Hands off Venezuela!
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 International Bulletin / Issue 195 / February 195

The colonialist hunger of the U.S. imperialism against Latin America continues to be escalated with the ongoing coup attempt led by the fascist Trump to the Bolivarian Venezuela. Seeking to overcome its hegemony crisis rooted in the existential crisis of capitalism, this ‘super power' of the capital oligarchy has now trying to mobilize not only the interior lackeys such as its puppet Guáido but also other imperialist powers, the EU elite states in particular and collaborator fascist governments like Brazil and Colombia, against the resisting Venezuela.
Just as how it stands as a duty for the people of Venezuela to be tight-knit around and proceed what they've gained since from the Bolivarian process, it is also an actual duty for the progressive, democratic, revolutionary forces of the world to stand with the Bolivarian state of Venezuela in order to break this imperialist plot.
Down with imperialism!
Hands off Venezuela!
Long Live International Solidarity!





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Hands off Venezuela!
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 International Bulletin / Issue 195 / February 195

The colonialist hunger of the U.S. imperialism against Latin America continues to be escalated with the ongoing coup attempt led by the fascist Trump to the Bolivarian Venezuela. Seeking to overcome its hegemony crisis rooted in the existential crisis of capitalism, this ‘super power' of the capital oligarchy has now trying to mobilize not only the interior lackeys such as its puppet Guáido but also other imperialist powers, the EU elite states in particular and collaborator fascist governments like Brazil and Colombia, against the resisting Venezuela.
Just as how it stands as a duty for the people of Venezuela to be tight-knit around and proceed what they've gained since from the Bolivarian process, it is also an actual duty for the progressive, democratic, revolutionary forces of the world to stand with the Bolivarian state of Venezuela in order to break this imperialist plot.
Down with imperialism!
Hands off Venezuela!
Long Live International Solidarity!