15th year of struggle celebrated with enthusiasm
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The militia of our party MLCP saluted the 15th year of struggle and the 4th Congress of the party with different actions. Nearly 50 of our party militia blockaded the traffic in the Istanbul quarter Gazi being armed and throwing Molotow cocktails. They hanged up the banner „You are not strong enough! Long lives our 4th Congress!". Our militia marched and shouted the slogans „The MLCP is growing and marching towards victory, „Glory to those creating September 10, „Long lives our party MLCP" and „Workers, to the party, the MLCP". The action that lasted for half an hour and was finished 100 metres before Gazi police station by having a firework. The action was also supported by the Kurdish patriot forces. {divide}
On the same day our party forces realised an action in Alibeykoy, Istanbul, saluting the 4th Congress and calling to gather under the red flag of the MLCP. In the Istanbul borough Kartal, our militia realised an armed action on the main road. The militia hanged up a banner read „With the 4th Congress to the leading party!" The militia finished the action by shouting slogans.
On September 11, our party forces blockaded the street no. 3001 in the quarter 1 Mayis, Istanbul, from both sides with arms and Molotow cocktails. The action was realised by nearly 100 militia hanging up the banner read „Arrests, detentions and oppression can't intimidate us / We are coming much stronger in the 15th year". The police couldn't intervene in the action lasting for 1 hour and attacked the quarter with gas bombs after the action had already finished.
In Stuttgart, Gießen, Wuppertal, Ulm, London and Paris the forces of our party and our Communist Youth Organisation saluted the 4th Congress with writing slogans on the walls, hanging up posters and realising action and celebrated the 15th year of struggle. The MLCP Women Committee of Europe also saluted the 4th Congress.
On September 10, our party's militants bombed Sultanbeyli District Police Department, Istanbul to salute the 4th Congress. In the statement on this action it was said: „We bombed Sultanbeyli District Police Department of the attacking bases of the fascist dictatorship to salute our 4th Congress. For the victory of the revolution, long lives the MLCP!