Disband the counterguerrilla from Susurluk to Semdinli
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On the 12th anniversary of the accident in Susurluk and the 3rd anniversary of the provocation in Semdinli , both important events, in which the relations between the counterguerrilla and the state have been significantly exposed, the ESP , DTP , SDP , EMEP , EHP , SODAP and TOP organised a demonstration in the centre of Istanbul. The demonstration, which took pace in the evening of November 8, was hindered by the police. The revolutionary and democratic organisations met under the slogan "Susurluk, Semdinli, Ergenekon , dispand the counterguerrilla"and emphasizing that the accused of the Susurluk trial were acquitted and the members of JITEM , catched red handed by the people of Semdinli were released from prison they demanded that the counterguerrilla should be tried.