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During the 19th and 20th century, many attempts were made to obtain unification of the European states. At the same time, the most powerful countries of Europe, especially Germany, have struggled to widen their influences also in the areas of Eastern Europe. At the end, all these efforts ended with no result. But today, it seems that the "dream" of the century is going to be realized by the second enlargement step of EU. Imperialist countries of EU, first and foremost the German imperialism, have come to the level of finishing the century's project. In Copenhagen, this issue is being dealt.

If we leave Turkey aside -whose situation is argumentative - the broad majority of 10 countries out of 11 candidate countries for membership (the Check Republic, Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, Malta, Latonia, Estonia, Lithuania, Slovenia and Greek Cyprus Side), are situated in East and South-central Europe. By the membership of these countries, the EU's geographical expansion area is going to involve almost whole Europe, and EU to extend to Ukrainian and Russian borders in the East, to the Caucasus and eastern Mediterranean as region.

Who is going to benefit from this expansion? According to the EU imperialists and the bourgeoisies of the candidate countries, this enlargement is going to be useful for both sides; new members are also going to be welfare states! This has absolutely nothing to do with reality. EU is going to give just a few crumbs to these countries but will keep the cake for itself. This countries will form a protecting wall for the heartlands, the fortress Europe. These countries are going to be investment and marketing areas for the capital of EU, especially for the German Monopoly Capital. There isn't going to be any equality, in anywhere, in between these countries and the imperialist heartlands of the EU. Through this enlargement, the EU is going to bind these regions to itself as modern colonies. The interests of the French imperialism have played a determining role during the southern enlargement of the EU, but in the eastern enlargement, the interests of the German imperialism have played a determining role. In Copenhagen, the German imperialism is going to approve his enlargement towards east in the EU.

This enlargement shows that the rivalry between the EU and USA, especially in between the German imperialism and American imperialism has gained new quality. To see this, one should consider the Enlargement to the East of the NATO, which was passed in Prague in November, and the Enlargement to the East of the EU, together; because, the NATO's eastwards expansion that resulted in Prague and EU's eastwards expansion, which is to be organized in Copenhagen now, are both related with each others. Two different imperialist powers are entering into a new rivalry period in the same geographical region: On one hand the German imperialism, under the name of the enlargement of the EU to the East, and on the other hand the American imperialism, under the name of NATO's eastwards expansion, are coming face-to-face in the same region. The American imperialism is surrounding and controlling EU, which reached to the borders of Russia and Ukraine, militarily and from the inside by making these countries members of NATO. The American imperialism aims to stop EU, whose borders will reach to the borders of Middle-East and Caucasus after the eastwards expansion, through the NATO. Because of this, the American imperialism, also through NATO, will spread itself militarily within the area which especially the German imperialism declared to be its expansion area under the name of the eastwards expansion of the EU. The same region is going to become dependent on both sides, militarily to the NATO, which means USA, and economically to the EU, which means Germany.

The Enlargement of the NATO and the EU to the East is aggravating the rivalry between the USA and EU, especially the rivalry between the American imperialism and the German imperialism on East and Middle Europe, and adds this new dimensions to this rivalry.

Both enlargements are being developed in the shadow of an imperialist war possibility against Iraq. In the Prague Summit, the American imperialism had demand support on a possible war against Iraq, and received support also from the German imperialism, who was standing against (!) the war. One way or another, the possible war will come to the agenda of the EU's Copenhagen Summit.

The struggle against both enlargements must be connected with the struggle against the imperialist war on Iraq and with the struggling perspective for another world. Another Europe, another world is possible. But, this can only be possible by destroying the existing exploitation system; capitalism, and by establishing socialism. For this reason, struggle against EU's enlargement means struggle against imperialism, exploitation and plunder.






December 2002







Marxist Leninist Communist Party Turkey / Northern Kurdistan


Communist Youth Organization
Communist Women's Organization
Armed Forces of the Poor and Oppressed
Kurdistan Organization




27.01.20 / Kobanê Peoples Celebrate Liberation Anniversary

Thousands of Arabs and Kurds took to the streets ın Kobanê today to celebrate the 5th anniversary of the liberation of their city and the 6th anniversary of the Kobanê Autonomous Administration.

Masses gathered at the central Şehîd Egîd Square which was the scene of fiercest battles between YPG/YPJ fighters and ISIS mercenaries.

PYD, JKŞ, Congress Star, TKŞ, TEV-DEM, North and East Syrian Autonomous Administration Representatives from Manbij and Girê Spî attended the celebrations. Music groups sang Kurdish and Arabic songs at the event.

21.01.20 / 'Dema Baranan' Documentary Ready For Screening

The documentary "Dema Baranan", prepared by the Yapicilar Film Collective, was completed as a cross-section of the MLKP's revolutionary march of hope and victory.

The documentary, shot in Rojava and Media Defense Areas, tells the story of MLKP's 25-year history, as well as its perspective on revolutionary strategy and political-military struggle. The communists talk in front of the camera about Turkey-Kurdistan regional revolution and the Middle East regional revolution perspective.

In the documentary, where MLKP's struggle in Rojava, the free mountains and war experiences are also transferred, there are also interviews made on behalf of the Communist Women's Organization (KKÖ) and the Communist Youth Organization (KGÖ). Also many people from different social backgrounds and nationalities talk about the changes in their lifes, after they've met the communists.

The broadcast of the documentary, which was attributed to the MLKP MK member Baran Serhad, who was murdered on March 23, 2019, was postponed to a later date due to the Turkish state's invasion attack on Rojava.

The documentary also cites MLKP's war practice in the Rojava and Media Defense Areas, while communists who have fought against the gangs in Serêkaniyê, which had been occupied in the past months, are also sharing their experiences.

Click here to watch the trailer:


21.01.20 / ''Afrin Is Ours, Our Resistance Will Liberate It''

The Communist Revolutionary Movement (TKŞ), issued a statement in the second year of the Turkish occupation in Afrin:

"2 years ago an important part of the land in Rojava the Afrin canton has been occupied by Turkey and its gangs which was internationally supported with a concept of a siege. The occupier Turkish state which followed a tactics to strangulate our revolution with step by step occupation suffered great losses confronting a will of steel, during the 2 months lasting resistance of the age. The fascist, invading Turkish state, which did not proceed even one step without its heaviest technique, started the occupation movement with the approval of primarily the Russian, American and international imperialist states and colonial regional states.
Opening the airspace of Russia, the US, UN, EU and other imperialist states remained silent during the weeks and months in which Turkey and its gangs commited crimes against humanity. Because they are all people's enemies, they are all enemies of revolution. The common purpose of all is to break the Rojava revolution and women's will, which represents a garden of peoples and freedoms. And it is not a coincidence that Afrin, which represents the Kurds, Arabs, Alevis, Armenians and the women's will and people's brotherhood is targeted. During the occupation period, hundreds of civilian people, children, women and elderly people were massacred. After hundreds of fighter were martyred and the epic resistance that lasted for 2 months, the Turkish Republic and its gangs that occupied Afrin started to change the demographic structure by placing family members of gangs in Afrin and then the people's homes, goods were plundered, historical places were destroyed and tens of thousands of olive trees symbolized by Afrin were cut. They started an ecological destruction. Civilian people were kidnapped, tortured and raped. With this occupation movement, the Turkish Republic, which once again put the occupation landscapes of the Ottoman in Efrin, targeted the common life of the peoples of the region, which gained the freedoms of the Kurdish people, primarily through the Rojava revolution. They aimed to destroy the gains of women's will, which had retarded the thousands years lasting patriarchy. But they could not achieve their goals. Rojava and Northern Syrian peoples continued to claim their gains in the face of this invasion attack.

This concept of destroying by the Turkish state, which is its reason for existence, continued with the occupation of Serêkaniyê and Gîre Spî. The imperialist powers and the colonialist regional states want to impose surrender by directly or indirectly supporting this occupation movement, pulling the achievements of the revolution to the lowest point.

We, as the Communist Revolutionary Movement, once again repeat our promise to all our peoples to thousands of martyrs who were martyred in the Rojava revolution and Afrin defense. We will defend our revolution and achievements with the resistance manifesto of Avestas, Barin, Tirêj, Free, Zeynells, Adlar and Gulan. The liberation of Afrin, Serêkaniyê, Girê Spî and all lands under occupation is our reason for existence. "

20.01.20 / The Resistance Will Expel The Occupyers, Afrin Will Be Liberated


The occupation attacks of the fascist Turkish state against Afrin which began on 20 January 2018, reached its second year. Thousands of people were massacred and hundreds of thousands were forced to leave their homes after the attacks.
Afrin has been looted and pillaged. The occupant AKP regime is deepening the genocide in and around Afrin, and is still intending to strangle the people of Afrin under encirclement. Thousands from the Kurdish and Arab families who remained in the city have been abducted by the gangs. The fate of hundreds of people is still unknown," said the statement.


15.01.20 / Communist Prisoner İsmail Yılmaz Tortured


MLKP prisoner İsmail Yılmaz, who has been in Elazığ High Security Prison No. 2 since 2017, has not been able to use his rights such as visits, phone calls and cargo purchase for 2 years because he refused to wear the inscription of being terror criminal. Yılmaz's defense notes for the hearing on February 7 were seized by the prison administration. He was also threatened for not taking his cap off during the count.

Medical treatments are forbidden. In addition, Yilmaz was informed by the prison administration that he would not be able to buy books other than on religious holidays, New Year's Eve and birthdays.
The Law Office of the Oppressed demanded that the pressure on their client İsmail Yılmaz and Mahmut Soner, who suffered the same rights violations, end immediately.

Yılmaz is charged with aggravated life imprisonment for participating in the Nusaybin self-government resistance. Ismail Yilmaz, declared in his defense at the hearing, "We followed the light of the Paris Commune. The light of today's self-government resistance will be the light of tomorrow".

31.12.19 / The freedom rebellion of the oppressed will meet revolution in 2020

Our peoples in Kurdistan and the Middle East, their revolutionary and communist pioneers have demonstrated a great resistance to the invasion of the global imperialist forces and the colonialist regional states. We commemorate all the revolutionary fighters who fell martyrs in this resistance, once again by saying: We will make 2020 a year in which hope, resistance and rebellion will meet new revolutions. The rulers will be the target of the revolutionary struggle of the oppressed everywhere and in any situation. The imperialist and colonial war barons will find it harder to find people to fight under the banner of capital in 2020. But the oppressed will be the nightmare of the rulers as a larger mass fighting for their aspirations under the banner of justice, equality and freedom.

As in many parts of the world, in the Middle East, in 2019, our people, especially women, occupied the squares for justice, equality and freedom. They ensured the resignation of the governments. Some of them succeeded in gaining rights. They carried the consciousness of the peoples forward. The most important development of the year 2019 was undoubtedly the mass militancy and pioneering stance of the women's movement in the libertarian struggle of the gender movement.



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Workers, Women, Youth And Poor Thirsty For Justice!

26 September 2019

26/09/2019 / FESK / Statement The fascist chief-regime managed to outpace all the previous fascist regimes regarding its hostility against the laboring and oppressed.