Hundreds of bones found in excavations
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Following the confessions of the former JITEM agent Abdulkadir Aygan, Diyarbakir Chief Public Prosecutor's Office commanded to start with excavations to find the bones of Fethi Yildirim and Hakki Kaya, who both had been kidnapped and executed nearby Karacali village next to Amed in the ‘90ies. The excavations that were started on April 1 at 7 different points have finished. The excavations were observed by lawyers affiliated to the IHD and were carried out in a region that is known for having been a garbage dump for the army for 10 years. On April 3, 461 bones and 1 piece of a shirt were found in the excavations taking place in the zone Deveboyu in Hani, a county of Diyarbakir. Diyarbakir Chief Public Prosecutor's Office took possession of the bones to send them to the legal medicine in order to be analysed and decided on if they belong to human beings or animals.