The defence speech of Seyfi Polat
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The fascist bourgeois convictions of the indictment cannot overshadow the legitimacy of the MLCP

The indictment which does not define the MLCP as a party rejecting the bourgeois system and fascist regime and wanting to overthrow them, but as an "armed terror organisation", has no validity.
Our party gets its legitimacy from the struggle for the liberation of the working class and the oppressed from exploitation and political tyranny. Not considering legitimate the longings, interests and demands of the working class, labourers of the cities and labouring peasantry resulting from their class, social, national and gender identity, who are the creators of all wealth produced on this soil and present the great majority of the population, could only be the expression of the political dominance of the exploitation and of a bunch of parasites on our people. But this is exactly what is not legitimate in the eyes of labouring manhood.
And can it be said that anything legal is always legitimate?
It is legal that general strike, solidarity strike and boycott are considered as a crime!
It is legal that putting up tents in front of factories for a strike is banned!
It is legal that a sectoral quota of 10 % and notarisation for membership[23*] is obligatory for trade-unions!
It is legal that strikes are postponed by the state under the pretext of "national security"!
It is legal that the labouring public employees are deprived of the right to unionisation including the right to strike and collective agreement!
Non-free education, non-free health service as well as retirement in the grave are legal!
It is legal to violate the right to housing by demolishing the shanty houses of the labourers and destroy the social life!
The budgets, decisions on price increase, the limitation of social expenses to the minimum, low wages and social destruction policies according to the demands of the IMF and World Bank are legal!
Unjust income tax and indirect taxes such as value added tax which are even more unjust are legal!
After the capitalist locks the door of the factory during the night shift and leaves the workers inside working uninsured and without the right of unionisation, and by this way becomes responsible for five women, one of them pregnant, burning alive in a fire at the factory, it is legal to sentence him to pay a fine as if awarding him![24*]
Many articles such as the article 301[25*] labelling thought as a crime are legal!
The barrier of 10% at the elections is legal!
It is legal to refuse the collective rights of our Kurdish people and deny them!
It is legal not to allow the conviction of the bloody-handed fascist junta members of the military coup of September 12, servants of the Pentagon and White House, because of their crimes against humanity!
It is legal not to let open a legal process against torturers, head-and-ear hunters, those responsible for extrajudicial killings, rapists, without the permission of the authorised administrative chief.
It is legal to let the USA use the military base Incirlik in order to occupy Iraq and Afghanistan and shed the blood of Afghan and Arab people!
The F type isolation terror is legal!
It is legal to give the forests, agricultural areas and coasts to the use of the international mining and tourism companies almost for nothing!
The domination of the fascist generals, collaborators of the USA, within the regime is legal!
It is very obvious that this list will continue to become longer. Let us stop here and ask:
Even if all these facts are legal, are they also legitimate? It is clear: No and no!
In the same way, anything illegal can also not be labelled as "not legitimate".
The MLCP is an illegal, but a thoroughly legitimate revolutionary party. No, it was not founded according to the laws of the system, and it did not make itself fit into the borders and moulds of these reactionary-fascist laws. For this reason, the defenders of the system of exploitation and oppression can persecute the party in the name of the ruling forces, but leaving aside their ability to put an end to the legitimacy of our party, they will not manage to overshadow it even a little bit.
A party can be legal or illegal. The criterion for being a party is not legality, but some objective criteria.
Every party has a program, a statute/internal functioning, cadres and organs, members, criteria/rules of membership, strategy, basic tactics and approaches and current tactics. Parties are organisations that have a united will and action.
The MLCP has all these characteristics. With its uninterrupted, consistent and active political activity, with its organisation that spread in Turkey and Northern Kurdistan, its steadily working organisations and organs, its rules, publications, its congresses and conferences, our party is among the respected parties fighting for freedom and socialism.
The illegality of the MLCP and its organisation on a clandestine basis are based not on a fetish, but on the need to ensure the freedom of struggle for the emancipation of the working class from being wage slaves and the oppressed from the political yoke and injustice.
If our party were not illegal and organised on a clandestine basis, capital and fascism would not have any difficulties in making the MLCP inactive - if the party does not deviate from its program, strategy and political line - and annihilate it physically by using violence, provocation and conspiracy, such as it is being done to all active revolutionary parties fighting against the ruling power. What prevents them from reaching this dirty aim are illegality and clandestine action. Nevertheless, for years they have been making use of all the methods of tyranny and violence against our party, such as seen in the example of Mustafa Suphi, the revolutionary movement of '71 and its leaders on behalf of it and since then until now, and they have committed crimes against humanity. In vain! The MLCP will continue to be illegal and clandestine in order to protect its freedom of struggle against the wage slavery system, exploitation, social and national injustices, fascism and imperialism.


23* In order to have authorisation /representation in one single workplace, a trade union has to pass the quota of 10% across the sector. Moreover, notarisation is obligatory for membership in a trade union to be valid.
24* 5 female workers lost their lives at the fire in the factory of Ozay textile in Bursa on December 29, 2005 because the gates of the factory were locked on them. Lokman Ozay, owner of the factory, received only a fine of 182 thousand YTL at the trial against him. It was understood that the fire was caused of the lack of safety measures despite the inflammables at the factory. The women had to work 16 hours a day and the gates of the factory were always locked on them so that they cannot get out during the work. They were insured four days after their death, while the factory itself had already been insured for a high price.
25* Article 301 of the Turkish penal code makes it illegal to "insult Turkey, the Turkish ethnicity, or Turkish government institutions". It took effect on June 1, 2005. Of course, the content of "insulting" is not defined and this makes it possible to consider every criticism and objection as an "insult", opening the way for the conviction of hundreds of intellectuals and journalists.


