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On 28 March 2004, there will be local elections in Turkey and Northern Kurdistan. The elections is expected to pass between the ruling party AKP (Justice and Development Party) and the oppositional, regime party CHP (Republican People's Party). Although it characterizes itself as "conservative democrat", the AKP, in fact, is a regime and war party that is a USA- collaborator and Islamic. And CHP is a state party that pretends to be a classic social demo-crat party.

Beside the preparations of the fascist-reactionary regime parties, the search and initiatives for alliances by the petty-bourgeois reformist parties have also increased while we getting close to elections. The legal party of the Kurdish patriots, DEHAP (Democratic People's Party) is the most important of these parties.

DEHAP has agreed to participate in the elections under the roof of SHP (Social Democratic PeopleB4s Party), one of the bourgeois reformist parties. It was able to left petty bourgeois reformist parties such as EMEP (Party of Labour), SDP (Socialst Democracy Party) aside, which were the components of the "Labour, Peace and Democracy Bloc" that occurred during the 3rd November 2002 general elections. Yet, the Kurdish patriots carried SHP to the government by making alliance in one of the past elections. And SHP became one of the executers of the dirty and secret war against the Kurds through war-government that formed by SHP and fascist DYP (True Path Party). This war was named as "low-concentrated war". During the period of DYP-SHP government, the colonialist Turkish regime has evacuated Kurdish villages, burned forests and increased the number of paramilitary groups. In this period, the counter-guerrilla activities become dense, massacres, extra-judicial killings, detentions and imprisonments are increased. The Turkish chauvinism become furious and Kurdish national movement received serious blows.

Today, expectations of the Kurdish patriots from the bourgeois regime parties have, one more time, pushed them into the same trap of the SHP. The other petty-bourgeois reformist parties have also stated that they will take part in this alliance on the local level. The parties such as EMEP, SDP, who consider themselves as the "socialist vanguards", did not show any hesitation in participating to the search for alliance which serves the trap of "reorganisation" of the SHP, a partner of the dirty war.

The revolutionary and communist parties, groups and forces did not have circumstances to develop tactics and politics in order to participate as a bloc in the local elections. The component parties and groups of the revolutionary movement thoughtfully and practically are not ready for this. Therefore, the minimum political conditions of having a central-alliance during the elections do not exist. The policy and tactic, which would receive response from the practice in the elections, is to make search for the opportunities and conditions of local alliances with other revolutionary groups participating in the elections and to put into practice if it's possible.

However, under Turkey's existing political situation and conditions, MLCP participates to the local elections by independent socialist line and in accordance with its political tactics.

During the 3rd November 2002 General Elections, MLCP brings out political and organisational results and opportunities "forcing and going beyond of its own borders". It seriously break the estrangement to the masses and to the mass-work. It overcome the revolutionary spon-taneous attitudes and redirected its own forces towards the serious political and organisational activities. On the revolutionary line it criticized all sorts of bourgeois and petty-bourgeois ideology and politics, and made the propaganda of socialism, the only real way of the liberation of the working class and toilers. It conducted enlightening activity on the oppressed people, explained political realities and called on our people to participate in the revolutionary fight.

Under the grounds of this political and organisational advancement, MLCP has gone to the fore as a political force and took a material form. The most important thing in 28 March 2004 local elections is to "guarantee continuity of the developing line of the party and definition of the needs". The elections will have political atmosphere and will give opportunities of increasing and widening of organisational level, of taking mass activities forward, of growing new methods and tools of struggle and to use them more effectively and functionally.

Through its political calls, slogans and independent candidates during the local elections, MLCP is going to call upon the working class, toiling masses and all oppressed people to struggle against the imperialist aggression and occupation, the economical and political repression of the colonialist fascist regime, the annihilation and denial policies against the Kurdish nation and the attacks on the young people.

Beside the struggle for political freedoms, MLCP will continue to take revolutionary struggle forward on the perspective of struggle for socialism and the aim of becoming a "leading party".





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On 28 March 2004, there will be local elections in Turkey and Northern Kurdistan. The elections is expected to pass between the ruling party AKP (Justice and Development Party) and the oppositional, regime party CHP (Republican People's Party). Although it characterizes itself as "conservative democrat", the AKP, in fact, is a regime and war party that is a USA- collaborator and Islamic. And CHP is a state party that pretends to be a classic social demo-crat party.

Beside the preparations of the fascist-reactionary regime parties, the search and initiatives for alliances by the petty-bourgeois reformist parties have also increased while we getting close to elections. The legal party of the Kurdish patriots, DEHAP (Democratic People's Party) is the most important of these parties.

DEHAP has agreed to participate in the elections under the roof of SHP (Social Democratic PeopleB4s Party), one of the bourgeois reformist parties. It was able to left petty bourgeois reformist parties such as EMEP (Party of Labour), SDP (Socialst Democracy Party) aside, which were the components of the "Labour, Peace and Democracy Bloc" that occurred during the 3rd November 2002 general elections. Yet, the Kurdish patriots carried SHP to the government by making alliance in one of the past elections. And SHP became one of the executers of the dirty and secret war against the Kurds through war-government that formed by SHP and fascist DYP (True Path Party). This war was named as "low-concentrated war". During the period of DYP-SHP government, the colonialist Turkish regime has evacuated Kurdish villages, burned forests and increased the number of paramilitary groups. In this period, the counter-guerrilla activities become dense, massacres, extra-judicial killings, detentions and imprisonments are increased. The Turkish chauvinism become furious and Kurdish national movement received serious blows.

Today, expectations of the Kurdish patriots from the bourgeois regime parties have, one more time, pushed them into the same trap of the SHP. The other petty-bourgeois reformist parties have also stated that they will take part in this alliance on the local level. The parties such as EMEP, SDP, who consider themselves as the "socialist vanguards", did not show any hesitation in participating to the search for alliance which serves the trap of "reorganisation" of the SHP, a partner of the dirty war.

The revolutionary and communist parties, groups and forces did not have circumstances to develop tactics and politics in order to participate as a bloc in the local elections. The component parties and groups of the revolutionary movement thoughtfully and practically are not ready for this. Therefore, the minimum political conditions of having a central-alliance during the elections do not exist. The policy and tactic, which would receive response from the practice in the elections, is to make search for the opportunities and conditions of local alliances with other revolutionary groups participating in the elections and to put into practice if it's possible.

However, under Turkey's existing political situation and conditions, MLCP participates to the local elections by independent socialist line and in accordance with its political tactics.

During the 3rd November 2002 General Elections, MLCP brings out political and organisational results and opportunities "forcing and going beyond of its own borders". It seriously break the estrangement to the masses and to the mass-work. It overcome the revolutionary spon-taneous attitudes and redirected its own forces towards the serious political and organisational activities. On the revolutionary line it criticized all sorts of bourgeois and petty-bourgeois ideology and politics, and made the propaganda of socialism, the only real way of the liberation of the working class and toilers. It conducted enlightening activity on the oppressed people, explained political realities and called on our people to participate in the revolutionary fight.

Under the grounds of this political and organisational advancement, MLCP has gone to the fore as a political force and took a material form. The most important thing in 28 March 2004 local elections is to "guarantee continuity of the developing line of the party and definition of the needs". The elections will have political atmosphere and will give opportunities of increasing and widening of organisational level, of taking mass activities forward, of growing new methods and tools of struggle and to use them more effectively and functionally.

Through its political calls, slogans and independent candidates during the local elections, MLCP is going to call upon the working class, toiling masses and all oppressed people to struggle against the imperialist aggression and occupation, the economical and political repression of the colonialist fascist regime, the annihilation and denial policies against the Kurdish nation and the attacks on the young people.

Beside the struggle for political freedoms, MLCP will continue to take revolutionary struggle forward on the perspective of struggle for socialism and the aim of becoming a "leading party".