Anti-imperialist protest against the “friends of Syria”
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Following the call of the Alliance against NATO and the Anti-missile shield formed by B DSP , DHF , EOC, EHP , ESP , Halk Cephesi, Kaldirac, Odak, Partizan, PDD, SDP , TOP-G and Urun Socialist Magazine, anti-imperialists protested against the meeting of the so-called "Friends of Syria" in Istanbul, in which also US foreign minister Hillary Clinton participated. {divide}
Hundreds of people gathered on April 1 at the Taksim square in order to demonstrate to Istanbul Congress Centre; the venue of the meeting; however they were stopped by the police.
The anti-imperialist demonstrators carried a banner saying "they are not the friends of Syria but the enemy of the people. Imperialists and collaborating butlers get out of the Middle East". During the march, slogans like "USA murder, AKP collaborator" and Imperialism is the enemy, the peoples are brothers" were shouted frequently.
The HDK also protested against the meeting discussing an imperialist intervention against Syria under the name "friends of Syria" and said "Turkey will not be the host for war mongers, no to imperialist intervention to Syria".