Demand of migrant organisations to release Omer Berber
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Protests against the detention of Omer Berber, who lives in Paris as a political refugee and is a member of ACTIT, continue. Omer Berber had been arrested on July 13 in the German city of Aachen while visiting some friends to be extradited to Turkey.
Searched for by Interpol, Omer Berber, who has been convicted to execution for allegedly being a member of the MLCP, had also participated in the resistance of the political prisoners with the death fast in 2001. On July 14, Berber was put behind bars at Ossendorf Prison, Cologne. In 2005 Berber had faced a similar act when he was arrested in Belgium. Omer Berber has gone on hunger strike. {divide}
Many migrants' organisations, among them first of all Aveg-Kon to which ACTIT is affiliated to, have protested the detention throughout Europe with actions and statements. The migrants founded the "Committee for stopping the extradition of Omer Berber".
On July 17, members of IGIF organised a protest in front of the German Consulate in Bern, Switzerland carrying a banner and posters on which it said "Freedom to Omer Berber".
On July 18, another action was organised at the German city of Stuttgart demanding the release of Omer Berber and Onder Dolutas who had been arrested before with a similar reason. On the same day the migrants' organisations realised a press conference at RWCA in London to announce the begin of their campaign for the release of the political asylum seekers Omer Berber, Onder Dolutas and Muzaffer Ayata who had been imprisoned all three in Germany to be extradited to Turkey.
In order to protest the German state, AvEG-Kon announced to have started a fax and e-mail campaign to protest the German state. AvEG-Kon is calling on to send protest faxes and e-mails to the addresses below:

Ministry of Justice of Germany - Fax no: 0049 30 18 580 - 95 25; e-mail:
Ministry of Interior of Germany - Fax no: 0049 30 1888 272-2555; e-mail:
Federal Chancellor's Office - Fax no: 0049 30 1888 272-2555; e-mail:
UNHCR - Fax no: 0049 30 202 202 20; e-mail:
AvEG-Kon requested to make a copy of any fax and send it to