Kurdish politicians at KCK Case will not appear in court because of prohibitions on their mother tongue
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Under the strategic elimination politics of the colonialist Turkish bourgeois government against PKK and Kurdish freedom fighters, thousands of Kurdish politicians which also have elected council mayors amongst them have been arrested. The aim is to intimidate and weaken the Kurdish people and their uprising. {divide}
Under this context, the Kurdish politicians who are on trial in the KCK case have been banned from making their cases in Kurdish on the 18th hearing. Subsequently, the defendants have found it unnecessary to appear in the court and left the hall.
The council mayor of Batman, Necdet Atalay, who spoke of the KCK case said "The mother tongue is a right that should not be limited by laws"
Atalay continued "We are supporters of union. But we are against uniqueness. There is a union propaganda in Turkey that supports uniqueness. We are against uniqueness. This is fascism. Unification is purification of all differences. "
"The republic in the eyes of Kurds is an assimilation, denial, eradication and court date. The Kurdish people have been victims for 88 years. They have requests. They are doing the negotiation of these. For what ever it takes the Kurds will continue the demand for these requests."
Due to the decision of the courts, the BDP co-President S. Demirtaş said "If Kurdish is an unknown language then they should judge the empty seats" and signalled that the courts decision was not by law but had political implications.