Inner struggles of the bourgeoisie and Ergenekon
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It is clear that the main responsible for the gang 4+4+4 klink_371','444kelime_371');" onmouseover="xKelime('444klink_371','444kelime_371');" id=444klink_371>Ergenekon led by Veli Kucuk is the state itself. The organisation Ergenekon is an arm of the counter-guerrilla, and only the people are able to demand an account.


01 April 2008 / International Bulletin / No: 68


"Susurluk, Semdinli, Ergenekon.
Down with the counter-guerrilla!"


After the defeat of the Turkish army in South Kurdistan it did not take long until the conflicts within the Turkish bourgeoisie started to break out again in public.
Another question where the interests of the generals on the one hand and those of the government party AKP supported by TUSIAD on the other hand collided is the headscarf question. While the military-civil bureaucracy is in favour of the ban on wearing the scarf in official institutes claiming to defend "secularism", the AKP tries to extend its influence with the scarf question and to get a bigger part of the power. On the day of the begin of the land operation president Gul approved the changes in the constitution concerning the scarf and it seemed as if this step of the AKP was successful as the army did not prefer to interfere politically in this moment. However, the army did not give up at this topic which is quite important for it.
The answer of the military-civil bureaucracy on the electoral victory of the AKP on July 22, 2007 and the other efforts and steps to guarantee its power was given with the trial on closing the AKP:
The general state prosecutor Yalcinkaya opened a trial at the Constitutional Court to close down the AKP with the claim that this party is the "centre of antisecular activities." The inquiry has meanwhile been accepted by the Constitutional Court.
The fact that a trial on banning has been opened against a party that forms the government on its own, that sets the president of the republic from its own ranks, appointed many governors and has the big majority with its mayors shows the extent of the regime crisis. At the same time there is a trial to ban the DTP that is represented with an own fraction in parliament. All bourgeois forces agree in this point and did not oppose.
The trial to ban the AKP is the process of a civil coup by the military-civil bureaucracy. The policy behind it is fascistic. However, this does not mean that it is not right to support or defend a reactionary party such as the AKP like some liberal groups. What is right is to construct a third front, the front of workers and labourers on the streets.
A further sign for the regime crisis is the "Ergenekon operation" that has been started at the end of January. Ergenekon is a counterrevolutionary organisation that was founded together with the active support of the CIA and Pentagon and consisting of generals who mainly had been specially trained in the USA to "safe the fatherland". This counterrevolutionary gang is led by Veli Kucuk, founder of JITEM which is among those responsible for many massacres. On January 27, eight people, among them Veli Kucuk, too, were imprisoned. Since then a series of further operations took place. On March 21, seven further people were arrested with the claim to be "leaders of the terror organisation Ergenekon", among them Ilhan Selcuk, the owner of the newspaper Cumhuriyet; Dogu Perincek, the general secretary of the Workers Party who was put behind bars one day later; as well as the former university director of Istanbul University Prof. Dr. Kemal Alemdaroglu. On March 22 ten more people were arrested.
These operations against the counter-revolutionary structure Ergenekon do not mean that the government is seriously interested in enlightening the crimes of the counter-revolution and to convict the culprit. With the Ergenekon operation the AKP tries to get those bands that got too much out of its hand into its control again and to display itself as the party of justice. At the same time it wants to strike the army a blow to strengthen its own policy. Its proceeding against the organised counter-revolution will definitely not exceed some limits.
A real conviction of the counter-revolutionary gangs could only achieved by the basis, the labourer people. At the actions, such as at the demonstration organised by the Socialist Platform of the Oppressed in Istanbul quarter Alibeykoy with the demand to convict the real responsible of the counter-revolutionary gang Ergenekon the slogan "Susurluk, Semdinli , Ergenekon, we want justice" was focused on and slogans such as "Dissolution of the counter-guerrilla from Susurluk to Ergenekon" and "Down with the MGK (National Security Council), MIT , CIA and the counter-guerrilla."
It is clear that the main responsible for the gang Ergenekon led by Veli Kucuk is the state itself. The organisation Ergenekon is an arm of the counter-guerrilla, and only the people are able to demand an account.





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Inner struggles of the bourgeoisie and Ergenekon
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It is clear that the main responsible for the gang 4+4+4 klink_371','444kelime_371');" onmouseover="xKelime('444klink_371','444kelime_371');" id=444klink_371>Ergenekon led by Veli Kucuk is the state itself. The organisation Ergenekon is an arm of the counter-guerrilla, and only the people are able to demand an account.


01 April 2008 / International Bulletin / No: 68


"Susurluk, Semdinli, Ergenekon.
Down with the counter-guerrilla!"


After the defeat of the Turkish army in South Kurdistan it did not take long until the conflicts within the Turkish bourgeoisie started to break out again in public.
Another question where the interests of the generals on the one hand and those of the government party AKP supported by TUSIAD on the other hand collided is the headscarf question. While the military-civil bureaucracy is in favour of the ban on wearing the scarf in official institutes claiming to defend "secularism", the AKP tries to extend its influence with the scarf question and to get a bigger part of the power. On the day of the begin of the land operation president Gul approved the changes in the constitution concerning the scarf and it seemed as if this step of the AKP was successful as the army did not prefer to interfere politically in this moment. However, the army did not give up at this topic which is quite important for it.
The answer of the military-civil bureaucracy on the electoral victory of the AKP on July 22, 2007 and the other efforts and steps to guarantee its power was given with the trial on closing the AKP:
The general state prosecutor Yalcinkaya opened a trial at the Constitutional Court to close down the AKP with the claim that this party is the "centre of antisecular activities." The inquiry has meanwhile been accepted by the Constitutional Court.
The fact that a trial on banning has been opened against a party that forms the government on its own, that sets the president of the republic from its own ranks, appointed many governors and has the big majority with its mayors shows the extent of the regime crisis. At the same time there is a trial to ban the DTP that is represented with an own fraction in parliament. All bourgeois forces agree in this point and did not oppose.
The trial to ban the AKP is the process of a civil coup by the military-civil bureaucracy. The policy behind it is fascistic. However, this does not mean that it is not right to support or defend a reactionary party such as the AKP like some liberal groups. What is right is to construct a third front, the front of workers and labourers on the streets.
A further sign for the regime crisis is the "Ergenekon operation" that has been started at the end of January. Ergenekon is a counterrevolutionary organisation that was founded together with the active support of the CIA and Pentagon and consisting of generals who mainly had been specially trained in the USA to "safe the fatherland". This counterrevolutionary gang is led by Veli Kucuk, founder of JITEM which is among those responsible for many massacres. On January 27, eight people, among them Veli Kucuk, too, were imprisoned. Since then a series of further operations took place. On March 21, seven further people were arrested with the claim to be "leaders of the terror organisation Ergenekon", among them Ilhan Selcuk, the owner of the newspaper Cumhuriyet; Dogu Perincek, the general secretary of the Workers Party who was put behind bars one day later; as well as the former university director of Istanbul University Prof. Dr. Kemal Alemdaroglu. On March 22 ten more people were arrested.
These operations against the counter-revolutionary structure Ergenekon do not mean that the government is seriously interested in enlightening the crimes of the counter-revolution and to convict the culprit. With the Ergenekon operation the AKP tries to get those bands that got too much out of its hand into its control again and to display itself as the party of justice. At the same time it wants to strike the army a blow to strengthen its own policy. Its proceeding against the organised counter-revolution will definitely not exceed some limits.
A real conviction of the counter-revolutionary gangs could only achieved by the basis, the labourer people. At the actions, such as at the demonstration organised by the Socialist Platform of the Oppressed in Istanbul quarter Alibeykoy with the demand to convict the real responsible of the counter-revolutionary gang Ergenekon the slogan "Susurluk, Semdinli , Ergenekon, we want justice" was focused on and slogans such as "Dissolution of the counter-guerrilla from Susurluk to Ergenekon" and "Down with the MGK (National Security Council), MIT , CIA and the counter-guerrilla."
It is clear that the main responsible for the gang Ergenekon led by Veli Kucuk is the state itself. The organisation Ergenekon is an arm of the counter-guerrilla, and only the people are able to demand an account.