Labourers paralyzed life
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On November 25, the labourers took to the streets demanding the right to strike and collective wage agreement warning the government.{divide} With a token strike lasting for one day, hundred of thousands labourer officials paralyzed life in the country. Following the call of KESK and Kamu Sen, the labourers took to the streets in many provinces warning the AKP government at the streets. In Istanbul, Sami Evren, president of KESK spoke to the labourers on strike saying that without solving the problems of the labouring people the Kurdish question cannot be solved. He also mentioned the constitution of September 12 and warned the government to take the warning serious. He said that the participation of the strike is of 90% and that Genc-Sen and Collectives of Students also left their classrooms in the University of Istanbul and took to the streets in support of the labourers. The government could not stand the token strike and exposed the labourers to interrogation terror after the strike. In Tekirdag, interrogations were opened against 400 teachers, who participated in the strike.