Strong struggle during the first anniversary of the Gezi/June Uprising
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The prime minister Erdoğan overcame the June uprising by the police terror and killing people. But he wasn't able to oppress the people who joined the uprising, so the people gained self-confidence for their struggle. After the June uprising process the people became fighter. On the anniversary of June uprising, firstly in Istanbul, Ankara, Izmir, Antakya, Dersim and other dozens cities, the mass demonstrated on the squares and the streets. In these cities and some other cities, the police attacked the demonstrations with gas bombs, plastic bullets, chemical water, water canons and armored vehicles.


Before the anniversary Erdoğan threatened, the people who participating in the demonstrations will be arrested. Although this situation and intensive police attacks tens of thousands participate in the demonstrations and answered Erdoğan with mass militancy.


After the June uprising, during a meeting for protecting the city forest of Istanbul, a woman named Elif Çermik was fallen into coma by gas bombs fired by the police. Elif Çermik died on May 30 and her funeral was carried out on May 31 too.


In Istanbul and some other cities the resistance began at the afternoon of the May 31 and continued the whole night. On June 1 and the next days the people carried out the commemoration of the martyrs of the June uprising. Communists, revolutionaries and football fans fought at the forefront against the police terror. Besides militants of the Kurdish movement joined the demonstrations and fought against the police terror, this was conversely than the last years.


Large masses supported the actions by hitting theire stewpot at 9 o'clock pm and helping, protecting demonstrators during the police attacks. The police heavily injured dozens of revolutionaries and arrested hundreds of them.


At Mayday, protests of the massacre of Soma miners and anniversary of the June uprising, revolutionaries and the people are creating a tradition of militant struggle and preparing the next mass struggles against the dictatorship of Erdoğan.