the court, he was immediately decided to become a soldier and taken from the prison directly to the barracks.He still has not reached freedom. The process started to ban the DTP is continuing, too.
On May 19, the newspaper Alternatif was started to be published because of the bans on other daily Kurdish newspapers that are the voice of the Kurdish people. After 1 week, this newspaper faced an attack and was decided by the 10th Heavy Penalty Court to be closed down, too for one month. By this, it is tried to silence the Kurdish people.
Additionally to these attacks on the Kurdish people and the guerilla, the Turkish state extended its psychological war. The general staff has increased its dirty belligerency based on lies on manipulation by its own website as well as by the bourgeois media. This has reached such a point that even Mehmet Ali Birand, a famous figure of the bourgeois press, described the situation in an article for the newspaper Posta with the following words: "The Turkish Armed Forces have continously organised operations against the PKK for months...However, we sometimes exagerate in such a way that we use headlines making us lose the confidence of society...We use such slogans and such news that there is no seriousness anymore. Every week we in any case we tell the public that "the PKK split" and that there is an atmosphere of "panic". Leaders that ran away, commander units that were killed and exagerated death tolls...This approach of the media is presented as supporting the Turkish Armed Forces. But instead, we do the opposite and lose confidence of the public." These words show the situation of the Turkish bourgeois media.
Another point that must be considered as a change in the Turkish state`s policy are the relations developed with the Federative Administration Kurdistan of Southern Kurdistan. Parallel to its attacks on Southern Kurdistan, the Turkish state also met with the Kurdish Administration and made steps to acknowledge the Kurdish Administration of Southern Kurdistan through Talabani and Barzani. The aim is to liquidate the PKK in the way that the USA had planned already. The USA tries to calm down the relations with Turkey that were strained during this period starting with the meeting of Erdogan and Bush on November 5 as well as because of the formation of the Kurdish state in Southern Kurdistan. The USA also tries to reach a regional solution in favour of itself and that contains the liquidaton of the PKK.
While this is happening on the side of the fascist Turkish state on the one hand, the PKK is fighting off the attacks of the state with counter attacks and is continuing to get the support of the Kurdish people. On the one hand, the PKK strikes heavy blows to the army with its military actions, such as the raid of Aktut police station, in Northern Kurdistan, and in addition, on the other hand, the leadership of the PKK declares via Roj TV that they will continue to fulfil their duties and itensify the war. This exposes the state`s psychological belligerency. The leadership of the PKK called on new mass actions as a second step of the new "Edi Bese" policy based on mass mobilisation. By this, the Kurdish people are mobilised to join the struggle in masses.
The mass mobilisation that lasted from Newroz (March 21) to Mayday and served to gather the Turkish workers and labourers with the Kurdish people will give an answer to the state`s annihilation and denial policy with the rally "Enough, democratic solution to the Kurdish question!" organised in Istanbul on June 1. The rally is organised by the Peace Assembly of Turkey and supported by dozens of organisations and unions, among them KESK , DISK , TMMOB , DTP, 4+4+4 klink_52','444kelime_52');" onmouseover="xKelime('444klink_52','444kelime_52');" id=444klink_52>ESP , EMEP , SDP , EHP , ODP , SODAP .
The rally has also been supported by our party that called upon the masses to participate and has been a good example for the brotherhood of the people and the defence of the Kurdish question from the labourers` front.