Resistance in Istanbul against demolitions
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On May 14, demolition troops and police entered Bayramtepe quarter in Kucukcekmece, Istanbul, and faced resistance of the people. The people had prepared barricades and answered the brutal attacks of the police with its tanks, plastic bullets and gas bombs with resistance lasting for several hours. As a result of the police attacks, there were many injured. When the police threw gas bombs on Tepe Primary School, 63 students had to be taken to hospital. The police who could not stop the resistance started to arrest many people. Bayramtepe people had been given the promise of acquiring titles just before the elections. {divide}
The demolitions and police terror in Bayramtepe was protested on May 15 by revolutionary, democratic organisations as well as KESK Istanbul Branches' Platform and Egitim-Sen Istanbul Branches. Members of KESK organised a march until Tepe Primary School and shouted slogans with the demand "The governor must resign!". DTP Basaksehir borough organisation made an action in front of its office in Basaksehir, to which Bayramtepe belongs, emphasizing that the demolition attacks are in fact state terror. The action was supported by different democratic progressive forces such as Partizan, ESP and Halkevleri .