TEKEL workers prepare themselves for the general strike
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The resistance of the TEKEL workers that started against the imposition of slavery working conditions as a result of the privatisations continues on the 49th day, while the workers are preparing for the general strike that is announced to be realised on February 3. As a result of the determined resistance of the TEKEL workers and the pressure that they made upon the trade unions, confederations such as the DISK , KESK , Turk-Is , Kamu-Sen and Hak-Is decided over a general strike on February 3.{divide}
The TEKEL workers, after important resistances against the privatisation of TEKEL, recently started a resistance in Ankara departing from different cities in face of the imposition of slavery which is called 4-C. The resistance that continued despite the intensive attacks of the police has become a principal political agenda in a short time.
According to the article 4-C of the Law No. 657 About Civil Servants (this article deals with the "temporary staff that will be employed in different public institutions and enterprises because of privatisation"), most of the TEKEL workers will have the status of "temporarily contracted staff". The workers will not receive severance and notice pay, they will not be able to be affiliated to trade unions and they will be employed only temporarily for 4 to 10 months.
The second negotiation between the government and the leaders of the Turk-Is that are still trying to compromise with the government took place on February 1 and ended without a reconciliation. After learning the result of the meeting, the workers are preparing for the general strike gathering around the building of the Turk-Is and shouting slogans such as "General resistance, general strike", "The fight hasn't ended, but yet started", "Employee personal rights or death", "Turn of the switch, solve the conflict". Furthermore, the workers will start a hunger strike in the afternoon on February 2.