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Let's struggle to realise the demand of the world's working class and oppressed for another world!

The imperialist bourgeoisie and international monopolies claim that there is no alternative to capitalism, the "market economy". This means that there is no alternative to exploitation, imperialist wars, the eradication of social rights and the plunder. To them, the market organises everything. As life has shown, "market economy" is serving for the interests of the monopolist bourgeoisie even under the conditions of the "social state".

The social forum movement is a product of the struggle against the IMF, the World Bank, the World Trade Organisation, international monopolies, neo-liberal attacks, imperialist wars and occupations and imperialist globalisation as a whole. It carries an anti-imperialist motive. The fact that many components and especially the political forces which give direction to this movement do not realise or ignore the movement's anti-imperialist character but fight against the revolutionary and communist forces, those who want to bring forward this character, does not change the essence of the matter.

As in the first two European Social Forums, in the third one many organisations from the four corners of Europe are going to come together in London. Every organisation, every movement is going to talk about their own struggle against the daily problems on the basis of their own political understandings. The subjects war and peace; democracy and basic rights, social justice and solidarity, Agenda 2010 and the Hartz-Laws in Germany, forty-hour week, the privatization, imperialist globalisation, racism, neo-liberalism etc. will be dealt with and discussed. Tens of thousands of people will come to London and millions of workers and toilers are going to follow the developments wherever they are.

The fourth World Social Forum has taken place, and the third European Social Forum will take place. When we look at the efforts to solve the subjects or the steps taken in the struggle against the mentioned problems in this time span or during the social forums, we see that not much momentum has been acquired. History and social developments do not stop, everything flows down. The competition between imperialist countries and international monopolies is becoming sharper, deeper and more comprehensive. The wars and occupations for the sovereignty and plunder of the world are still continuing. Every imperialist country, at first place the US imperialism, is continuing its oppression and massacres under the name of the "struggle against terrorism". There are 800 million unemployed people in the world; in the imperialist countries tens of millions of workers are unemployed. The bourgeoisie is not fighting against unemployment but the unemployed. It is carrying out neo-liberal politics and attacks in accordance with the interests of monopoly capital. Attacks against immigrants and legal precautions are being increased. But in spite of all these developments, apathy and inertia of the ESF are in surprising levels.

Neo-liberalism, imperialist globalisation has announced its historical victory, but impe- rialism is not able to make the working class and toilers bow down, it is not able to break the struggle against the occupation and the independence struggle of the oppressed nations. Imperialism is not able to make the oppressed nations surrender, just as in Afghanistan, Iraq and Palestine.

Social forums are an important arena of the struggle between classes, ideologies and political understandings. In this arena, the struggle of alternatives is the subject of question. Each political current and organization approaches the question parting from its own point of view. The reformist and pacifist forces are trying to pacify and defile the anti-imperialist and also the anti-capitalist consciousness, the desire to struggle and commitment of the masses, of those who are coming to this place. They are trying to stop and make workers and toilers give up the struggle against the system, the cause of exploitation, repression, plunder of dependent countries, unemployment and imperialist wars. They are not willing to see the fact that struggle against imperialist institutions and imperialist policy at the same time means fight against capitalism.

The struggle against reformist and pacifist forces should not stay as words. It is necessary to take part in the developments within the movement such as the social forum which is on the agenda of millions of labourers, and to be in the leading positions in practice.

The claiming of some of the slogans of the toiling masses by some of the effective forces in the social forum movement, for example, reformists and pacifists, will never mean that they are really against exploitation, plunder, imperialist aggression and imperialist wars.

In order to bring solutions to the matters at hand in the social forums and to really be an alternative, the way of thinking of the political forces which dominate these forums must change. Only if socialism is seen as an alternative, if the struggle for socialism against capitalist barbarianism and imperialist globalisation is taken into the agenda, can there be a future for the social forum movement!

The demand for and the understanding of "social state" provide the fight against the "extremes" of imperialist globalisation and plunder, imperialist war and aggression and they are calling on millions of toilers worldwide to live in peace with the existing capitalist system. But one can not consider the imperialist policies as the expression of the "preferred policy" of this or that person, this or that imperialist country and international monopoly. Because the economic laws of capitalism are objective. And this makes necessary the fight against the basis of capitalism.

Another world, another Europe, the demand of the world working class and toiling masses can only be realised through the struggle against the capitalist system.

We as MLCP are conscious of the responsibility and task of revolutionising and organising the developing international mass movement against imperialist globalisation, and transforming it to the struggle for the destruction of the capitalist system. Therefore, we are repeating our call for the development of an international revolutionary platform and initiative.

What we are saying is that the problems, as put on the agenda by neo-liberalism, imperialist occupations, wars and aggression, the imperialist/capitalist system as a whole, can take different shapes in any country, but in essence these are the same. The world working class and toiling masses are seeing that the problems and the enemy are the same, and this consciousness develops the understanding of common struggle against the common problems and the common enemy among themselves.

With this meaning, there should be no reason that takes the revolutionary forces to organise separately in the anti-imperialist struggle. There should be no obstruction before the forces, who consider socialism as an alternative, in acting together in these forums. The subject matter is the unification of organisational resistance against imperialist globalisation and the institutions of global capitalism. The future of this movement depends on the attitudes of the revolutionary and communist forces. Under these conditions, the mission of the revolutionary and communist forces is to struggle for the political and organisational unity of this movement. This can only be realised by a revolutionary stance.

The alternative to capitalism is socialism!


Special Issue 9 / October 2004




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Let's struggle to realise the demand of the world's working class and oppressed for another world!

The imperialist bourgeoisie and international monopolies claim that there is no alternative to capitalism, the "market economy". This means that there is no alternative to exploitation, imperialist wars, the eradication of social rights and the plunder. To them, the market organises everything. As life has shown, "market economy" is serving for the interests of the monopolist bourgeoisie even under the conditions of the "social state".

The social forum movement is a product of the struggle against the IMF, the World Bank, the World Trade Organisation, international monopolies, neo-liberal attacks, imperialist wars and occupations and imperialist globalisation as a whole. It carries an anti-imperialist motive. The fact that many components and especially the political forces which give direction to this movement do not realise or ignore the movement's anti-imperialist character but fight against the revolutionary and communist forces, those who want to bring forward this character, does not change the essence of the matter.

As in the first two European Social Forums, in the third one many organisations from the four corners of Europe are going to come together in London. Every organisation, every movement is going to talk about their own struggle against the daily problems on the basis of their own political understandings. The subjects war and peace; democracy and basic rights, social justice and solidarity, Agenda 2010 and the Hartz-Laws in Germany, forty-hour week, the privatization, imperialist globalisation, racism, neo-liberalism etc. will be dealt with and discussed. Tens of thousands of people will come to London and millions of workers and toilers are going to follow the developments wherever they are.

The fourth World Social Forum has taken place, and the third European Social Forum will take place. When we look at the efforts to solve the subjects or the steps taken in the struggle against the mentioned problems in this time span or during the social forums, we see that not much momentum has been acquired. History and social developments do not stop, everything flows down. The competition between imperialist countries and international monopolies is becoming sharper, deeper and more comprehensive. The wars and occupations for the sovereignty and plunder of the world are still continuing. Every imperialist country, at first place the US imperialism, is continuing its oppression and massacres under the name of the "struggle against terrorism". There are 800 million unemployed people in the world; in the imperialist countries tens of millions of workers are unemployed. The bourgeoisie is not fighting against unemployment but the unemployed. It is carrying out neo-liberal politics and attacks in accordance with the interests of monopoly capital. Attacks against immigrants and legal precautions are being increased. But in spite of all these developments, apathy and inertia of the ESF are in surprising levels.

Neo-liberalism, imperialist globalisation has announced its historical victory, but impe- rialism is not able to make the working class and toilers bow down, it is not able to break the struggle against the occupation and the independence struggle of the oppressed nations. Imperialism is not able to make the oppressed nations surrender, just as in Afghanistan, Iraq and Palestine.

Social forums are an important arena of the struggle between classes, ideologies and political understandings. In this arena, the struggle of alternatives is the subject of question. Each political current and organization approaches the question parting from its own point of view. The reformist and pacifist forces are trying to pacify and defile the anti-imperialist and also the anti-capitalist consciousness, the desire to struggle and commitment of the masses, of those who are coming to this place. They are trying to stop and make workers and toilers give up the struggle against the system, the cause of exploitation, repression, plunder of dependent countries, unemployment and imperialist wars. They are not willing to see the fact that struggle against imperialist institutions and imperialist policy at the same time means fight against capitalism.

The struggle against reformist and pacifist forces should not stay as words. It is necessary to take part in the developments within the movement such as the social forum which is on the agenda of millions of labourers, and to be in the leading positions in practice.

The claiming of some of the slogans of the toiling masses by some of the effective forces in the social forum movement, for example, reformists and pacifists, will never mean that they are really against exploitation, plunder, imperialist aggression and imperialist wars.

In order to bring solutions to the matters at hand in the social forums and to really be an alternative, the way of thinking of the political forces which dominate these forums must change. Only if socialism is seen as an alternative, if the struggle for socialism against capitalist barbarianism and imperialist globalisation is taken into the agenda, can there be a future for the social forum movement!

The demand for and the understanding of "social state" provide the fight against the "extremes" of imperialist globalisation and plunder, imperialist war and aggression and they are calling on millions of toilers worldwide to live in peace with the existing capitalist system. But one can not consider the imperialist policies as the expression of the "preferred policy" of this or that person, this or that imperialist country and international monopoly. Because the economic laws of capitalism are objective. And this makes necessary the fight against the basis of capitalism.

Another world, another Europe, the demand of the world working class and toiling masses can only be realised through the struggle against the capitalist system.

We as MLCP are conscious of the responsibility and task of revolutionising and organising the developing international mass movement against imperialist globalisation, and transforming it to the struggle for the destruction of the capitalist system. Therefore, we are repeating our call for the development of an international revolutionary platform and initiative.

What we are saying is that the problems, as put on the agenda by neo-liberalism, imperialist occupations, wars and aggression, the imperialist/capitalist system as a whole, can take different shapes in any country, but in essence these are the same. The world working class and toiling masses are seeing that the problems and the enemy are the same, and this consciousness develops the understanding of common struggle against the common problems and the common enemy among themselves.

With this meaning, there should be no reason that takes the revolutionary forces to organise separately in the anti-imperialist struggle. There should be no obstruction before the forces, who consider socialism as an alternative, in acting together in these forums. The subject matter is the unification of organisational resistance against imperialist globalisation and the institutions of global capitalism. The future of this movement depends on the attitudes of the revolutionary and communist forces. Under these conditions, the mission of the revolutionary and communist forces is to struggle for the political and organisational unity of this movement. This can only be realised by a revolutionary stance.

The alternative to capitalism is socialism!