The labouring masses will not pay the bill of the crisis
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On November, 29 hundred thousand people gathered in Ankara in order to protest against the high prices, unemployment and poverty and made clear, that they are not willing to pay the bill of the crisis, as the policy of the AKP government tries to force them to. The workers and labourers, coming from all parts of the country, followed determinant and enthusiastically the front banner saying: "We united against unemployment, poverty and high prices for bread, peace and democracy". {divide}
Besides many organisations like the trade-unions affiliated to KESK and DISK , TMMOB , TTB , Petrol-Is , Genc-Sen , Tekstil-Sen , ESP , Halkevleri , TKP, DTP and ODP , also many workers, who are in struggle right now participated in the meeting. Among them the workers of Asil Celik, Tega, Desa and from the trade-unions Birlesik Metal-Is , Limter-Is , Dev Saglik-Is and the workers of the canteen of the University of Ankara, who are occupying their work place since 11 days. Limter-Is carried a banner saying "Forward to general strike against repression, attacks against workers and economic terror". The block of the teachers affiliated to the trade-union Egitim-Sen was the most massive one.
The ESP and the Labouring Employees of the ESP also participated with their banners and slogans in the demonstration and called upon the people to struggle against the plan to make the people pay the bill of the economic crisis. In general, protests against the AKP were in the centre of the meeting, but also capitalism was condemned with many slogans shouted by tens of thousands.
Demonstrators coming from the Kurdish provinces were stopped by the police. The Platform of KESK branches, which wanted to come from Siirt to the meeting, was stopped by the police in an arbitrary way and thus was not able to participate. Also at the meeting, the police continued with its provocations. Meanwhile the speeches still continued they tried to enter the block of the ESP and to detain an activist and later on tried to enter also other blocks. When the masses protested against these provocations, some confrontations arose and the police used gas bombs against the people. However, the labourers answered this attack with stones and the police was forced to withdraw.