MLCP has been founded on the 10th of September 1994. This date is a volitional, influential and successful intervention of the communists to the ineffective and scattered state of the communist movement in Turkey and Northern Kurdistan. This, at the same time, carries a meaning of being an important experience on the basis of political and organizational unity and organizing a united political struggle in the class struggle both in our geography and international arena.
By acting in accordance with the historical and political needs, responsibilities and duties of the class struggle, communists from TKIH (Communist Workers' Movement of Turkey), TKP/ML Hareketi (Communist Party of Turkey/Marxist-Leninist Movement) and TKP/ML (YID6) (Communist Party of Turkey/Marxist-Leninist (Reconstruction Organization) have seen organizational unity of the communist groups as the question of "principle and present political practice". This determination has given directions to the efforts, works and perspectives of the unity during seven years of time. And, it become main dynamo of the revolutionary will and undertaking in realization of party unity.
The fulfillment of organizational unity of the communists has been rightfully qualified in the shape of "unity revolution" and defined as revolution. Because, it has came to the meaning of breaking off from the way of thinking, understanding and practice that repeats itself, turns organization into an aim, having introversion and characterized with revolutionary spontaneous behavior. Because, understanding, perspective and practice of developing the "new style" was foresighted on the political reflex and struggle, in cadre and organization work, theoretical illumination and production, international relation, solidarity and action. Active and progressive mentality, will and spirit have been made as the aim and basic assurance of the unity. The revolutionary will and political reflex, the working program and action plans have became some of the important concepts of the MLCP. Whole practice of MLCP have shown that the unification of communists is not a simple unified or separated repetition of its components or their arithmetical sum but a much progressive synthesis in almost all aspects.
The foundation of MLCP has come to meaning of its component groups and single communists to maintain new and qualitatively developed level in theoretical, political and organizational area and in pretension and mentality of the power.
Under the conditions of destruction, devastation and liquidation that created among the ranks of the international revolutionary and communist movement by the disintegration of modern revisionist managements of the social imperialist SU (Soviet Union) and Eastern and Central Europe in 1990/1991, the foundation of MLCP was coming to meaning of defense of socialist theory and practice; uphold of the ML flag.
The foundation of MLCP has, at the same time, developed the understanding and point of view to comprehend and dominate a new style within the international relations front. It has criticized the style of traditional international relations those deprived of from the international political action and generally being passive, dragged and loser in the face of political and social developments. In spite of abstract state of the international principle, relation and solidarity, it has tried to develop a style that is foreseeing political action and solidarity which has got revolutionary essence and content and committed to the principle of the internationalism.
With its 3rd Congress, MLCP has made its aims and duties within the international arena as the main line of its slogan, "to the leading party". It has pointed out that the International Communist Movement, today, is "having an organizational and ideological crises" and its (ICM's) dispersed and separated situation weakens the international class struggle on the political, ideological/ theoretical and organizational dimensions. By moving from there, it has defined to play more active role in reorganization of the International Communist Movement. It has made progress with its point of view and practice of taking on more responsibilities. The overcome of ex- period's narrow, sectarian, slow-moving and unpretentious style and surmount of weakness in critics and unification have strengthened the proletarian internationalist understanding, position and practice of the MLCP.
MLCP has given importance to the all levels of struggling unities among the progressive, anti-fascist and anti-imperialist, revolutionary and communist party and groups in our region and the world, and made them as the subject and interest of its work on the international arena.
MLCP is carrying on its revolutionary action in accordance with the understanding, mentality and practice of the unity revolution also in today. MLCP makes leadership in the democratic and socialist struggle against imperialism, collaborationist capitalism, bourgeoisie and all brands of reaction, and continues to carry on its march in the line of its assertion and mission on the leadership.
MLCP do take its position in frontline of developing struggle of the working class, toilers and oppressed people against capitalist barbarism, neoliberal assaults of the imperialist capitalism, imperialist war and occupation, shows them the way for their political freedom and social liberation, and becomes their hope, voice and spokesman.
Glory to MLCP!
For the victory of revolution long live MLCP!
Long live proletarian internationalism!