Rebellion during farewell to Berkin
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During the resistance in June 2013 the fascist police of the AKP -dictatorship shot the 15-year-old revolutionary student Berkin Elvan in his head with a capsule in the revolutionary quarter Okmeydani, Istanbul.Berkin Elvan was in coma after being shot at close range directly in his head with the aim to kill him. Berkin fought 269 days for his life but died on 11th March 2014.


On the morning of 11th March around 1 million people started to gather at Okmeydani to mourn and say goodbye to Berkin.


From all over Istanbul people gathered in masses at Okmeydani to carry the body of Berkin covered with red flags and red carnations. The action of Berkin’s farewell and swinging around the red flags high in the air were an important revolutionary step for the hegemony battle against the nationalists to make the masses revolt against the AKP dictatorship. The crowd shouted slogans such as “We are all Berkin, we won’t disappear through murders”, “murderer Erdogan”, “The murderer state will render an account” and “Themothers‘anger will strangle the murderers“. During the farewell posters of the murderer AKP as well as their election offices were demolished.


During the beginning of the farewell action poems of Pablo Neruda were recited and later at the cemetery of Nazim Hikmet. 


The families of the martyrs of the June resistance said farewell to Berkin through his family. 


Since the police of AKP fascism was unsuccessful in hindering the farewell march, they attacked the people who wanted to march to Taksim with toxic gas and water guns. The clashes lasted until midnight.


Organisations such as HalkCephesi, ESP , Partizan, SDP , HDP and other revolutionary and progressiveparties and organisations, antifascist clerks and employees, unions such as DİSK und KESK , the BDP and organisations of the democratic Alevi movement participated in the farewell march.


The farewell battle of Berkin took different forms in different cities from Izmir to Dersim, from Amed to Eskisehir. This battle lasted from 11th March to 16th March. Especially young students boycotted their schools and demonstrated. The masses militantly attempted to occupy the Taksim square and put up barricades to fight against the police. With fascist anger Erdogan directed his supporters to attack in Okmeydani and announced the AKP supporter who had been killed during clashes with the masses as a martyr. He pointed out that civil mass clashes should escalate.


The small actions that insistently have widespread been organised after the resistance in June are the new peak of the attempts to create new June resistances and to guide the anger of our people against AKP fascism and its corruption.


Goodbye Berkin, child of hope! Berkin was the fist of revolution against the AKP fascism!