The Alevis met against discrimination in Ankara
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Tens of thousands of labouring people of Alevi belief came on November 9 from different provinces to Ankara and gathered at the Sihhiye square at the meeting "Against discrimination, for equal civil rights!" The meeting was organised by the Alevi Bektasi Federation and dozens of Alevi organisations took part in it while it was supported also by many revolutionary and democratic organisations like ESP , DHP, Partizan, DTP and IHD .{divide}
Outstanding demands at the meeting were those like abolition of the obligatory religion lessons at school, give a legal status to the cemevis (religious centre of the Alevis), abolition of the directorship of religious affairs and converting the Hotel Madimak into a museum. The demonstrators condemned the massacres of Alevis with slogans and demanded the conviction of those responsible. The Alevi labourers also expressed their fury against the AKP government with their slogans.