Hope is standing tall: Our march to the revolution is continuing!
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The raids on the socialist organisations by the fascist dictatorship show its fear from our march to the revolution. They stopped to use their phrases of “having brought down” our party which they claimed after the attacks in September 2006, however, they have still felt greedy to do so. Our party is standing tall, continuing to fight and creating more posts despite the state’s nonstop attacks.

01 April 2009 /International Bulletin / Issue: 80


The colonial fascist dictatorship continues with its attacks we are used to. It hails bombs on Kurdistan, and carries out one operation after another with its occupying forces of hundred thousands of soldiers. However, it can neither stop the Kurdish people's struggle nor weaken it. In the contrary, as shown by the w ill of the Kurdish people's masses on Newroz this year, the Kurdish people are raising its struggle defying the attacks.
The dictatorship continues with its attacks targeting the communists, socialists and revolutionaries. In the raids on organisations' offices and houses that took place in the morning of March 10 in 6 cities, 57 socialists were arrested. By raiding the houses of the chairmen and activists of legal organisations such as the ESP (Socialist Platform of the Oppressed), the art and cultural foundation BEKSAV , SGD (Socialist Youth Association), EKD (Association of Labourer Women) and the union Limter-Is with their long barrel weapons, they have tried to stop socialism growing in this country. In vain! The organisations raided continue with their struggle, in the same way like a river is flowing with spring enthusiasm.
It is again our party being the target of the police raids. The police that can't reach our party is raiding the socialist organisations in fear and by using its long barrel weapons and carrying iron vests. They have pursued communists on the basis of fake accusations. After 57 people were arrested, the arrests continued. However, once again their conspiracies exploded in their own hands. Although they imprisoned 15 socialists on the basis of fake proofs and tried to present their showy operations to be totally justified, the communists and revolutionaries taking their strength from the justness, legitimation and the workers' and labourers' will continue with their struggle in the prisons and outside the prisons.
The communists are used to attacks taking place during the period March to May. Our history is full of these attacks. The period March to May consists of those months during which the enthusiasm of the struggle is growing and we sing our songs even louder. From March 8 to Gazi , from Newroz to Mayday, these are the month during which our slogans are echoing on the streets draped with our banners and posters. During the period March to May there are the following actions: the march of our militia in Gazi, armed actions in different boroughs of Istanbul, banners hanged up on main roads that salute the people, and our banner opened at the Newroz celebrity where we also shout our slogans. Our party continues with its march to the revolution and socialism on the streets within the masses and the struggle. Our party will raise the struggle against the state terror and tanks on Mayday, the glory day of the working class' struggle.
The attacks on March 10 were an attack on the communist will and the will of September 10 that continued their march without diverting despite the arrests and detentions of hundreds of people during the period of September 8-21, 2006 and later on. The attacks on March 10 were an attack against the Kurdish and Turkish brotherhood that was formed in relation with the elections on March 29 as well as on the alliance and unity of the national movement and the socialist will including broad masses. And the attacks on March 10 were an attack on the idea of socialism and itself, and on the elucidation and organisation of the working class.
The attacks on March 10 were against the socialists' struggle carried out continuously against the fascist counter guerrilla organisation Ergenekon reaching from Susurluk to Semdinli , against the fascist counter guerrilla gangs and their state.
The raids on the socialist organisations by the fascist dictatorship show its fear from our march to the revolution. They stopped to use their phrases of "having brought down" our party which they claimed after the attacks in September 2006, however, they have still felt greedy to do so. Our party is standing tall, continuing to fight and creating more posts despite the state's nonstop attacks.
The attacks on March 10 created a huge solidarity movement for the communists and socialists as it had happened in September 2006. The revolutionary, progressive forces and intellectuals of Turkey showed solidarity with the arrested and imprisoned and defended the socialists. Revolutionary forces from many other countries, from Peru to Azerbaidschan, from India to Albania, from Russia to Italy, from Bulgaria to Croatia, from the Ukraine to Greece as well as two international organisations, the International Red Aid and the Marxist Leninist Party and Organisations' International Conference, sent protest letters to the Turkish state in which they declared their solidarity with the imprisoned. They have displayed examples of international solidarity that are really to be appreciated.
Our party will determinedly continue its march to the revolution and socialism.





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Hope is standing tall: Our march to the revolution is continuing!
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The raids on the socialist organisations by the fascist dictatorship show its fear from our march to the revolution. They stopped to use their phrases of “having brought down” our party which they claimed after the attacks in September 2006, however, they have still felt greedy to do so. Our party is standing tall, continuing to fight and creating more posts despite the state’s nonstop attacks.

01 April 2009 /International Bulletin / Issue: 80


The colonial fascist dictatorship continues with its attacks we are used to. It hails bombs on Kurdistan, and carries out one operation after another with its occupying forces of hundred thousands of soldiers. However, it can neither stop the Kurdish people's struggle nor weaken it. In the contrary, as shown by the w ill of the Kurdish people's masses on Newroz this year, the Kurdish people are raising its struggle defying the attacks.
The dictatorship continues with its attacks targeting the communists, socialists and revolutionaries. In the raids on organisations' offices and houses that took place in the morning of March 10 in 6 cities, 57 socialists were arrested. By raiding the houses of the chairmen and activists of legal organisations such as the ESP (Socialist Platform of the Oppressed), the art and cultural foundation BEKSAV , SGD (Socialist Youth Association), EKD (Association of Labourer Women) and the union Limter-Is with their long barrel weapons, they have tried to stop socialism growing in this country. In vain! The organisations raided continue with their struggle, in the same way like a river is flowing with spring enthusiasm.
It is again our party being the target of the police raids. The police that can't reach our party is raiding the socialist organisations in fear and by using its long barrel weapons and carrying iron vests. They have pursued communists on the basis of fake accusations. After 57 people were arrested, the arrests continued. However, once again their conspiracies exploded in their own hands. Although they imprisoned 15 socialists on the basis of fake proofs and tried to present their showy operations to be totally justified, the communists and revolutionaries taking their strength from the justness, legitimation and the workers' and labourers' will continue with their struggle in the prisons and outside the prisons.
The communists are used to attacks taking place during the period March to May. Our history is full of these attacks. The period March to May consists of those months during which the enthusiasm of the struggle is growing and we sing our songs even louder. From March 8 to Gazi , from Newroz to Mayday, these are the month during which our slogans are echoing on the streets draped with our banners and posters. During the period March to May there are the following actions: the march of our militia in Gazi, armed actions in different boroughs of Istanbul, banners hanged up on main roads that salute the people, and our banner opened at the Newroz celebrity where we also shout our slogans. Our party continues with its march to the revolution and socialism on the streets within the masses and the struggle. Our party will raise the struggle against the state terror and tanks on Mayday, the glory day of the working class' struggle.
The attacks on March 10 were an attack on the communist will and the will of September 10 that continued their march without diverting despite the arrests and detentions of hundreds of people during the period of September 8-21, 2006 and later on. The attacks on March 10 were an attack against the Kurdish and Turkish brotherhood that was formed in relation with the elections on March 29 as well as on the alliance and unity of the national movement and the socialist will including broad masses. And the attacks on March 10 were an attack on the idea of socialism and itself, and on the elucidation and organisation of the working class.
The attacks on March 10 were against the socialists' struggle carried out continuously against the fascist counter guerrilla organisation Ergenekon reaching from Susurluk to Semdinli , against the fascist counter guerrilla gangs and their state.
The raids on the socialist organisations by the fascist dictatorship show its fear from our march to the revolution. They stopped to use their phrases of "having brought down" our party which they claimed after the attacks in September 2006, however, they have still felt greedy to do so. Our party is standing tall, continuing to fight and creating more posts despite the state's nonstop attacks.
The attacks on March 10 created a huge solidarity movement for the communists and socialists as it had happened in September 2006. The revolutionary, progressive forces and intellectuals of Turkey showed solidarity with the arrested and imprisoned and defended the socialists. Revolutionary forces from many other countries, from Peru to Azerbaidschan, from India to Albania, from Russia to Italy, from Bulgaria to Croatia, from the Ukraine to Greece as well as two international organisations, the International Red Aid and the Marxist Leninist Party and Organisations' International Conference, sent protest letters to the Turkish state in which they declared their solidarity with the imprisoned. They have displayed examples of international solidarity that are really to be appreciated.
Our party will determinedly continue its march to the revolution and socialism.