The defence speech of Seyfi Polat
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The MLCP is a reality of this soil

Our party was born as a result of a five-year labour, effort and indomitableness from 1989 to 1994 on the basis of the inner struggles of its predecessor organisations and as a product of reckoning with the mentality of unprincipled separatism and political sectarianism that has stamped the period of 1974-1980 of the revolutionary movement as a bad tradition. It was founded on September 10, 1994 with the Unity Revolution[26*] being an achievement of a strong revolutionary will.
The MLCP was created by the TDKIH (Revolutionary Communist Workers' Movement of Turkey), TKIH (Communist Workers' Movement of Turkey), TKP-ML Hareketi (Communist Party of Turkey-Marxist Leninist / Movement) and TKP-ML (YIO) (Communist Party of Turkey-Marxist Leninist / Reconstruc-tion Organisation) after they dissolved themselves. However, it is not an arithmetical sum of them or a continuation of their mentality within a broader structure; it is a consequence of an organic unity and a deep mental revolution that finds its expression essentially in the break-off of with revolutionary spontaneity[27*] and in the Marxist-Leninist comprehension of the role of the will during the process of preparing the revolution.
Our party takes its power from all popular revolts, from Baba Ishak to Dadaloglu, from Pir Sultan[31] to Bedrettin and Seyit Riza[32], that arose in Anatolia and Mesopotamia, and it is the historical inheritor of the TKP (Communist Party of Turkey) led by Mustafa Suphi and Ethem Nejat. The historical roots and revolutionary spirit of the MLCP base on the revolutionary breakthrough of 1971[28*] achieved by Mahir, Ibrahim, Deniz and their comrades.
Being born in Turkey and Northern Kurdistan, the MLCP is the vanguard party of the working class of the Turkish and Kurdish nations and Laz, Circassian, Georgian, Abkhaz, Armenian, Greek, Assyrian, Arab, Bosnian and Gypsy nationalities that live on this land.
Why is it not the vanguard party of any other class but the working class?
The reason is the fact that the working class is the only social force that is able to abolish the system of private property on the means of production which is the basis of all exploitation and social, national and sexual inequalities and together with its own emancipation, to open the way for the emancipation of all the labouring people. As an expression of the socialisation of production, the working class, contrarily to the classes that own means of production, has nothing to loose by the solution of the contradiction between the collective character of production and the private property of means of production and by the socialisation of factories, enterprises, land and natural wealth. On the contrary, there is a great world to win with the end of wage slavery, with social justice, social equality and working class' democracy.
For the MLCP, Marxism-Leninism is the basis. Marxism-Leninism is not a dogma or a pile of frozen dead formulations, but a scientific guide. For this reason, the MLCP puts the historical and dialectical materialist method before anything. It acts with the consciousness that otherwise one cannot be a Marxist and give Marxist-Leninist answers to questions and problems of the period the world and society are living in.
Our party is an internationalist political force which is strictly committed to the call of the scientific socialist discipline for the unity of world workers. It takes any struggle against exploitation, oppression, colonialist yoke, social and sexual inequality in any part of the world as its own struggle and it considers its own activity as a part of the international revolutionary struggle.
The MLCP stands against all kinds of sectarianism and alienation that appear in form of seeing itself as an objective. Revolutionary and socialist goals that will put an end to political and social pains suffered by the working class and the oppressed, commitment to the tasks of developing the struggle of the working class and our peoples for liberation and identification of its existence and of its self-reproduction with these aims are ideological-ethical principles for our party. The slogan "For the victory of revolution, long live the MLCP!"[29*] is one of the reflections of our party's point of view of not falling apart from the objective.
The MLCP is neither a circle, nor a formless organisation; it is neither a group deprived of internal principles of functioning, nor having internal principles of functioning just on the paper.
The MLCP bases on the voluntary unity of the communists that accept its program and statute, that take place in one of its organisations, that are over 18 years old and that come from the working class or have adopted the cause of the working class in spite of coming from other classes and strata. Our congresses that are celebrated with the attendance of elected delegates and that elect the Central Committee to direct the party for a certain period are the only organ of the party authorised for changes in the program and statute. The MLCP is organised on the basis of the principle of democratic centralism, while its basic principle of administration and of its existence is collectivism. With its internal law of functioning that treats all members in the same way independently from their tasks and responsibilities and with its internal democracy that works despite all difficulties and obstacles caused by the conditions of clandestinity, the MLCP has a democratic structure which is thousand times fairer than that of the system parties of all colours.


26* Unity Revolution is the foundation of the MLCP by the unification of communist organisations.
27* Revolutionary spontaneity means the lack of the perspective of "preparing the revolution" instead of "waiting for the revolution"; in other terms, lack of the force of pushing the masses and events in the direction of a certain revolutionary strategy.
28* "Revolutionary breakthrough of 1971" is the term used to express the foundation of three revolutionary organisations, THKO (Popular Liberation Army of Turkey), THKP-C (Popular Liberation Front-Party of Turkey) and TKP-ML (Communist Party of Turkey - Marxist Leninist) by Deniz Gezmis, Mahir Cayan and Ibrahim Kaypakkaya who had broken off with the revisionist, pro-kemalist and reformist traditions of the leftist movement in Turkey and Northern Kurdistan. Almost all revolutionary organisations of today come from these three organisations.
29*The 3rd Congress of the MLCP adopted this slogan as the motto of the Congress in order to express that the MLCP is not a goal of itself but it is necessary for the victory of revolution.


