Mass sit-in by people of Amed
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The mass sit-in started by the Democratic Society Party ( DTP ) on November 1 at Amed (Diyarbakir) in order to stop the operations in Kurdistan, to give up military methods and use instead democratic methods to solve the Kurdish question and to draw attention to the physical attacks and threats on Abdullah Ocalan has finished on November 3 with a final action. Besides the MPs and mayors of the DTP, thousands of people joined the mass sit-in. At the sit-in organised under the title „Democratic solution to the Kurdish question", banners read „It's been enough, we want a democratic solution to the Kurdish question" were hung up. During the sit-in, the people sang songs and dances so that an atmosphere of a festival was created, and shouted slogans in favour of Ocalan. The youth realised a march with Ocalan posters and PKK flags. The sit-in was also supported by representatives of the ESP , EHP and SDP . The fact that many women joined the sit-in drew the attention. In the speech held in the name of the ESP the following was said: „We condemn the attacks on the Kurdish people that are realised against Mr. Abdullah Ocalan representing this people. We salute the great resistance created by our people with serhildan s against the policy of denial, annihilation and torture. The Kurdish deputies talking at the sit-in that was considered as an action of civil disobedience said that the Turkish state can't continue to ignore the Kurdish people's demands and demanded a democratic solution to the Kurdish question.