The massacring Greek state will give account to the workers and labourers!
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09 December 2008 /International Bureau / Statement No: 39

The Greek brother people shake the country with resistance against the murder committed by the Greek police. The resistance of the Greek people responds in the name of all the workers and labourers of the world at the massacre-like attacks of the imperialist capitalism by transforming the pain and rage we feel for the massacre into a blow like a bullet hitting the murderers.
On December 6, the Greek state assassinated the 16 years old Aleksis Grigoropulos with a police bullet. In face of the assassination of Aleksis, the workers, labourers and students in the whole country, first of all in Athens, stood up. Like it happened in 1985 after the last police murder once again cars are burnt, state buildings set on fire, streets blockaded and universities occupied. The active defence of Aleksis of the Greek people resulted in the fact that even schools were closed. As if the police murder was not enough already, the Greek state searches for oppressing the legitimate rage of the workers and labourers by declaring the state of emergency.
The example of Greece shows once more that the hypocritical bourgeois states answer the resistance of the workers and labourers with detention and prison characterizing it as blind violence and terror; meanwhile they react to any kind of threat directed against them with unbridled violence. This is not only the case in war areas and fascist dictatorships, also in the European states, which are praised as the "cradle of democracy" and participate in the occupations and attacks under the name of importing democracy to Iraq and Afghanistan it is like that. The fact that the English police shot dead people they found "suspicious", that Carlo Guilliani was assassinated during a demonstration in Genoa, Italy and that the police agents, who killed an African immigrant in police detention in Germany were released from prison in the days Aleksis was assassinated in Greece are proving this openly. State terror, political reaction and repression are escalating more and more in the imperialist countries of Europe. The deep economic crisis the capitalist world fell into will bring more political reaction and even more unbridled violence over the workers and labourers.
In our country, the police murders got againlegal basis with the change of the "Law on Powers and Tasks of the Police" in June 2007 and after that dozens of people became a victim of police bullets. The struggle of the families, democratic and revolutionary organisations against the police murders is growing. The reaction of the people of the neighbouring country Greece against the assassination of Aleksis Grigoropulos in these days is also inspiring our working class and our labouring peoples.
We, the MLCP, are condemning the police murder committed in Greece. We greet the resistance of the Greek people, who turns the rage against the dirty murder of the Greek bourgeois state into fire. We call upon all the progressive, revolutionary and communist forces of the world to show their solidarity with the Greek people.

The massacring Greek state will give account to the workers and labourers!
Aleksis Grigoropulos is immortal!

Turkey/Northern Kurdistan
International Bureau