The defence speech of Seyfi Polat
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Against whom and for what does the MLCP fight?

If the spin-doctor of the indictment have had given a little bit effort to read, research and understand what he had read, instead of continuously repeating what he has memorised on "terror" and making sentences full of falsification, slander and ignorance, he would have seen that:
The MLCP that is guided by Marxism-Leninism, in other terms, scientific socialism, struggles against the capitalist exploitation system dependent on imperialism where collaborating monopolist bourgeoisie is the ruling class and the antagonism between labour and capital is the fundamental contradiction;
against the fascist dictatorship of the MGK, which is the guardian of the collaborating capitalist oligarchy and the big landowners and in which the US-collaborator generals have a great privilege of political power;
against the denial and the colonialist yoke upon the Kurdish nation;
against the yoke of the imperialists, and above all, of the USA,
for freedom and socialism.
As neither the collaborator bourgeoisie and its allies nor the imperialism would accept to withdraw their domination, exploitation and yoke as a result of a public referendum, there is no other alternative but revolution.
The framework of the minimum program of our party consists of achievement of political freedoms of the working class and the oppressed through an anti-imperialist democratic revolution conditioned by the existence of the fascist regime that reigns upon our peoples, the national question, imperialist yoke and the question of land reform that continues to exist in Kurdistan. This revolution will also contain some anti-capitalist measures. As a result of such revolution, the following measures and other political and social steps that will not be stressed here shall be taken:
Fascist dictatorship of collaborationist-monopolist bourgeoisie and big landowners shall be overthrown and be replaced with a Union of Workers'-Labourers' Soviet Republics consisting of two republics[30*], in which the democratic right of separation remains.
The coercive apparatuses of ruling classes shall be dismantled and be replaced with a people's army and a people's militia under the supervision of masses organized in workers'-labourers' soviets.
The working class and the oppressed shall have the freedom of speech, press, assembly, association and action and the use of these rights shall be guaranteed; linguistic, national, religious, denominational and regional discrimination among citizens shall be prevented; penalties incompatible with human dignity and torture shall be abolished.
The denial of the Kurdish nation and the colonialist yoke upon it shall be broken; a full equality of rights between Kurdish and Turkish people shall be ensured; the right of our Kurdish people to establish its own national state and to unite with other forces of Kurdistan shall be guaranteed; oppression on Lazs, Circassians, Georgians, Abkhazs, Armenians, Greeks, Syrians, Arabs, Bosnians, Gypsies and other nationalities shall be abolished; development of all languages and cultures shall be guaranteed.
Women shall have completely equal legal rights with men; all kinds of gender discrimination shall be abolished; first basic necessary steps for the full emancipation of women from all forms of patriarchal yoke shall be taken; policies that consider children as a social wealth and that aim at the socialisation of domestic labour shall be followed.
Religious Affairs Directorship shall be dismantled; religious affairs and state affairs shall be separated, oppression on religious minorities and cultural-religious communities, first of all on Alevis shall be abolished, discrimination and inequality of religions and denominations shall be abolished; religion shall be proclaimed a private affair and freedom of belief of believers and non-believers shall be guaranteed.
All debts and obligations to imperialist states, first of all to the USA, to multinational firms and imperialist apparatuses such as the IMF and World Bank shall be cancelled.
NATO membership shall be cancelled, US and NATO bases and installations shall be seized, all secret treaties shall be disclosed, covert and overt obligations to imperialists shall be repealed.
Enterprises, factories, real estate and other wealth owned by imperialist, collaborationist-monopolist bourgeoisie, the state and the sectors of the middle bourgeoisie that fight against revolution shall be seized.
All buildings and urban land owned by big estate owners and the state and wholesale internal and foreign trade shall be nationalized.
All land, means of production and other wealth owned by big landowners and the state shall be nationalized. In those regions where semi-feudal relations of production are predominant, the demand of land of the landless and poor peasantry shall be covered.
The debts of small and middle peasants to the banks, landowners, usurers and state shall be declared null and void; the mortgages on their lands and means of production shall be repealed.
The right of 35-hour work week and one month paid holiday for each year shall be guaranteed for all workers; overtime work and, with the exception of obligatory cases, and night work shall be prohibited.
Health services shall be rendered free and an extensive public health service system shall be set up.
A general social security system covering all labourers shall be established; unemployed, old and sick shall be protected; all necessary measures shall be taken for the care, education, development of productive talents and participation into social life of our disabled people.
Indirect taxes shall be abolished; a single progressive tax shall be levied in favour of workers and other labourers.
The solution of housing question shall be dealt with; nationalized dwellings shall be distributed in a manner giving precedence to poor and needy labourers.
Natural and historical environment shall be protected.
Bureaucratic censorship and all sorts of anti-democratic restrictions in the field of science, art and culture shall be abolished; production of scientific and progressive ideas shall be promoted.
A struggle shall be waged, together with the peoples of the world and revolutionary, democratic and peace loving forces, for the destruction and prohibition of nuclear, biological, chemical and other weapons, threatening all the humankind.
The opportunities of regional development of revolution shall be utilised; revolutionary struggles of the world working class and the oppressed peoples shall be supported; in relation with the revolutionary developments in the Balkans, the Caucasus and the Middle East, democratic or socialist federations as an expression of the policy of uniting the working class and the peoples of our region shall be targeted; all kinds of expansionist and chauvinist policy shall be rejected; all occupation forces in Cyprus shall be expulsed and the policy of establishing a federation based on the democratic equality and fraternal unity of Turkish and Greek peoples shall be adopted.
With the victory of the revolution, the MLCP aims at starting the process of socialization of the means of production, extinguishing any kind of exploitation of and domination of human by human, as well as the bourgeois ideologists' influences, dependent on the consciousness, will and preparedness of the working class, as well as on the determination and success of the working class to lead the poor in the cities and the countryside. In other words, the MLCP aims at starting the period of socialism.
Our party's final aim is, depending on the socialist achievements in the world and on the conditions of abundance created by using all science and technology for society, to achieve a world with an unlimited brotherhood of humanity, where the enslaving subordination of the individual to the division of labour is over, the antithesis between mental and physical labour, between city and countryside, has vanished, where culture becomes the common property of everyone, labour has become a delight and life's prime want, where people do not rule people but things, where total freedom is won for humanity, where the classes, the state and national fences do not exist anymore. The scientific name for this is the communist society.


30* As the Kurdish people will have the right to establish their own republic.


