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In the Communist Manifest it says "though not in substance, yet in form, the struggle of the proletariat with the Bourgeoisie is at first a national struggle". This theoretical definition has been proved many times and without any doubt by the socialist practice and its historical experiences. This has been shown sufficiently by developments within the imperialist capitalism and counter-revolutionary front and socialist practice, the ideological and organizational crises within the international communist movement, the capitalist restoration, reflections of the disintegration of the revisionist and social-imperialist leaderships of the SU and Eastern European countries on the communist movement's world of thought, organization and action.

When the proletariat as a special product took its place as independent political force in the history of class struggle in the second half of the 19th century, this at the same time, came to the meaning that the proletariat took its place as well in the proletarian ideology and policy, in the class position towards other class, in the class interest and in the line of action. In this way, the struggle of the working class against the bourgeoisie no longer was the struggle of the single workers against the Bourgeoisie. It became a struggle fought in one country between the working class and the bourgeoisie. Over and above that; it became a general struggle of the proletarian world army or of the "doomed" of the world against the capital and against capitalist imperialism. The slogan of: "workers of all countries, unite!" and the Mayday celebrations as the day of solidarity, unity and struggle are completely expressing this international character, spirit and conciseness of the proletarian struggle. That means class against class; the world proletariat and the world bourgeoisie are facing each other!

Under the conditions of waged-slavery system, the international character of the communist movement and class struggle is a reality of the theory, logic, aim and law of the class struggle. And in the current social reality, this internationalist thought, organization and action is much more valid.

The objective laws of imperialist capitalist economy and capitalist production process, the movement and consequences of these laws, internationalization of the imperialist capital, trade, goods and technology in the world, the giant-scale increase and centralization of the capital, giant but tens of international monopolies' domination on the world economy, the imperialist institutions such as IMF, WB and WTO which drive undeveloped and new colonial countries' economies to ruin, bankruptcy and imperialist dependency; surroundings of the imperialist globalization and neo-liberal attacks on all organizational and political actions of the working class and toiling masses, doubtlessly, will also have meaning on the conditions of the world proletariat revolutions. Moreover, political, ideological, moral and organizational surroundings of imperialism and world reactionaries upon the proletariat and its vanguard groups, their total and dimensional attacks towards socialist practice and theory, revolutionary thought, revolutionary organization and revolutionary action, on the international arena puts new and difficult duties -that cannot be neglected- on the communist and revolutionary parties.

The existence of the 1917 October Revolution and socialist SU was the greatest source of inspiration and strength for the world proletariat revolution and national liberation struggles. The construction of socialism in the SU, socialist economical developments and successes that especially fitted into 20 years, defeat of trinity fascist enemy which was the chief enemy of the peoples of the world and the international proletarian solidarity caused tremendous sympathy, attraction and trust to socialism in the eyes of the proletariat and peoples of the world.

The pressure of the socialist system and the socialist practice had also brought the terminology of "social state" and "planned economies" into the agendas of capitalist countries of the world. Thus, nowadays, where propaganda such as "socialism has died" is conducted, the political parties of monopoly capitalism still name themselves social democrats, socialists, democratic left etc. When the fascist movements appear under the name of "neo-national socialism", this does not mean anything else than the effects of the socialist thought that was transformed into material power in the political, ideological, social and economic field.

Tactical defeat of socialism has led to national, ethnical and religious sects conflicts and strangles in the motherland of the socialism, the SU, and almost in all former socialist countries. After the pressure of socialist system and successes of socialist construction vanished, the neo-liberal attacks have been fearlessly carried out under concrete and genuine forms in all countries of the world. But, in a very short time, the economical and social disaster and destruction where humanity is driven to by capitalism, which was sanctified and shown as eternal, appeared with barbarism and filthiness.

In our time, the international bourgeoisie is using the experiences of counter- revolutionary war, methods of military and psychological war, all types of counter- and secret organizations, bourgeoisie media and ideologists, which are directed through bribe, universities and data producing centers, military and political strategists, the power of the capital and technology, by centralizing its productions and giving all these opportunities to the service of each reactionary and fascist managements. And it still continues to guarantee and sanctify its waged-slavery system.

International bourgeoisie is reorganizing the international organizations such as NATO, IMF, UN under the new concepts and turns them into universal tools of repression of revolutionary stands and uprisings, which oppose imperialism, capitalist system and bourgeoisie methods. There are striking examples of this, such as the intervention of Balkans and Afghanistan, stand against the rebellion and popular uprisings in the Latin American countries, Kurdistan revolution, Palestine resistance, against the people war in Philippines, Nepal and etc.

After the September 11 attack, all imperialist countries' and world reactionaries' collaborated with the USA imperialists. Under the name of "fight against global terrorism", their support to this fight of barbarism and savageness was, in fact, a counter-revolutionary international unity and alliance of the bourgeoisie against the international revolutionary struggle. The capture and extradition of A. Ocalan, the leader of PKK , to the hands of the Turkish fascist regime, the detention and trial of comrades from PCE(r) (Communist Party of Spain - reconstruction) in France and Italy under the name of "solidarity with the Spanish democracy", the EU imperialists' support on the F-Type isolation prison attacks in Turkey, closing eyes on the Israeli massacres in Palestine and imprisonment of thousands of Palestinians, extradition of revolutionaries from different countries to the fascist regimes, all these are some of the actual, concrete and striking examples of international alliances of the bourgeoisie.

World's imperialist bourgeoisie and reactionaries are already prepared and organized against the proletariat and oppressed nations' liberation struggle based on their hundred years of management experiences, historical examinations and buildups, power and superiority of their regional and central organizations. Parallel to establishment of its hegemony on the world and internationalization of the capitalist production, the bourgeoisie is, one or other way, organized on the universal level. Todaylevel of the internationalization process of the capitalist production has, one or other way, led bourgeoisie to organize itself more against the world proletariat and toiling masses, oppressed people and nations. The unorganized Marxism can only achieve relative and temporary successes against the organized bourgeois ideology.

The world proletariat is also unorganized, dispersed, broken into peaces and spontaneous in the international arena as it is in every single country against this nasty alliance and the capital's organized forces. The proletariat's deprivation from the international organization makes it weak and ineffective against the political, ideological and military organization of the imperialist bourgeoisie and on the attacks of all brands of revisionist and anti-ML trends.

The question of binding-organizational unity of the communist movement on the international level is a strategic and historical question, and not a tactical or conjectural one.

Lenin says that: "revolution will be realized through the conciseness, the will, the passion and imaginary power of tens of millions, who will be set into motion in a special moment of forward-development and tension of all human abilities by the strongest class struggle." The political vanguard staff, who will lead, create, organize, prepare and realize it, is formed by the communist party of the international proletariat, which are forming its sections and vanguard detachments in the single countries. It is the class-conscious proletarian armies in the different countries, who are creating this will, this consciousness, this passion and this action that will lead the proletariat and humanity to final liberation. And these armies are obliged to make the perspective of world revolution to a main line of the revolution in their own country.

International organization of the communist parties or groups cannot be considered as a matter and necessity that imposed by the periodic developments and as a tactical question. This is a strategic and historical question. In any case, the Marxism-Leninism's international organization through its sections in different countries is an international organization. Just as it is not possible for proletariat to organize itself as dominating class in one country without the proletarian party, it is also impossible to organize the world proletariat revolution and dictatorship of the proletariat and organization of international class struggle without international organization of the communist parties. We can not consider the foundation of a proletarian party in order to realize revolution in the national borders, which drawn outside the will of the proletariat, as a tactical question. But, at the same time, we also can not consider the international organization of the world working class against the world bourgeoisie as a tactical question. Without getting organized, it is not possible to turn Marxist theory into a material force at the hands of the masses and mobilize them in the struggle. Party is the name of it. And international organization is the international organization of the communists parties and it is the world party.



The years of 1957-60 and 89-91 are turning points of history, theory and practice of socialism. In the first one, the management of the CPSU and SU was captured by the modern revisionist trend, and in the second one, the modern revisionist and social imperialist countries have acceded to capitalism by having internal disintegration and destruction. Both historical developments have caused ideological crises within the ranks of revolutionary and communist movement, but particularly in many parties, groups and individuals who were influenced by revisionist and centrist trends. These developments have been pushed towards total liquidation and submission process due to bourgeoisie's ideological and political attacks.

After the collapse of revisionist and social imperialist system in 89-91 and under the conditions of developing counter-revolutionary wave, the ideological attacks, demagogies and charlatanry of the bourgeoisie, such as "socialism has died", "the working class has vanished", "the world of ideologies now became history", "the free world has gained ultimate victory" have become influential. The bill made out to the modern revisionist managements after the 1960 was also paid by the socialist theory and practice.

There is no doubt that the capitalist restoration of the socialist countries also amounted to tactical defeat of the socialist practice. But, this was not an unexpected, unknown or surprising development. The socialist doctrine has theoretically foresighted that socialism is a historical necessity. This envisage was realized in practice by the October 1917 revolution after the Paris Commune.

Socialist doctrine was formulating that under the conditions of proletariat dictatorship, the class struggle shall continue on different ways, to encounter its former heaven, the bourgeoisie would try to organize counter-revolutionary actions when it finds suitable opportunities and conditions. Based on this point of view, socialism is equivalent to the transition process from capitalism to communism. The socialist way and capitalist way will also continue to fight with each other under the conditions of socialism.. Unfortunately, this simple reality of the theory of class struggle and foresight of the danger of capitalist restoration have not been made subject to an effective political and ideological struggle against the political and ideological attacks of the bourgeoisie and modern revisionism by the communist movement and parties.

Disintegration of the SU and Eastern European countries in 1990, kneel-down of socialist Albania before the imperialist surrounding have deepened the "ideological uncertainness and confusion" in the ranks of International Communist Movement, which was already dispersed and broken into pieces. Not only revisionist and centrist trends, some of the communist and revolutionary parties and organizations have also chosen the way of reformism and liquidation. And they turned into reformist and social-demoparties.

MLCP has again pointed out that the problems and necessities of the class struggle in our geography and the world cannot be dealt by isolating one from the other. It has brought up this historical and political responsibilities in a complete consciousness, revolutionary will and pretension. It has given the message that it will play its role with all its accumulation, talent and strength. In the 3rd Congress, it determined that the "international communist movement is having an ideological and organizational crisis" and defined its main duty by the slogan, "from vanguard party to leader party".

This reality of the International Communist Movement puts important and hard duties in theoretical, political and organizational spheres on all communist, revolutionary parties and groups those who conduct democratic and socialist struggle in the perspective of world revolution. The question of how to come out of this crisis is a current duty that stands before all communist parties.

It has many times seen in the history of fight for revolution and socialism that the ideological and organizational crises, confusion and turbidity is appearing in periods when Marxist doctrine is not the dominating doctrine and when revolution and parties are defeated. This organizational and ideological crises is, on one point, a production of this process. From start to end, the fight for revolution and socialism is a production of revolutionary consciousness and will, preparation and organization of revolutionary practice that has aims and intentions. The overcome of this crises, which is one of the reasons for ineffectiveness and marginal situation of the communist movement in each country and in the world, can only be possible by increasing revolutionary fight and by an influential ideological struggle.

Modern revisionist treason, ideological poisoning and action of ideological defection have been big attacks against the idea and practice of revolution and socialism. Its consequences have been severe; they occurred by ideological, political and organizational liquidation and submission. It is understandable for everyone who feels responsible for the ML doctrine, to the cause of mighty communism and class struggle that the trends, parties and groups those carrying ambition of communism, revolution and socialism are, at this moment, in theoretical and ideological turbidity, uncertainty and confusion; are organizationally dispersed, broken into pieces and marginalized. The facts of being unconcerned with the social and political developments as big as revolutionary situation, uprising tries and rebellions in some countries; not being able to show revolutionary and active intervention within the international mass movement that grows under the name of "anti-globalization" every passing day and just like a snowball in the world; ineffectiveness in the process, being dragged and revolutionary spontaneous attitudes are already showing everything.

The international mass movement, which is growing and showing the tendency of further development every passing day against the attacks of imperialist globalization and neo-liberal policies, has been united with the struggle against imperialist war on Iraq and therefore increased. On the 15th of February, more than 10 million people were demonstrating in the streets. The international mass movement carries serious revolutionary opportunities, dynamics and elements in itself.

The revolutionary and communist parties are incapable to intervene in this movement, which has a big developing tendency on international level in later years. Unfortunately, we haven't seen considerable action or success of revolutionary politics by these parties or their international groupings during the imperialist war. Therefore, the revolutionary garrulousness gained the upper hand over revolutionary organization and action. But, when and under which conditions, with which opportunities and dynamics, and on which real relations the communist forces are going to make their history, to create and develop themselves when they could not take their place in front of the masses with their allies and tactics, slogans and calls under the conditions where millions of workers and toilers marched in the streets and rose against the imperialist capitalism! Not being organized in the same "international platform", of course, is not an obstruction in front of these parties to work to become one of the attractive and revolutionary groups in the anti-global movement and to lead increase of the anti-imperialist war front on Iraq and the Middle East.

It should not be forgotten that the real international and comradely relations, separations and sameness, political trust and bilateral recognition will also be realized in this revolutionary action and activities. The traditional international solidarity, struggle and style of organization of the near past stayed general, theoretical and abstract. It has distanced from its real revolutionary core and content. Advance of the international relations in an international spirit and context can only be realized through common intervention into the actual political developments and increase of the common struggle within the national and international political struggle in which its' possibilities, conditions and grounds are developing.

The crisis on the ideological area is, doubtlessly, not the crisis of the Marxist theory and its theoretical explanation of social realities. This is obviously a crisis of not reproducing ML theory by considering it as a science and being unable to succeed in developing it further as the solution of actual needs of the class struggle. And it is the crisis of distortion, narrowness and backwardness in understanding and applying ML doctrine.

The way to overcome this crisis is, firstly, to make theoretical explanation of today's movement and development of economical and social realities; secondly, to make scientific and revolutionary ML doctrine attractive and influential again within the ideological struggle against anti-ML trends.

Today, the number of political and ideological trends which appear on behalf of socialism are not less than in the period when Marxism appeared. In those days, Marxism was developing in the struggle against fractions and trends which were acting on behalf of socialism. Today, we have got more advantages, because we have achieved a developed socialist doctrine and experiences of International Communist Movement.

To make an effectual and successful ideological struggle against the imperialist bourgeois ideologists and anti-ML trends on the international arena, there is a need for high theoretical illumination and new persuasive and conclusive arguments, concepts and theoretical analyzes. To be prepared with ML theory is also not enough. The improvement of revolutionary struggle and achievement of victory under the leadership of communist parties, who take ML doctrine as a guide for acting, will also play an important and determinative role to obtain superiority and to defeat the enemy in this struggle.


Capitalism's law of unequal development have made the revolution in one country a precondition and put it on the agenda. Today, in accord to the horizontal and vertical development of capitalism and the internationalization of capital, trade and technology, beside the revolution in one country, the basis and possibilities of regional revolutions have also strengthened.

The contradictions within the imperialist capitalist system are sharpening. The mass movement in the imperialist countries, the anti-imperialist movements against imperialist globalization, expands and reaction against neo-liberal policies grows world-wide.

Practice of monetarist and neo-liberal policies, seizure of social rights in the undeveloped and new colonial countries and increase of poverty have resulted in chronicle mass unemployment and deepened social differentiations.

In contrary to propaganda, the sanctified capitalism and its color-window, the New World Order of the imperialism and the demagogies on the imperialist globalization have driven humanity into a catastrophe through social rotting and estrangement, wide-spread hopelessness and futurelessness in very short period of time. Capitalism did not bring welfare, freedom and peace for humanity. But, on the contrary, we see all the illnesses and nastiness that is caused by capitalism and private property under the form of war, fascism, national and ethnical conflicts, chronic unemployment, hunger, misery, colonialism and militarism in every part of the world.

All sections of the International Communist Movement do have the objective conditions, social dynamics and revolutionary possibilities of the struggle for revolution and socialism in entire world and in single countries. In today's world conditions, the role of the proletarian revolution, its international and regional affects and at the same time the international conditions of action and the regional and international power of effectiveness of the victory of single revolutions have increased.

The international communist movement will be more powerful with the successes, accumulations, experiences and legacy of the history and practice of the socialism if they could succeed in doing theory, analysis and comments on the socialist history and practice.

All this shows that the proletariat's and communist movement's duties on the international struggle and organization are increasing and gaining importance.

Unfortunately, today, the proletariat and international movement are deprived of a communist vanguard, which could direct it in accordance of the aim of dictatorship of the proletariat and socialism. This prevents the movement's development in revolutionary way in single countries and also weakens its international action and organization. The historical and political responsibilities of class struggle make revolutionary and influential intervention obligatory in this situation.

Therefore, our party finds it necessary to struggle on two fronts to obtain organizational unity of the anti-fascist, anti-imperialist, revolutionary and communist forces on international arena.

The 3rd Congress of MLCP has decided to do systematical, persistent, concrete and advancing work to develop relations aiming at ideological and organizational unity with other parts of the world communist movement. It counted the development of international action of the communist movement and the success in obtaining ideological and organizational unity of it as the most important and urgent task. It will continue to "do its actions on this field in connection with the aim to establish a Communist International".

In our day, determined development of the organizational and actual unity of the revolutionary organizations, which are communist and open to communism, is an urgent task. International unity can only be achieved by acting with the perspective of building ideological and organizational unity and under the political ground of increasing the international action of the proletariat and peoples. Doubtlessly, the organizational target is creation of the Communist International.

MLCP aims to stay away from sectarianism and the mistake of giving prejudice decisions on whether its' addressees are communist or not without having direct relations with the parties or groups, which are communist or open to communism, and without considering the content of their actions. Therefore, every platform, every effort, every attempt and every intellectual and practical step that connects with the duty of organizational unity of the international communist movement attracts MLCP's attention.

The MLCP, which is active in Turkey and Northern Kurdistan located in the center of the region (triangle of the Balkans, Caucasus and Middle East) where contradictions have mostly being sharpened and hegemonic struggle between imperialists has been intensified, gives special importance to obtain organizational and unity of action of the communist forces of the region. This correct and actual effort will also be a serious and concrete step that is taken for the international unity of the world communist movement.

MLCP regards the development of relations with other revolutionary and progressive parties, groups and forces, those which he can not be together within the platforms of the communist movement, in respect of forming international anti-fascist, anti-imperialist, democratic front or unity in struggle as one of the other subject of the struggle on international level. It believes that a revolutionary and influential intervention to the anti-imperialist, the anti-globalization movement and to the regional revolutionary developments can be realized through such platforms, and unities in the struggle.

The establishment of a new international organization is a duty and responsibility of today not tomorrow. This great historical responsibility should consider the binding organizational unity of the communist movement as a theoretical- principle and urgent question.

It is theoretical, because we have to be prepared with the strength of the ML theory and make theoretical openings and explanations on the subjects such as changes and requirements that occurred in the conditions of proletarian revolution due to imperialist capitalism and capitalist restoration, development of the working class movement and the trade unions, the theory of the class struggle etc. This is not enough, it is also necessary to be in a theoretical production and progress. The theoretical illumination and production is also necessary for the success of ideological struggle against bourgeois ideology and anti-ML trends.

It is principle, because the class struggle is, in essence, an international struggle. This character of it requires presence of each communist party in the international organization and action and the common revolutionary political action and unison. The dispersed, spontaneous, split and disorganized situation of the communist forces is the own problem of every communist party, and it is important in principle. This problem cannot be con- sidered as outside of one's problems.

The stones of the road going to the real international will be floored by international revolutionary political action and principled ideological struggle, not in garrulity. This, at the same time, will bring real comradely relations and hold of emotional and psychological unity between the world communists. This will also be the end of introversion, estrangement and considering things only from far away. The common fight on the communist grounds, if not, on the revolutionary democratic grounds upon the urgent political developments in the world and revolutionary intervention to the political developments will also open a road for organization of the communist international.

This, at the same time, is an organizational question. It has a dimension to be realized in organizational field. And this will make organization of meetings, platforms and conferences on the world and regional levels and in different combinations necessary. The other tool is theoretical publications.

There is no doubt that the foundation conditions of the communist party in a single country and conditions of the international organization of the proletariat is not the same. But it is also true that they are the continuity of each others and connected with unbreakable ties. Under any conditions, the communists will give organized struggle or create conditions of organized struggle. In what ever form it may be, the organization of the communists will be realized in any case despite to all prevention, oppression and prohibition of the bourgeoisie. After the organization of proletariat's national sections, there should not be any obstruction in front of their international organization. Communists must also struggle for international organization and action just as their struggle in organizing national sections. If the existence of communist parties, groups and organizations in different countries of the world is true, than it also comes to meaning of there are objective conditions for foundation of the communist international. What is missing is the subjective factor and the will. Also the reality of having enough theoretical and principle clearness on the subject of which principles the new international must be raised. All communist parties must have perspectives and concrete objectives that could concretize undertakings toward the international. MLCP will concentrate on this both on the field of thought and practice.





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In the Communist Manifest it says "though not in substance, yet in form, the struggle of the proletariat with the Bourgeoisie is at first a national struggle". This theoretical definition has been proved many times and without any doubt by the socialist practice and its historical experiences. This has been shown sufficiently by developments within the imperialist capitalism and counter-revolutionary front and socialist practice, the ideological and organizational crises within the international communist movement, the capitalist restoration, reflections of the disintegration of the revisionist and social-imperialist leaderships of the SU and Eastern European countries on the communist movement's world of thought, organization and action.

When the proletariat as a special product took its place as independent political force in the history of class struggle in the second half of the 19th century, this at the same time, came to the meaning that the proletariat took its place as well in the proletarian ideology and policy, in the class position towards other class, in the class interest and in the line of action. In this way, the struggle of the working class against the bourgeoisie no longer was the struggle of the single workers against the Bourgeoisie. It became a struggle fought in one country between the working class and the bourgeoisie. Over and above that; it became a general struggle of the proletarian world army or of the "doomed" of the world against the capital and against capitalist imperialism. The slogan of: "workers of all countries, unite!" and the Mayday celebrations as the day of solidarity, unity and struggle are completely expressing this international character, spirit and conciseness of the proletarian struggle. That means class against class; the world proletariat and the world bourgeoisie are facing each other!

Under the conditions of waged-slavery system, the international character of the communist movement and class struggle is a reality of the theory, logic, aim and law of the class struggle. And in the current social reality, this internationalist thought, organization and action is much more valid.

The objective laws of imperialist capitalist economy and capitalist production process, the movement and consequences of these laws, internationalization of the imperialist capital, trade, goods and technology in the world, the giant-scale increase and centralization of the capital, giant but tens of international monopolies' domination on the world economy, the imperialist institutions such as IMF, WB and WTO which drive undeveloped and new colonial countries' economies to ruin, bankruptcy and imperialist dependency; surroundings of the imperialist globalization and neo-liberal attacks on all organizational and political actions of the working class and toiling masses, doubtlessly, will also have meaning on the conditions of the world proletariat revolutions. Moreover, political, ideological, moral and organizational surroundings of imperialism and world reactionaries upon the proletariat and its vanguard groups, their total and dimensional attacks towards socialist practice and theory, revolutionary thought, revolutionary organization and revolutionary action, on the international arena puts new and difficult duties -that cannot be neglected- on the communist and revolutionary parties.

The existence of the 1917 October Revolution and socialist SU was the greatest source of inspiration and strength for the world proletariat revolution and national liberation struggles. The construction of socialism in the SU, socialist economical developments and successes that especially fitted into 20 years, defeat of trinity fascist enemy which was the chief enemy of the peoples of the world and the international proletarian solidarity caused tremendous sympathy, attraction and trust to socialism in the eyes of the proletariat and peoples of the world.

The pressure of the socialist system and the socialist practice had also brought the terminology of "social state" and "planned economies" into the agendas of capitalist countries of the world. Thus, nowadays, where propaganda such as "socialism has died" is conducted, the political parties of monopoly capitalism still name themselves social democrats, socialists, democratic left etc. When the fascist movements appear under the name of "neo-national socialism", this does not mean anything else than the effects of the socialist thought that was transformed into material power in the political, ideological, social and economic field.

Tactical defeat of socialism has led to national, ethnical and religious sects conflicts and strangles in the motherland of the socialism, the SU, and almost in all former socialist countries. After the pressure of socialist system and successes of socialist construction vanished, the neo-liberal attacks have been fearlessly carried out under concrete and genuine forms in all countries of the world. But, in a very short time, the economical and social disaster and destruction where humanity is driven to by capitalism, which was sanctified and shown as eternal, appeared with barbarism and filthiness.

In our time, the international bourgeoisie is using the experiences of counter- revolutionary war, methods of military and psychological war, all types of counter- and secret organizations, bourgeoisie media and ideologists, which are directed through bribe, universities and data producing centers, military and political strategists, the power of the capital and technology, by centralizing its productions and giving all these opportunities to the service of each reactionary and fascist managements. And it still continues to guarantee and sanctify its waged-slavery system.

International bourgeoisie is reorganizing the international organizations such as NATO, IMF, UN under the new concepts and turns them into universal tools of repression of revolutionary stands and uprisings, which oppose imperialism, capitalist system and bourgeoisie methods. There are striking examples of this, such as the intervention of Balkans and Afghanistan, stand against the rebellion and popular uprisings in the Latin American countries, Kurdistan revolution, Palestine resistance, against the people war in Philippines, Nepal and etc.

After the September 11 attack, all imperialist countries' and world reactionaries' collaborated with the USA imperialists. Under the name of "fight against global terrorism", their support to this fight of barbarism and savageness was, in fact, a counter-revolutionary international unity and alliance of the bourgeoisie against the international revolutionary struggle. The capture and extradition of A. Ocalan, the leader of PKK , to the hands of the Turkish fascist regime, the detention and trial of comrades from PCE(r) (Communist Party of Spain - reconstruction) in France and Italy under the name of "solidarity with the Spanish democracy", the EU imperialists' support on the F-Type isolation prison attacks in Turkey, closing eyes on the Israeli massacres in Palestine and imprisonment of thousands of Palestinians, extradition of revolutionaries from different countries to the fascist regimes, all these are some of the actual, concrete and striking examples of international alliances of the bourgeoisie.

World's imperialist bourgeoisie and reactionaries are already prepared and organized against the proletariat and oppressed nations' liberation struggle based on their hundred years of management experiences, historical examinations and buildups, power and superiority of their regional and central organizations. Parallel to establishment of its hegemony on the world and internationalization of the capitalist production, the bourgeoisie is, one or other way, organized on the universal level. Todaylevel of the internationalization process of the capitalist production has, one or other way, led bourgeoisie to organize itself more against the world proletariat and toiling masses, oppressed people and nations. The unorganized Marxism can only achieve relative and temporary successes against the organized bourgeois ideology.

The world proletariat is also unorganized, dispersed, broken into peaces and spontaneous in the international arena as it is in every single country against this nasty alliance and the capital's organized forces. The proletariat's deprivation from the international organization makes it weak and ineffective against the political, ideological and military organization of the imperialist bourgeoisie and on the attacks of all brands of revisionist and anti-ML trends.

The question of binding-organizational unity of the communist movement on the international level is a strategic and historical question, and not a tactical or conjectural one.

Lenin says that: "revolution will be realized through the conciseness, the will, the passion and imaginary power of tens of millions, who will be set into motion in a special moment of forward-development and tension of all human abilities by the strongest class struggle." The political vanguard staff, who will lead, create, organize, prepare and realize it, is formed by the communist party of the international proletariat, which are forming its sections and vanguard detachments in the single countries. It is the class-conscious proletarian armies in the different countries, who are creating this will, this consciousness, this passion and this action that will lead the proletariat and humanity to final liberation. And these armies are obliged to make the perspective of world revolution to a main line of the revolution in their own country.

International organization of the communist parties or groups cannot be considered as a matter and necessity that imposed by the periodic developments and as a tactical question. This is a strategic and historical question. In any case, the Marxism-Leninism's international organization through its sections in different countries is an international organization. Just as it is not possible for proletariat to organize itself as dominating class in one country without the proletarian party, it is also impossible to organize the world proletariat revolution and dictatorship of the proletariat and organization of international class struggle without international organization of the communist parties. We can not consider the foundation of a proletarian party in order to realize revolution in the national borders, which drawn outside the will of the proletariat, as a tactical question. But, at the same time, we also can not consider the international organization of the world working class against the world bourgeoisie as a tactical question. Without getting organized, it is not possible to turn Marxist theory into a material force at the hands of the masses and mobilize them in the struggle. Party is the name of it. And international organization is the international organization of the communists parties and it is the world party.



The years of 1957-60 and 89-91 are turning points of history, theory and practice of socialism. In the first one, the management of the CPSU and SU was captured by the modern revisionist trend, and in the second one, the modern revisionist and social imperialist countries have acceded to capitalism by having internal disintegration and destruction. Both historical developments have caused ideological crises within the ranks of revolutionary and communist movement, but particularly in many parties, groups and individuals who were influenced by revisionist and centrist trends. These developments have been pushed towards total liquidation and submission process due to bourgeoisie's ideological and political attacks.

After the collapse of revisionist and social imperialist system in 89-91 and under the conditions of developing counter-revolutionary wave, the ideological attacks, demagogies and charlatanry of the bourgeoisie, such as "socialism has died", "the working class has vanished", "the world of ideologies now became history", "the free world has gained ultimate victory" have become influential. The bill made out to the modern revisionist managements after the 1960 was also paid by the socialist theory and practice.

There is no doubt that the capitalist restoration of the socialist countries also amounted to tactical defeat of the socialist practice. But, this was not an unexpected, unknown or surprising development. The socialist doctrine has theoretically foresighted that socialism is a historical necessity. This envisage was realized in practice by the October 1917 revolution after the Paris Commune.

Socialist doctrine was formulating that under the conditions of proletariat dictatorship, the class struggle shall continue on different ways, to encounter its former heaven, the bourgeoisie would try to organize counter-revolutionary actions when it finds suitable opportunities and conditions. Based on this point of view, socialism is equivalent to the transition process from capitalism to communism. The socialist way and capitalist way will also continue to fight with each other under the conditions of socialism.. Unfortunately, this simple reality of the theory of class struggle and foresight of the danger of capitalist restoration have not been made subject to an effective political and ideological struggle against the political and ideological attacks of the bourgeoisie and modern revisionism by the communist movement and parties.

Disintegration of the SU and Eastern European countries in 1990, kneel-down of socialist Albania before the imperialist surrounding have deepened the "ideological uncertainness and confusion" in the ranks of International Communist Movement, which was already dispersed and broken into pieces. Not only revisionist and centrist trends, some of the communist and revolutionary parties and organizations have also chosen the way of reformism and liquidation. And they turned into reformist and social-demoparties.

MLCP has again pointed out that the problems and necessities of the class struggle in our geography and the world cannot be dealt by isolating one from the other. It has brought up this historical and political responsibilities in a complete consciousness, revolutionary will and pretension. It has given the message that it will play its role with all its accumulation, talent and strength. In the 3rd Congress, it determined that the "international communist movement is having an ideological and organizational crisis" and defined its main duty by the slogan, "from vanguard party to leader party".

This reality of the International Communist Movement puts important and hard duties in theoretical, political and organizational spheres on all communist, revolutionary parties and groups those who conduct democratic and socialist struggle in the perspective of world revolution. The question of how to come out of this crisis is a current duty that stands before all communist parties.

It has many times seen in the history of fight for revolution and socialism that the ideological and organizational crises, confusion and turbidity is appearing in periods when Marxist doctrine is not the dominating doctrine and when revolution and parties are defeated. This organizational and ideological crises is, on one point, a production of this process. From start to end, the fight for revolution and socialism is a production of revolutionary consciousness and will, preparation and organization of revolutionary practice that has aims and intentions. The overcome of this crises, which is one of the reasons for ineffectiveness and marginal situation of the communist movement in each country and in the world, can only be possible by increasing revolutionary fight and by an influential ideological struggle.

Modern revisionist treason, ideological poisoning and action of ideological defection have been big attacks against the idea and practice of revolution and socialism. Its consequences have been severe; they occurred by ideological, political and organizational liquidation and submission. It is understandable for everyone who feels responsible for the ML doctrine, to the cause of mighty communism and class struggle that the trends, parties and groups those carrying ambition of communism, revolution and socialism are, at this moment, in theoretical and ideological turbidity, uncertainty and confusion; are organizationally dispersed, broken into pieces and marginalized. The facts of being unconcerned with the social and political developments as big as revolutionary situation, uprising tries and rebellions in some countries; not being able to show revolutionary and active intervention within the international mass movement that grows under the name of "anti-globalization" every passing day and just like a snowball in the world; ineffectiveness in the process, being dragged and revolutionary spontaneous attitudes are already showing everything.

The international mass movement, which is growing and showing the tendency of further development every passing day against the attacks of imperialist globalization and neo-liberal policies, has been united with the struggle against imperialist war on Iraq and therefore increased. On the 15th of February, more than 10 million people were demonstrating in the streets. The international mass movement carries serious revolutionary opportunities, dynamics and elements in itself.

The revolutionary and communist parties are incapable to intervene in this movement, which has a big developing tendency on international level in later years. Unfortunately, we haven't seen considerable action or success of revolutionary politics by these parties or their international groupings during the imperialist war. Therefore, the revolutionary garrulousness gained the upper hand over revolutionary organization and action. But, when and under which conditions, with which opportunities and dynamics, and on which real relations the communist forces are going to make their history, to create and develop themselves when they could not take their place in front of the masses with their allies and tactics, slogans and calls under the conditions where millions of workers and toilers marched in the streets and rose against the imperialist capitalism! Not being organized in the same "international platform", of course, is not an obstruction in front of these parties to work to become one of the attractive and revolutionary groups in the anti-global movement and to lead increase of the anti-imperialist war front on Iraq and the Middle East.

It should not be forgotten that the real international and comradely relations, separations and sameness, political trust and bilateral recognition will also be realized in this revolutionary action and activities. The traditional international solidarity, struggle and style of organization of the near past stayed general, theoretical and abstract. It has distanced from its real revolutionary core and content. Advance of the international relations in an international spirit and context can only be realized through common intervention into the actual political developments and increase of the common struggle within the national and international political struggle in which its' possibilities, conditions and grounds are developing.

The crisis on the ideological area is, doubtlessly, not the crisis of the Marxist theory and its theoretical explanation of social realities. This is obviously a crisis of not reproducing ML theory by considering it as a science and being unable to succeed in developing it further as the solution of actual needs of the class struggle. And it is the crisis of distortion, narrowness and backwardness in understanding and applying ML doctrine.

The way to overcome this crisis is, firstly, to make theoretical explanation of today's movement and development of economical and social realities; secondly, to make scientific and revolutionary ML doctrine attractive and influential again within the ideological struggle against anti-ML trends.

Today, the number of political and ideological trends which appear on behalf of socialism are not less than in the period when Marxism appeared. In those days, Marxism was developing in the struggle against fractions and trends which were acting on behalf of socialism. Today, we have got more advantages, because we have achieved a developed socialist doctrine and experiences of International Communist Movement.

To make an effectual and successful ideological struggle against the imperialist bourgeois ideologists and anti-ML trends on the international arena, there is a need for high theoretical illumination and new persuasive and conclusive arguments, concepts and theoretical analyzes. To be prepared with ML theory is also not enough. The improvement of revolutionary struggle and achievement of victory under the leadership of communist parties, who take ML doctrine as a guide for acting, will also play an important and determinative role to obtain superiority and to defeat the enemy in this struggle.


Capitalism's law of unequal development have made the revolution in one country a precondition and put it on the agenda. Today, in accord to the horizontal and vertical development of capitalism and the internationalization of capital, trade and technology, beside the revolution in one country, the basis and possibilities of regional revolutions have also strengthened.

The contradictions within the imperialist capitalist system are sharpening. The mass movement in the imperialist countries, the anti-imperialist movements against imperialist globalization, expands and reaction against neo-liberal policies grows world-wide.

Practice of monetarist and neo-liberal policies, seizure of social rights in the undeveloped and new colonial countries and increase of poverty have resulted in chronicle mass unemployment and deepened social differentiations.

In contrary to propaganda, the sanctified capitalism and its color-window, the New World Order of the imperialism and the demagogies on the imperialist globalization have driven humanity into a catastrophe through social rotting and estrangement, wide-spread hopelessness and futurelessness in very short period of time. Capitalism did not bring welfare, freedom and peace for humanity. But, on the contrary, we see all the illnesses and nastiness that is caused by capitalism and private property under the form of war, fascism, national and ethnical conflicts, chronic unemployment, hunger, misery, colonialism and militarism in every part of the world.

All sections of the International Communist Movement do have the objective conditions, social dynamics and revolutionary possibilities of the struggle for revolution and socialism in entire world and in single countries. In today's world conditions, the role of the proletarian revolution, its international and regional affects and at the same time the international conditions of action and the regional and international power of effectiveness of the victory of single revolutions have increased.

The international communist movement will be more powerful with the successes, accumulations, experiences and legacy of the history and practice of the socialism if they could succeed in doing theory, analysis and comments on the socialist history and practice.

All this shows that the proletariat's and communist movement's duties on the international struggle and organization are increasing and gaining importance.

Unfortunately, today, the proletariat and international movement are deprived of a communist vanguard, which could direct it in accordance of the aim of dictatorship of the proletariat and socialism. This prevents the movement's development in revolutionary way in single countries and also weakens its international action and organization. The historical and political responsibilities of class struggle make revolutionary and influential intervention obligatory in this situation.

Therefore, our party finds it necessary to struggle on two fronts to obtain organizational unity of the anti-fascist, anti-imperialist, revolutionary and communist forces on international arena.

The 3rd Congress of MLCP has decided to do systematical, persistent, concrete and advancing work to develop relations aiming at ideological and organizational unity with other parts of the world communist movement. It counted the development of international action of the communist movement and the success in obtaining ideological and organizational unity of it as the most important and urgent task. It will continue to "do its actions on this field in connection with the aim to establish a Communist International".

In our day, determined development of the organizational and actual unity of the revolutionary organizations, which are communist and open to communism, is an urgent task. International unity can only be achieved by acting with the perspective of building ideological and organizational unity and under the political ground of increasing the international action of the proletariat and peoples. Doubtlessly, the organizational target is creation of the Communist International.

MLCP aims to stay away from sectarianism and the mistake of giving prejudice decisions on whether its' addressees are communist or not without having direct relations with the parties or groups, which are communist or open to communism, and without considering the content of their actions. Therefore, every platform, every effort, every attempt and every intellectual and practical step that connects with the duty of organizational unity of the international communist movement attracts MLCP's attention.

The MLCP, which is active in Turkey and Northern Kurdistan located in the center of the region (triangle of the Balkans, Caucasus and Middle East) where contradictions have mostly being sharpened and hegemonic struggle between imperialists has been intensified, gives special importance to obtain organizational and unity of action of the communist forces of the region. This correct and actual effort will also be a serious and concrete step that is taken for the international unity of the world communist movement.

MLCP regards the development of relations with other revolutionary and progressive parties, groups and forces, those which he can not be together within the platforms of the communist movement, in respect of forming international anti-fascist, anti-imperialist, democratic front or unity in struggle as one of the other subject of the struggle on international level. It believes that a revolutionary and influential intervention to the anti-imperialist, the anti-globalization movement and to the regional revolutionary developments can be realized through such platforms, and unities in the struggle.

The establishment of a new international organization is a duty and responsibility of today not tomorrow. This great historical responsibility should consider the binding organizational unity of the communist movement as a theoretical- principle and urgent question.

It is theoretical, because we have to be prepared with the strength of the ML theory and make theoretical openings and explanations on the subjects such as changes and requirements that occurred in the conditions of proletarian revolution due to imperialist capitalism and capitalist restoration, development of the working class movement and the trade unions, the theory of the class struggle etc. This is not enough, it is also necessary to be in a theoretical production and progress. The theoretical illumination and production is also necessary for the success of ideological struggle against bourgeois ideology and anti-ML trends.

It is principle, because the class struggle is, in essence, an international struggle. This character of it requires presence of each communist party in the international organization and action and the common revolutionary political action and unison. The dispersed, spontaneous, split and disorganized situation of the communist forces is the own problem of every communist party, and it is important in principle. This problem cannot be con- sidered as outside of one's problems.

The stones of the road going to the real international will be floored by international revolutionary political action and principled ideological struggle, not in garrulity. This, at the same time, will bring real comradely relations and hold of emotional and psychological unity between the world communists. This will also be the end of introversion, estrangement and considering things only from far away. The common fight on the communist grounds, if not, on the revolutionary democratic grounds upon the urgent political developments in the world and revolutionary intervention to the political developments will also open a road for organization of the communist international.

This, at the same time, is an organizational question. It has a dimension to be realized in organizational field. And this will make organization of meetings, platforms and conferences on the world and regional levels and in different combinations necessary. The other tool is theoretical publications.

There is no doubt that the foundation conditions of the communist party in a single country and conditions of the international organization of the proletariat is not the same. But it is also true that they are the continuity of each others and connected with unbreakable ties. Under any conditions, the communists will give organized struggle or create conditions of organized struggle. In what ever form it may be, the organization of the communists will be realized in any case despite to all prevention, oppression and prohibition of the bourgeoisie. After the organization of proletariat's national sections, there should not be any obstruction in front of their international organization. Communists must also struggle for international organization and action just as their struggle in organizing national sections. If the existence of communist parties, groups and organizations in different countries of the world is true, than it also comes to meaning of there are objective conditions for foundation of the communist international. What is missing is the subjective factor and the will. Also the reality of having enough theoretical and principle clearness on the subject of which principles the new international must be raised. All communist parties must have perspectives and concrete objectives that could concretize undertakings toward the international. MLCP will concentrate on this both on the field of thought and practice.