Turkey's Economical Bottleneck
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The elections had passed over. Even though the fascist chef Erdoğan achieved the presidency which will allow him to have the official coverage for his defacto dictatorship, at the end, the whole process of elections together with its premises and consequences made the existing governing crisis of Turkey much more deepened. Along with various dynamics of this governing crisis, which are all reflected from the non-legitimacy of Erdoğan's regime, the coming economical crisis seems to be one of the major determinant factor for the near future of Turkey and North Kurdistan.

As it is remembered, the increasing economical bottleneck which became more visible especially after the 2016, was one of main motivation for Erdoğan to impose the snap elections a year before the decided date. Against the indications of a deep economic crisis, there have been various attempts of the bourgeoisie within these two years in order to postpone the problem after the 2019 elections, such as tax reliefs or new financial incentives that undertake the debts of the private companies by the state guaranteed funds and put them on the shoulders of the working class and the laboring oppressed. However all of these attempts became useless with the shock currency rates, increasing day by day specifically since the beginning of 2018. Yes, with his tricky move, Erdoğan managed to pass the elections without having the real effect of the upcoming economic destruction to be reflected on the votes. However, right after the elections, the emergency of the economic situation has quickly turned back to the agenda in terms of high currencies, high inflation, high interests and correspondingly, the increasing rates of unemployment and poverty.

As a typical fascist dictator, Erdoğan has been describing this situation as the conspiracy of 'global powers' that envy Turkish nation's 'incredible growth' that has started by AKP . Moreover, he has been decorating this nationalist bullshit also with Islamic references through pointing out the role of the "interest lobbies" challenging himself, since he, as a Muslim, is against the concept of interest! Keeping in mind these bullshits of him, now we can analyze the reason behind the existing economical bottleneck running to a deep crisis and how Erdoğan's AKP played the major role in this story.
What Turkish economy is facing now, is a production and debt crisis, which is an inevitable consequence of being a financial-economical colony. AKP came to power right after the economic crisis of 2001, as the conductor of the new neo-liberal bourgeois program of the imperialist capitalism. Since from then, the share of the production industry kept on decreasing year by year whereas the construction sector and consumption were increasing. This growth model is the model that satisfies the needs of both international monopolies and bourgeoisie of a financial-economical colony. The international monopolies look for a market in a country which allows them to buy products being produced by low technology with cheap labor and to sell their high tech commodities with high prices. In regard to the bourgeoisie of a financial-economical colony on the other hand, the development of a production industry is expensive both in political and economical sense; it requires not only a high accumulation of the capital, but also planning, science, culture... However the investments on construction and trade together with the increase in private consumption allows a rapid growth and easy share of the rent. All you need is the cash flow inside the country and this can be supplied by reducing taxes and raising the interests for the foreign capital.

So, by adopting this model, instead of developing productive industry, AKP government kept on feeding its own bourgeoisie mainly through the sector of construction which has been getting the majority of the state tenders by the state power. Thus, year by year, the economy became much more dependent on the external financial resources in order to keep the existing rates of growing. This sick model was somehow going on, with the help of low currency rates but by the end of 2016, as the capital activities slowed down globally and the increased fascism within Turkey became a reactionary threat for the property order, the foreign capital started to leave the Turkish market. The tendency of this situation made things rapidly worse; currency rates started to raise, so as the debts and ofcourse, the inflation. Various companies arrived to the edge of bankruptcy; unemployment and poverty increasingly spread among the whole society.

The cheap labor and high rates of interest is the existential cause of the imperialist capital in Turkey. Correspondingly, the capitalist chains in Turkey cannot survive without the flow of imperialist capital. All its banks, industry, stock, internal and external trade are integrated to the global system. So, in order to call the capital back to the market, the Turkish central bank had increased the interest rates two weeks before the elections. This was one of the two promises of the Turkish government that they gave to the capital bosses during UK visit, in exchange for UK's promise to keep the currency rates stable till the elections. The second was preparing an austerity program which would start after the elections.

Now, the working class and the laboring peoples of Turkey and North Kurdistan are up against a new attack of Erdoğan's dictatorship. The austerity program, whether with IMF or not, means nothing other than passing the weight of private corporations' debts to the working class and laboring peoples. Under the name of so called "financial discipline", those debts will be turned into new hikes and taxes. Moreover, public expenditures such as health, education and social insurances, which had already been rasped, will be much more decreased. These attacks of the bourgeoisie for the sake of overcoming its economical, political and ideological crisis serve nothing other than expanding the ranks of the oppressed, bringing them on the side of the proletariat's historical struggle within the labor-capital contradiction. The election process once again showed the discontent and anger of the oppressed masses against the fascist dictatorship. Now it is time to organize this anger which will be increased by the austerity attacks of the bourgeoisie.





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Turkey's Economical Bottleneck
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The elections had passed over. Even though the fascist chef Erdoğan achieved the presidency which will allow him to have the official coverage for his defacto dictatorship, at the end, the whole process of elections together with its premises and consequences made the existing governing crisis of Turkey much more deepened. Along with various dynamics of this governing crisis, which are all reflected from the non-legitimacy of Erdoğan's regime, the coming economical crisis seems to be one of the major determinant factor for the near future of Turkey and North Kurdistan.

As it is remembered, the increasing economical bottleneck which became more visible especially after the 2016, was one of main motivation for Erdoğan to impose the snap elections a year before the decided date. Against the indications of a deep economic crisis, there have been various attempts of the bourgeoisie within these two years in order to postpone the problem after the 2019 elections, such as tax reliefs or new financial incentives that undertake the debts of the private companies by the state guaranteed funds and put them on the shoulders of the working class and the laboring oppressed. However all of these attempts became useless with the shock currency rates, increasing day by day specifically since the beginning of 2018. Yes, with his tricky move, Erdoğan managed to pass the elections without having the real effect of the upcoming economic destruction to be reflected on the votes. However, right after the elections, the emergency of the economic situation has quickly turned back to the agenda in terms of high currencies, high inflation, high interests and correspondingly, the increasing rates of unemployment and poverty.

As a typical fascist dictator, Erdoğan has been describing this situation as the conspiracy of 'global powers' that envy Turkish nation's 'incredible growth' that has started by AKP . Moreover, he has been decorating this nationalist bullshit also with Islamic references through pointing out the role of the "interest lobbies" challenging himself, since he, as a Muslim, is against the concept of interest! Keeping in mind these bullshits of him, now we can analyze the reason behind the existing economical bottleneck running to a deep crisis and how Erdoğan's AKP played the major role in this story.
What Turkish economy is facing now, is a production and debt crisis, which is an inevitable consequence of being a financial-economical colony. AKP came to power right after the economic crisis of 2001, as the conductor of the new neo-liberal bourgeois program of the imperialist capitalism. Since from then, the share of the production industry kept on decreasing year by year whereas the construction sector and consumption were increasing. This growth model is the model that satisfies the needs of both international monopolies and bourgeoisie of a financial-economical colony. The international monopolies look for a market in a country which allows them to buy products being produced by low technology with cheap labor and to sell their high tech commodities with high prices. In regard to the bourgeoisie of a financial-economical colony on the other hand, the development of a production industry is expensive both in political and economical sense; it requires not only a high accumulation of the capital, but also planning, science, culture... However the investments on construction and trade together with the increase in private consumption allows a rapid growth and easy share of the rent. All you need is the cash flow inside the country and this can be supplied by reducing taxes and raising the interests for the foreign capital.

So, by adopting this model, instead of developing productive industry, AKP government kept on feeding its own bourgeoisie mainly through the sector of construction which has been getting the majority of the state tenders by the state power. Thus, year by year, the economy became much more dependent on the external financial resources in order to keep the existing rates of growing. This sick model was somehow going on, with the help of low currency rates but by the end of 2016, as the capital activities slowed down globally and the increased fascism within Turkey became a reactionary threat for the property order, the foreign capital started to leave the Turkish market. The tendency of this situation made things rapidly worse; currency rates started to raise, so as the debts and ofcourse, the inflation. Various companies arrived to the edge of bankruptcy; unemployment and poverty increasingly spread among the whole society.

The cheap labor and high rates of interest is the existential cause of the imperialist capital in Turkey. Correspondingly, the capitalist chains in Turkey cannot survive without the flow of imperialist capital. All its banks, industry, stock, internal and external trade are integrated to the global system. So, in order to call the capital back to the market, the Turkish central bank had increased the interest rates two weeks before the elections. This was one of the two promises of the Turkish government that they gave to the capital bosses during UK visit, in exchange for UK's promise to keep the currency rates stable till the elections. The second was preparing an austerity program which would start after the elections.

Now, the working class and the laboring peoples of Turkey and North Kurdistan are up against a new attack of Erdoğan's dictatorship. The austerity program, whether with IMF or not, means nothing other than passing the weight of private corporations' debts to the working class and laboring peoples. Under the name of so called "financial discipline", those debts will be turned into new hikes and taxes. Moreover, public expenditures such as health, education and social insurances, which had already been rasped, will be much more decreased. These attacks of the bourgeoisie for the sake of overcoming its economical, political and ideological crisis serve nothing other than expanding the ranks of the oppressed, bringing them on the side of the proletariat's historical struggle within the labor-capital contradiction. The election process once again showed the discontent and anger of the oppressed masses against the fascist dictatorship. Now it is time to organize this anger which will be increased by the austerity attacks of the bourgeoisie.