War ships of USA and NATO in the Black Sea
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After the Balkans and the Middle East the USA now wants to soak the Caucasus with blood and sent two NATO war ships to the Black Sea. Turkey gave permission that the war ships, which were sent claiming to bring "humane help" for Georgia, pass the Bosporus and thus showed once more that it is the accomplice of the USA. {divide}
On August 23, the ESP organised a protest action against the NATO war ships passing the Bosporus. At the demonstration from Istanbul Taksim to Dolmabahce (the place where the youth of 1968 under the leadership of Deniz Gezmis threw the soldiers of the 6th US Fleet into the sea) the ESP reminded the action against the 6th Fleet and the rejection of the parliament decision of March 1. The activists of the ESP carried a banner saying "out with the US Fleet. Yankee Go Home!" and posters of Deniz Gezmis at the demonstration. The brotherhood of the peoples of the Caucasus and the protest against imperialist wars were underlined in the slogans shouted at the action.