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One of the most important institutions, which improved by fascism and the capital in order to suppress the fight for revolution and socialism, is the 'political police'. The political police is an institution that is especially organized by the fascist dictatorship. We already know that this institution has been highly improved quality and quantity wise and has made a long way on information and experience, finance, technique, intelligence and torture, destruction and infiltration. The other fact, we are aware of, is that the political police will be educated more and more depending on the development of national and social struggle.

In that case, the education of ourselves in the struggle against political police and uninterrupted renovation of our selves for all political conditions; is still on our agenda and is one part of the struggle against the hegemony of fascism and the capital.

Struggle against political police can not gain success by using the techniques of illegality only. On the contrary, this struggle must be dealt on the basis of correct unification and application of needs' and requirements' of political and organizational work. A correct political struggle and understanding of leadership, a correct organization model, correct unification of the legal and illegal struggle, a correct working style and the realization of the principles and rules; are forming the conditions for success of the struggle against political police and of the "art of safe work".

Thus, as a result of some errors, weakness and deficiency the political police was able to give important and heavy blows to our party and other revolutionary organizations.

We never minimize the role of proficiency and advantages that was gained by the political police before the revolutionary movement, but such result occurs because of the weaknesses and undisciplined attitudes of the revolutionary movement and its militants, who are not educating themselves in the struggle against the political police, rather then proficiency of political police.

Here, two concrete results came out. 1) Educational and professional success of the fascist dictatorship and political police can not be minimized. 2) The revolutionary movement must renew itself in the struggle against political police, immediately overcome its primitiveness and amateur approaches, and must deeply examine and apply historical and actual lessons and experiences of the class struggle in our geography and in other parts of the world.

Despite to its important weaknesses, deficiency and loses in the "art of safe work", our party forms the most sounded part of the revolutionary movement via its experiences, fighting talents or by its will of renovation.

But this fact does not ignore the necessary reality for our party to enter in a period to face its weaknesses in this area and to renew itself immediately and strongly on the axis of party style. On the contrary, it insists this.

Our Second Congress, which organized under hard political conditions and special attacks of the police and despite of heavy losses, is a proof of renewing capacity and quality of our party in the "art of safe work". The class character of our party, its historical function and the concrete call of our Second Congress are integrating with each others'.

The facts, which will be stressed below, are our weaknesses that give extraordinary advantages to enemy, and it is absolutely necessary to overcome.

Naturally, the class struggle is also a question of cost and advantage. Right here, the question is this: were the costs, which had been paid, inevitable? Yes to payment of a cost! Without being in a dilemma85 But, the costs must be paid when it's inevitable. The costs, which we have been paying again and again by living our negative experiences and practices, does not match with claims' and wills' of our party. We must learn from our own experiences and from the experiences of others. We should never repeat the same error, weakness and deficiency again. Even for once, we should not forget the saying that goes "errors of the revolutionaries are the best friend of the police". The cost of being primitive, liberalism, pragmatism, superficiality, not being dispense from bad habits, being undisciplined, unable to exercise the calls and directives of the party; all these objectively serves the class enemy and political police and becomes a gun that shots to the party.

Giving blows to our party and party works, which has developed through huge efforts and costs, based on our own mistakes is not in accordance with our party values, party style and "art of safe work".

The political police does not avoid to use every single weaknesses and faults. As his/her quality and needs' of duty, he/she acts furiously. Yet, we have to be much better. Always we have to be one step, several steps, before them. We have to be merciless and bitter on our weaknesses to settle accounts and educate our selves. We must stay tight to depend on Bolshevik criticism and self-criticism.

The "Art of safe work" creates a totality with its principles, rules and norms, and, in practice, it must be exercised totally.

But, one of our weaknesses, that seen widespread, concretized at this point. For example, practicing just ten rules of the illegality in art of struggle against political police and not practicing five of them, or exercising nine of them, out of ten, if this is the case, you will be open to receive blows from the class enemy. You will weaken the party. The political police can build a bridge that enters the inside of the party. They can give blows by walking on that bridge.

Are you going to prepare a meeting place? Are you going to make appointments? Are you going to arrange a storage? Are you going to set contacts between legal and illegal relations? Are you going to develop a bureau to make false documents? Are you going to use technical apparatus like telephone etc? Are you going to take a cadre to party? Are you going to develop camouflage methods? Are you going to fight against agent-provocateur infiltration? Are you going to work through courier system? Are you going to realize and stop the police pursuit? Are you going to protect the archive and secrets of the organization? Are you going to set contacts with people in prisons? Are you going to transfer cadre from one region to the other? Are you going to collect information? Are you going to make a duty sharing? Are you going to develop a vertical pyramidal organization model? Are you going to organize a demonstration? Are you going to examine the style and methods of the political police? Are you going to educate a person in "art of safe work"? etc. All this has to be done in connection with a system. All this has to be shaped according to the illegality and, needs' and internal entire of the 'art of struggle' against political police. This art, if its going to gain right to call 'art', has to lean on to artistic creativeness, and to theoretical and practical means of value, which determines and directs this art.

In his work called that "Advice to Revolutionary", Serge, explains that in each step that they were taking, the Russian Bolsheviks were asking them selves "how much does this job, that I am doing or I am going to do, suit the rules of illegal work?".

What we need, as communists, is; this sensibility, this will and this practice. Whole practice has to be developed in stability and continuing practical line.

But, one of our weaknesses also became concrete at this point. We are being really careful, cautious and attach importance to act in consciousness when dictatorship and its police attacks us. But, when their attack becomes flagged or seems like flagged we are loosening and acting imprudently. The irregular and undisciplined behavior starts growing. Yet the political police knows this very well and always takes it into account in their style and method.

However, it is always necessary to know that the political police will never sit free. The period in between two operations is the preparation period of political police for another operation. So, if the "art of safe work" would not be practiced at all times the political police may get very important chances or advantages.

We shall never forget the proverb that says "water sleeps but enemy never" and must show the way to our party. We are a party that organized on illegal basis. We must never forget that being educated and qualified in the "art of safe work" is the basic characteristics of every communist party and its militants.

For that reason, all our movements have to be appropriate to the principles, rules and norms of the "art of safe work". This work must be a life style and natural habitude. Organizational contingence can not be saved by the method of being good in "bad days" and bad in "good days" against the police. We can not stop losing forces that we never deserved. We can not fight against our weaknesses. We can not be always in front. We can not reply to the calls and directives of our 2nd Congress.

One of our another weaknesses that puts our party in a weak position against enemy, is; not understanding the relation between duty and rule, and its violation on different forms.

The organizations and cadres should know that, when they are doing their duties they must do it in accordance with principles, rules and norms. The important thing is not to do the work in any case, any how and quickly. Whole work has to be carried out in accordance with party line, party constitution and to needs' of the "art of safe work". The work, which would be done through violation of the political line, constitution, organizational line and the "art of safe work", will not have any relation with the style of party, of being organizationally safe, of specialization and institutionalization, and of upholding the party discipline.

The party work must be done. The party work must be done on time. But this must be done in relation with the party rules and principles of the "art of safe work". It must be practiced fully through unification of the rules and duties. The important one, for an example, is not to go to an appointment in any way and in any case. The important one is to organize our appointment system in relation with the rules of the "art of safe work". When we are meeting with people, leaving people and fixing another date to see each others, all this must be carried out in accordance to the rules.

The people, who are not able to think strategically and may not organize the party works on this point of view, who could not show their will on planned-work and use their spare times, who runs after the activities without thinking, who are not dominated enough to the process, its laws and to the questions' of the activities, who doesn't control their activities (on the organization and personal basis) daily, weekly, monthly and etc, and who doesn't control their activities systematically and deeply on the basis of needs' of "art of safe work", will not be successful.

However, this primitive and amateur style must be destroyed. This style does not contain or partly contain the totality of laws, the stable practice and a will to apply all our duties in accordance with class struggle and rules.

"We are loosing time when we do things in accordance with the rules, and when there are too many duties to be done, in that case, the violation of secrecy and discipline becomes inevitable." Such recommendations and tendencies are a petty bourgeoisie thought and, must be refused and condemned.

Such tendencies and complains can not be accepted if we are going to be specialize on the style of Party and if we are in a merciless and pitiless fight that is full of difficulties (in which we are). Each party work has to be done. Each party duties must be carried out in accordance with the style of party and in party values. Every body has to be shaped in line of this. The time must be used in accordance with this. A militant, qualified and unbeatable party can only be build by such a way.

Class struggle is a difficult struggle. Being a party fighter needs special qualities. The important thing is to win over the difficulties. Comforting is a judgement value that belongs to petty bourgeoisie not to proletariat and his leading party. The important thing is not to do work in anyway and any how. The important thing is to do work, to gain successes and to conquer future in accordance with principles, rules and norms of the party. No reason can show rightness of irregularity. It doesn't matters' how its been theorized on practical and theoretical level but doing irregular work must be thrown out of the party. A capable party and cadre can only be brought up by in such way. Also, we need such organizations and cadres.

The Party is not just the sum of the cadres. It is their organic collective synthesis. As it happens in all subjects, one of the basic criterions that determines the success or the failure, also in the struggle against political police, is the application of the truths by the collective will (leadership, leading center in the first place and cadres). If true thing have accepted by the collective will and if its being realized as a guidance then the success will be inevitable.

Here is another place of our weakness, which also serves to the political police to give heavy blows to the party. This weakness comes out by our failure on organizing a sound and coherent will from top to bottom and from bottom to top. Some of our comrades' or organs' goodness is not enough and it will not be enough. Cadres, organs, different sectors of the central or local activities, they all have to be good and they all have to act as one part that consummates each other.

Because, on the contrary, it will be inescapable to have deficits and to frustrate the practices and directives of the higher organs by the bad practices of the below organs and cadres.

Didn't our experiences proved this for many times?

If so, the "art of safe work" must be build and developed in all levels and as a full party will and practice.

Because of this purpose, all our strategic leading organs, under the initiative of party leadership, must concentrate on to go forward by learning from their own experiences and they must be an example and leader to organizations, to cadres and to the organized sympathizers.

All signs that show the direction of the political police must be investigated immediately and the measures must be taken against it. Such directions must be used as a tool of collective education.

As in all cases, the organ secretaries have to be an example on this case also, and they must show an energy and initiative that appropriate with the mentality of being leader.

Full control of the organizational activities on the security base must be a main subject of the agenda once in every three meetings and, the evaluations must be dealt in organizations and used as a tool in education and development of the party will. Also, party security must be rechecked and controlled in all organ meetings and in the bilateral meetings. As a differentiation norm of the period that we are passing, the question on the development of quality at safe work must be putted on to the agenda. We must reach to materials that published for this purpose. For example, our own experiences, the experiences of other revolutionary organizations and other books. They must be used as a tool in our education to develop our fighting capacity. Some materials to read: THE ORGANIZATION QUESTIONS IN THE COMMUNIST INTERNATIONAL, ADVICE FOR REVOLUTIONARIES, ANALYZE, THE TRICKY METHOD, THE DIARY OF CIA, THE ART OF WAR (SUN TZU), THE PARTY OF LABOUR OF ALBANIA ON THE BUILDING AND THE LIFE OF THE PARTY.

The persuasion, education and control are the main methods of the struggle against errors, weaknesses and deficiencies that reflected in the "art of safe work". But it is not limited with this and it can not be. The education and deep control must be dealt together with organizational measures and discipline penalties. Seconds' absolutely to be used as an active component of the renovation mechanism of the Proletariat Justice. Specially the leading and experienced cadres weaknesses on this subject can not be tolerated and a special importance must be given to education and qualification of the young and inexperienced comrades.

Local organizations must immediately overcome their passiveness on transfer of experiences to the party centers via party publications.

Despite to education and controls, if the leaders and cadres, those are unsuccessful in the "art of safe work", does not renews' them selves then they must be dismissed from their duties and charged with new duties which suitable to their skills.

As a conclusion, we must organize a full mobilization against the weaknesses those being question of. The quality, rigging, style, methods, maneuver and fighting capacity of the party must be increased at this area also.

This renovation must aim at professionalism in the party style, being leader in every stage and increase the fighting capacity of the party. As a party, cadre and organization, we must have a principle on the basis of values and needs of the party. At all times, we must be merciless on our weaknesses, which help always to our mortal enemies. As in all other areas, our party must scare the enemy and give confidence to the masses and friends by its proficiency and fighting capacity in the art of safe work also.

* This article is taken from "Partinin Sesi" (Voice of The Party), number 11, December 19 97/January 1998





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One of the most important institutions, which improved by fascism and the capital in order to suppress the fight for revolution and socialism, is the 'political police'. The political police is an institution that is especially organized by the fascist dictatorship. We already know that this institution has been highly improved quality and quantity wise and has made a long way on information and experience, finance, technique, intelligence and torture, destruction and infiltration. The other fact, we are aware of, is that the political police will be educated more and more depending on the development of national and social struggle.

In that case, the education of ourselves in the struggle against political police and uninterrupted renovation of our selves for all political conditions; is still on our agenda and is one part of the struggle against the hegemony of fascism and the capital.

Struggle against political police can not gain success by using the techniques of illegality only. On the contrary, this struggle must be dealt on the basis of correct unification and application of needs' and requirements' of political and organizational work. A correct political struggle and understanding of leadership, a correct organization model, correct unification of the legal and illegal struggle, a correct working style and the realization of the principles and rules; are forming the conditions for success of the struggle against political police and of the "art of safe work".

Thus, as a result of some errors, weakness and deficiency the political police was able to give important and heavy blows to our party and other revolutionary organizations.

We never minimize the role of proficiency and advantages that was gained by the political police before the revolutionary movement, but such result occurs because of the weaknesses and undisciplined attitudes of the revolutionary movement and its militants, who are not educating themselves in the struggle against the political police, rather then proficiency of political police.

Here, two concrete results came out. 1) Educational and professional success of the fascist dictatorship and political police can not be minimized. 2) The revolutionary movement must renew itself in the struggle against political police, immediately overcome its primitiveness and amateur approaches, and must deeply examine and apply historical and actual lessons and experiences of the class struggle in our geography and in other parts of the world.

Despite to its important weaknesses, deficiency and loses in the "art of safe work", our party forms the most sounded part of the revolutionary movement via its experiences, fighting talents or by its will of renovation.

But this fact does not ignore the necessary reality for our party to enter in a period to face its weaknesses in this area and to renew itself immediately and strongly on the axis of party style. On the contrary, it insists this.

Our Second Congress, which organized under hard political conditions and special attacks of the police and despite of heavy losses, is a proof of renewing capacity and quality of our party in the "art of safe work". The class character of our party, its historical function and the concrete call of our Second Congress are integrating with each others'.

The facts, which will be stressed below, are our weaknesses that give extraordinary advantages to enemy, and it is absolutely necessary to overcome.

Naturally, the class struggle is also a question of cost and advantage. Right here, the question is this: were the costs, which had been paid, inevitable? Yes to payment of a cost! Without being in a dilemma85 But, the costs must be paid when it's inevitable. The costs, which we have been paying again and again by living our negative experiences and practices, does not match with claims' and wills' of our party. We must learn from our own experiences and from the experiences of others. We should never repeat the same error, weakness and deficiency again. Even for once, we should not forget the saying that goes "errors of the revolutionaries are the best friend of the police". The cost of being primitive, liberalism, pragmatism, superficiality, not being dispense from bad habits, being undisciplined, unable to exercise the calls and directives of the party; all these objectively serves the class enemy and political police and becomes a gun that shots to the party.

Giving blows to our party and party works, which has developed through huge efforts and costs, based on our own mistakes is not in accordance with our party values, party style and "art of safe work".

The political police does not avoid to use every single weaknesses and faults. As his/her quality and needs' of duty, he/she acts furiously. Yet, we have to be much better. Always we have to be one step, several steps, before them. We have to be merciless and bitter on our weaknesses to settle accounts and educate our selves. We must stay tight to depend on Bolshevik criticism and self-criticism.

The "Art of safe work" creates a totality with its principles, rules and norms, and, in practice, it must be exercised totally.

But, one of our weaknesses, that seen widespread, concretized at this point. For example, practicing just ten rules of the illegality in art of struggle against political police and not practicing five of them, or exercising nine of them, out of ten, if this is the case, you will be open to receive blows from the class enemy. You will weaken the party. The political police can build a bridge that enters the inside of the party. They can give blows by walking on that bridge.

Are you going to prepare a meeting place? Are you going to make appointments? Are you going to arrange a storage? Are you going to set contacts between legal and illegal relations? Are you going to develop a bureau to make false documents? Are you going to use technical apparatus like telephone etc? Are you going to take a cadre to party? Are you going to develop camouflage methods? Are you going to fight against agent-provocateur infiltration? Are you going to work through courier system? Are you going to realize and stop the police pursuit? Are you going to protect the archive and secrets of the organization? Are you going to set contacts with people in prisons? Are you going to transfer cadre from one region to the other? Are you going to collect information? Are you going to make a duty sharing? Are you going to develop a vertical pyramidal organization model? Are you going to organize a demonstration? Are you going to examine the style and methods of the political police? Are you going to educate a person in "art of safe work"? etc. All this has to be done in connection with a system. All this has to be shaped according to the illegality and, needs' and internal entire of the 'art of struggle' against political police. This art, if its going to gain right to call 'art', has to lean on to artistic creativeness, and to theoretical and practical means of value, which determines and directs this art.

In his work called that "Advice to Revolutionary", Serge, explains that in each step that they were taking, the Russian Bolsheviks were asking them selves "how much does this job, that I am doing or I am going to do, suit the rules of illegal work?".

What we need, as communists, is; this sensibility, this will and this practice. Whole practice has to be developed in stability and continuing practical line.

But, one of our weaknesses also became concrete at this point. We are being really careful, cautious and attach importance to act in consciousness when dictatorship and its police attacks us. But, when their attack becomes flagged or seems like flagged we are loosening and acting imprudently. The irregular and undisciplined behavior starts growing. Yet the political police knows this very well and always takes it into account in their style and method.

However, it is always necessary to know that the political police will never sit free. The period in between two operations is the preparation period of political police for another operation. So, if the "art of safe work" would not be practiced at all times the political police may get very important chances or advantages.

We shall never forget the proverb that says "water sleeps but enemy never" and must show the way to our party. We are a party that organized on illegal basis. We must never forget that being educated and qualified in the "art of safe work" is the basic characteristics of every communist party and its militants.

For that reason, all our movements have to be appropriate to the principles, rules and norms of the "art of safe work". This work must be a life style and natural habitude. Organizational contingence can not be saved by the method of being good in "bad days" and bad in "good days" against the police. We can not stop losing forces that we never deserved. We can not fight against our weaknesses. We can not be always in front. We can not reply to the calls and directives of our 2nd Congress.

One of our another weaknesses that puts our party in a weak position against enemy, is; not understanding the relation between duty and rule, and its violation on different forms.

The organizations and cadres should know that, when they are doing their duties they must do it in accordance with principles, rules and norms. The important thing is not to do the work in any case, any how and quickly. Whole work has to be carried out in accordance with party line, party constitution and to needs' of the "art of safe work". The work, which would be done through violation of the political line, constitution, organizational line and the "art of safe work", will not have any relation with the style of party, of being organizationally safe, of specialization and institutionalization, and of upholding the party discipline.

The party work must be done. The party work must be done on time. But this must be done in relation with the party rules and principles of the "art of safe work". It must be practiced fully through unification of the rules and duties. The important one, for an example, is not to go to an appointment in any way and in any case. The important one is to organize our appointment system in relation with the rules of the "art of safe work". When we are meeting with people, leaving people and fixing another date to see each others, all this must be carried out in accordance to the rules.

The people, who are not able to think strategically and may not organize the party works on this point of view, who could not show their will on planned-work and use their spare times, who runs after the activities without thinking, who are not dominated enough to the process, its laws and to the questions' of the activities, who doesn't control their activities (on the organization and personal basis) daily, weekly, monthly and etc, and who doesn't control their activities systematically and deeply on the basis of needs' of "art of safe work", will not be successful.

However, this primitive and amateur style must be destroyed. This style does not contain or partly contain the totality of laws, the stable practice and a will to apply all our duties in accordance with class struggle and rules.

"We are loosing time when we do things in accordance with the rules, and when there are too many duties to be done, in that case, the violation of secrecy and discipline becomes inevitable." Such recommendations and tendencies are a petty bourgeoisie thought and, must be refused and condemned.

Such tendencies and complains can not be accepted if we are going to be specialize on the style of Party and if we are in a merciless and pitiless fight that is full of difficulties (in which we are). Each party work has to be done. Each party duties must be carried out in accordance with the style of party and in party values. Every body has to be shaped in line of this. The time must be used in accordance with this. A militant, qualified and unbeatable party can only be build by such a way.

Class struggle is a difficult struggle. Being a party fighter needs special qualities. The important thing is to win over the difficulties. Comforting is a judgement value that belongs to petty bourgeoisie not to proletariat and his leading party. The important thing is not to do work in anyway and any how. The important thing is to do work, to gain successes and to conquer future in accordance with principles, rules and norms of the party. No reason can show rightness of irregularity. It doesn't matters' how its been theorized on practical and theoretical level but doing irregular work must be thrown out of the party. A capable party and cadre can only be brought up by in such way. Also, we need such organizations and cadres.

The Party is not just the sum of the cadres. It is their organic collective synthesis. As it happens in all subjects, one of the basic criterions that determines the success or the failure, also in the struggle against political police, is the application of the truths by the collective will (leadership, leading center in the first place and cadres). If true thing have accepted by the collective will and if its being realized as a guidance then the success will be inevitable.

Here is another place of our weakness, which also serves to the political police to give heavy blows to the party. This weakness comes out by our failure on organizing a sound and coherent will from top to bottom and from bottom to top. Some of our comrades' or organs' goodness is not enough and it will not be enough. Cadres, organs, different sectors of the central or local activities, they all have to be good and they all have to act as one part that consummates each other.

Because, on the contrary, it will be inescapable to have deficits and to frustrate the practices and directives of the higher organs by the bad practices of the below organs and cadres.

Didn't our experiences proved this for many times?

If so, the "art of safe work" must be build and developed in all levels and as a full party will and practice.

Because of this purpose, all our strategic leading organs, under the initiative of party leadership, must concentrate on to go forward by learning from their own experiences and they must be an example and leader to organizations, to cadres and to the organized sympathizers.

All signs that show the direction of the political police must be investigated immediately and the measures must be taken against it. Such directions must be used as a tool of collective education.

As in all cases, the organ secretaries have to be an example on this case also, and they must show an energy and initiative that appropriate with the mentality of being leader.

Full control of the organizational activities on the security base must be a main subject of the agenda once in every three meetings and, the evaluations must be dealt in organizations and used as a tool in education and development of the party will. Also, party security must be rechecked and controlled in all organ meetings and in the bilateral meetings. As a differentiation norm of the period that we are passing, the question on the development of quality at safe work must be putted on to the agenda. We must reach to materials that published for this purpose. For example, our own experiences, the experiences of other revolutionary organizations and other books. They must be used as a tool in our education to develop our fighting capacity. Some materials to read: THE ORGANIZATION QUESTIONS IN THE COMMUNIST INTERNATIONAL, ADVICE FOR REVOLUTIONARIES, ANALYZE, THE TRICKY METHOD, THE DIARY OF CIA, THE ART OF WAR (SUN TZU), THE PARTY OF LABOUR OF ALBANIA ON THE BUILDING AND THE LIFE OF THE PARTY.

The persuasion, education and control are the main methods of the struggle against errors, weaknesses and deficiencies that reflected in the "art of safe work". But it is not limited with this and it can not be. The education and deep control must be dealt together with organizational measures and discipline penalties. Seconds' absolutely to be used as an active component of the renovation mechanism of the Proletariat Justice. Specially the leading and experienced cadres weaknesses on this subject can not be tolerated and a special importance must be given to education and qualification of the young and inexperienced comrades.

Local organizations must immediately overcome their passiveness on transfer of experiences to the party centers via party publications.

Despite to education and controls, if the leaders and cadres, those are unsuccessful in the "art of safe work", does not renews' them selves then they must be dismissed from their duties and charged with new duties which suitable to their skills.

As a conclusion, we must organize a full mobilization against the weaknesses those being question of. The quality, rigging, style, methods, maneuver and fighting capacity of the party must be increased at this area also.

This renovation must aim at professionalism in the party style, being leader in every stage and increase the fighting capacity of the party. As a party, cadre and organization, we must have a principle on the basis of values and needs of the party. At all times, we must be merciless on our weaknesses, which help always to our mortal enemies. As in all other areas, our party must scare the enemy and give confidence to the masses and friends by its proficiency and fighting capacity in the art of safe work also.

* This article is taken from "Partinin Sesi" (Voice of The Party), number 11, December 19 97/January 1998